ArrivedLeader22 and treatment of the community

You all know what this topic is about.

How difficult can it be for a game company to have proper communication to its fanbase?

We have so many cases of terrible communication on all levels here:

From overarching issues like…

… anouncing a DLC with zero information
… lack of PR
… last minute apeasement with patches
… patchnotes that promise something (QoL) and dont deliver at all
… etc
… etc

…down to the individual basis…

when people like ArrivedLeader22 get banned from this forum for being vocal about the missmanagement of this game.

Its not that he was some fanatic, who didnt see reason or couldnt be talked with. He tried a lot to improve this game and the current situation. And tbh its a slap in the face of this community to ban people for this.

This topic is very much about this game and its management and part of the discussion


Just wanted to give a spotlight to the situation arround ArrivedLeader22


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


I don’t think I ever saw an AoE 3-related thread by ArrivedLeader that wasn’t for the good of the game.

With that in mind, bearing in mind that talking or guessing about moderation is a zero-sum game, the current state of his account is probably related to something else about his behaviour.

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Yep, when something contains content that against the terms of service, and code of conduct that happens.
No idea what you might think is behind it, buts it’s not what you hope for.

You don’t get banned just for this. You only have to look over at AoE 4 how vocal people there are about their disappointment with the game.

Arrived’s ban didn’t come out of nowhere. A number of reasons have come together over the last few months that have ultimately led to this decision.

If Arrived would like to appeal this decision, he is very welcome to contact Support:


As long as the community remains passive in the face of Microsoft’s mistreatment, this situation will continue indefinitely. Right now, what we need is to make noise, to force the multi-million dollar company to pay attention to us and make clear our discontent with the situation, while we demand that they do their job and give us quality content, more transparency and, above all, that they keep their word.


They have stated that the teams will shift back to normal, now that aom is released.
Noise might be good sometimes, as long as it doesn’t go overboard ^^

What is normal? 3DE and AoMR share the same dev teams.

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Sure, and I trust that promise, just like the promise of more communication and quality of life improvements they promised in the previous patch. :upside_down_face:

Trust is earned and that trust has already been broken, I don’t care what the team says, I care about the facts and so far it’s clear that we can’t trust them anymore.

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Come on give me a break, dude was trying to pick up fights with most every post he made. He’d start insulting me in threads I wasn’t even posting on just to see if he’d get a reaction outta me.


Normal as in, the members for 3DE will move back to the 3DE development.
It’s the same company, but different teams.

There are a ton of forums about how AOE-4 could have been better, and only he gets banned?

Well, at least some positive news in the wake of all this

Read my first sentence again, the one you didn’t quote.

Fair, but what exactly are those reasons? Transparency is the key here; otherwise, it’s easier to assume that he was banned unfairly without clarifying the issue.

HoopThrower already gave one of the reasons.


The forum’s code of conduct (which we all accept when creating a user here) is very clear on this matter. The thread is closed, any questions, use the link provided here. Thank you.

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