AoMR Immortal Pillars Gods


YES!!! Finnally!!! This is what i been waiting for

I fairly certain that the showcased minor gods are the mythic age gods.

Why? Cause their specific myth units are:
white tiger, vermillion bird and a dragon.

Don’t know why they put these gods as mythic age gods tho. Maybe someone could explain the possible reason?

I’m a bit sad that there aren’t any extra gods to pay for separately like with Freyr, I wanted to give them some extra money. :confused:


Farming should never be a mythic age focus unless there is some other bonus than food gathering, given how food is so plentiful by then, unless the farms now give other resources, like Burgundians getting Gold when farming with one of their upgrades.

I hope that they will give us extra gods for the other civilizations down the road. It makes the most sense that all pantheons have an equal amount of major gods to play with, and it’s a great way to market the game between DLCs.


“Target a location to spawn poisonous Fei Beats.”

Good point. [20 characters]

Zhurong with the god power that basically sounds like meteor, tornado, earthquake, and the like, yeah, makes sense.
All three, I doubt that.
After all, theres Gonggong who comes with great flood, and if that god power is anywhere close to what great flood was in TotD, he’s a mythic age god too.
Also, Baihu and Zhuque are two of the four heavenly animals. The white tiger and the red bird (vermillion bird) the black tortoise will be available for everyone, because water myth unit, which leaves the Qinglong or azure dragon. And I’m sure there would be people who’d like it to be possible to command all four. Which is only possible if they are spread out actross different ages.

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I don’t agree. Chiyou’s power and MU don’t seem to be Mythic worthy. I would say he is a Heroic Age god. And because of my below feeling, I would say Rushou will be 3rd age as well. Here’s my opinion on the MU lineup:
Qilin- II
Taotie- II
??- II

Yazi- III
Qiong Qi- III
Baihu- III

Zhuque- IV
Azure Dragon- IV
Taowu- IV

Zhurong will be IV because the MU and GP are both too badass to be age III. Also, Gonggong needs to be the last age IV god (He will have the Azure Dragon most likely). There is a tidal wave GP on the splash art on the left side.

I put some more thought into it, did a bit of research, and wrote down this more refined lineup:

It’ll be exciting to see how close, or how far, this comes!

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I think your lineup is pretty realistic and well thought out.
However, with how big Yinglong is, I assume he’s a god power, akin to Nidhöggr. And since Nüba and Yinglong do have a connection mythologically, I speculate its hers.
I don’t know how The Yellow Emperor being paired with Taotie makes sense, but Athena has minotaurs, so if anything, it’s a minor nitpick.

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There is a new small clip!

Shows the Houtu (goddess of earth) god power and the one of the fire god Zsomething.

Looks really cool and they both have great synergy it seems!

Also: Houtu GP is summoning stone walls in a circle. To either capture enemies or defend villagers etc. According to some post stone wall last quite long if not as long as you destroy it and it will get stronger over time. Seems like you can cast it and it no one destroys it it will get really tanky! which is a cool idea (already a creative GP in my opinion) but I assume it will have a long CD without wonder if it can stay for so long. Thoughts/opinions?

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Saw it on youtube, missed that it was Houtu, I think its an interesting one.
Gonna be fun using it.

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Yes, in short they are the same gods from TotD but changing the civs bonuses and various UU and UM…

I like how there is disagreement and sometimes agreement which keeps things interesting.

I personally mostly like your chart and thoughts like with Chang’e and Nuba and wit Qinglong.

But now we also got Houtu and I also think that Yinglong either is a GP like Nidhogg or a campaign specific character.

For me personally it’s certain we have now Houtu, Rushou, Chiyou, Zhurong, Gonggong, Nuba, Chang’e and Goumang as minor gods.
Which leaves us with one spot left.

Following myth units are taken: Baihu, Zhuque, (Quinglong), Yazi

Which leaves us with: TaoTie, TaoWu, Hundun, Qiongqi, Qilin

(Dragon Turtle will be 100% mythic age water myth unit.)

Question is now which myth unit might fit which god who is open the best. And which god which age. I think we can all agree that Rushou will be heroic age and Zhurong mythic age. I personally think Chiyou will be classical age.
Qilin could fit Goumang the best in my opinion. (and since they changed its visuals I am not certain which age to put the Qilin and therefore Goumang in)


I also want to add that I think Houtu is going to be a classical age god since they wrote her GP will get stronger each age.

This would leave us with:

  • 1/2 open spots for classical age
    (Houtu, (Chiyou))
  • 1/2 open spots for heroic age
    (Rushou, (Chiyou))
  • 1 open spot for mythic age
    (Zhurong, Gonggong)
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I’m starting to think that expecting any new major gods to be added to the remaining OG Pantheons won’t be a reality with this upcoming expansion. It’s sad because I really wish they would continue to support all the Pantheons. It’s a good way to keep the game fresh and offer new content to play around with between each DLC.

What makes sense is that if they do this, it will likely be after this DLC, but who knows, really. :woman_shrugging: