Are You Tired of European Civilizations in DLC(poll)

good to know. so i wont waste time with him


I remember him. Entires thread dedicated to argue against him.


I’m more interested in adding more different playstyles, than regions. I mostly want non-European civ because it makes it less likely they will just be another knight/Archer civ. Take Sicilians for example. They started out as an infantry civ with unique towers that could have been interesting, but now they just make knights with no counter. I fear the next euro civ they add well get sucked into the knight/Archer meta.
By contrast, the new DLC has civs that lack the knight line and will have to play differently because of it. American civs lacking stable all have a unique eagle rush that plays differently than anything else. Different regions fought differently and pitting them against each other makes this game interesting because it could not happen in real life.
If there is a European civ that lived and fought differently than the other civs already in the game, then I’m for it being added to the game.


Not like i support his every post, but same can be said for several people on the opposite side. I’ve seen numerous times people literally hating Europeans and every European civ suggested. So it goes both ways!


Voting closed, No with a 15% lead :slight_smile:

Similar voterbase, diferent results since it was an unbiased poll that looks at what people actually wanted

You asked a dumb question to confirm your biases basically. And you necroed this for no reason


My poll is asking whether or not people were tired. Yours is asking for popular regions, literally different, please don’t troll :smiley:

You are literally using your poll as a way to say how many people think “yes devs give us more European stuff” when you are asking it in a way that makes it look overtly negative towards Europe. Mine actually shows that people are interested more in something else.

If (hipothetically, I doubt the real numbers are that high) 40% of the playerbase that buys DLCs doesnt buy any European content then theres a good reason to not make more of them. At least it shows that theres a good enough demand for non Euro stuff.

And again you necroed this for no reason.

Incorrect. At the time of posting all I was seeing was “NO MORE EUROPE!!” “WE ARE TIRED OF EUROPE”
No one was saying 'sure we can have more Europe but not now" (or those messages were few and far between).

Most of the players are cult followers who would buy any DLC regardless of content. I know I would.

Can you create an argument as to why I shouldn’t have added a summary to my original posting of this poll?

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Yes I can. You revived an old thread to add nothing worthwhile. Necroing is in general not great, but at least in many other cases there is a reason for it, something new to say

The results of the poll are evident enough from the post, and you werent able to add anything new except for closing a poll because you felt like closing it today.

Thats what a lot of people were saying both in this poll and in other places.