'Art of War' videos are not visible

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: Version 101.102.33868.0 (#99404) 12936891. I’m not sure which number is the “Build #”. Would be helpful if the game mentioned that. And also helpful if clicking the version # in-game copied it to clipboard.
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 11

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

  • The Art of War tutorial vids don’t show videos. I tried “Early Economy”, “Fast Castle Age”, and “Rushing the Enemy” and none of them show videos. I assume none of the videos play for any of the other tutorials either
  • I hear audio as if there is narration to a video, but there is no video showing. Just a blank page (see screenshot)
  • And if you click a mouse button again while on the ‘video’ page, it just skips the video and starts the actual gameplay where you try and get Art of War medals yourself
  • I seem to recall videos playing when I last tried these years ago
    • I was hoping to preview them first to make sure they have good, clear info before I show them to a friend

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

  • 100% of the time (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

  1. Click "Learn to Play’ from main menu
  2. Click “Advanced Techniques”
  3. Select one of the tiles, like “Early Economy”
  4. Click “Next” (or wait for the auto-advancing pages) until you get to the video page. You’ll hear a narrator, but no video shows on the page

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

  • Video to play along with the narration

:arrow_forward: IMAGES

  • Don’t worry about the brightness in these. I don’t know why screenshotting is doing that. Just a Windows OS issue, I think.

The Art of War selection page:

No video appears on page:

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

  • N/A

Hi @Darkness01101
I just tested and couldn’t repro this issue. In the past we had issues with those videos crashing the game for some players but not the issue you mention.
Do you have mods enabled? Could you try disabling them?
Thanks for the report :slight_smile:

Thank you! I’ve now tried all the following, one by one, individually, to no avail:

  • Disabled all mods
  • Restarted the game after disabling mods
  • Uninstalled the “Enhanced Graphics Pack”
  • Changed in-game resolution to “1920x1080 (Scaled up to screen)”
  • Changed in-game resolution to “1280x720 (Scaled up to screen)”
  • Changed Win11 OS display resolution from “2560x1440” to “1920x1080”
  • Changed Win11 OS setting for game to “Don’t use Auto HDR”
  • Changed in-game ‘Default Zoom’ setting to 0% instead of 100%
  • Changed in-game setting to “Windowed” mode rather than “Full Screen”
  • Removed ‘SKIPINTRO’ launch modifier in Steam game properties
  • Removed ‘DEBUGSPEEDS’ launch modifier in Steam game properties
  • “Verified integrity of files” in Steam
  • Disabled “DSR-Factors” in NVidia Control Panel > 3D Settings. It was at “2.25x DL”
  • Updated nVidia GPU drivers for RTX 2070 to the latest (v551.23). I had also updated them a couple weeks ago, so they weren’t that outdated.

And maybe tried a few other things that I can’t remember offhand

I tried different resolutions because I thought maybe the embedded video wasn’t liking my resolution (i.e., maybe it was designed for, like, 1280x1024, but my monitor was 1440p)

Note: For the Auto HDR thing, I’m referring to this popup in lower-right that appears whenever I launch the game:

  • image

I turned it off, but the ‘Art of War’ videos still don’t show up

I see other players have experienced the same thing, even a bug reported in this forum before:

Here are my current settings, if it helps:






Where are the videos housed for the Art of War? Should they be in this movies folder?

If so, that may be the problem, as I only have this video in there:

  • “aoeiide_titlevideo.wmv”

I still have this issue. Can others try if you have time and post if you have this issue also? It only takes a few minutes to check/test

Launch AoE2:DE > Learn to Play > Advanced Techniques > Choose a Ttile > Click the ‘Next’ button a few slides or until you get to the slide that should play an actual video.

If the issue occurs, you’ll see a blank book page and/or only hear the audio for the advice and not see the video

I’m guessing many people haven’t tried looking at these vids in years, so I wonder if the issue is more prevalent and the devs just don’t know about it since nobody accesses them

I’d like to watch them

I wonder what codec or whatever is required to play the vids. Maybe I don’t have it

Or if the vids work for you, do you have more than one file in this folder? I only have one file:

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Answering my own question, I found the folder that stores the Art of War videos. I have to manually go here to view them. Posting for others in case they have the same issue as me:


I only have 9 vids in my folder, so I’ll assume that’s all of them.

It’s too bad the game doesn’t play them correctly, and hasn’t/can’t for years

is your saturation turned up or something?

No, don’t worry about that. It’s a Microsoft thing.
I have an HDR monitor and Windows and/or its screenshot tool loves over-exposing screenshots, related to Windows’ AutoHDR, iirc, which gets auto-used when I launch AoE.

The game looks fine on my end. It’s just screenshots that get impacted. I researched it a year ago and found a more robust answer, but here’s a quick Google search with less detail because I don’t want to research again:

" There are known issues with HDR in Windows 11 that affect how screenshots are captured. When HDR is enabled, certain applications, including web browsers like Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Edge, may not render colors accurately during a screenshot capture . This can result in overly bright or washed-out images."

Edit: Yeah, I actually did the research in my post above, 3rd from the top:

As an update, I also tried changing the default app that Windows uses when playing video files, in case the gamer leverages that. That didn’t.fix.

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I see… very weird glitch.

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I made one of my friends buy the game and he really likes it. Made him play the Art of War missions but he’s having an even different issue than you… the video plays and then crashes in the middle. He’s on Windows 11 too

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That’a too bad! I wish that could be fixed, too. Definitely something wrong with the game. Maybe the in-game video player codec, licensing, or hardware compatibility is whacked

@Darkness01101 works on my windows 11.

what might be worth trying is borrowing someone’s else’s pc, logging into you steam acct, downloading aoe2, and seeing if the problem persists on that other machine.

If it does, it’s likely a problem with the game settings. If not, it’s likely a problem with the settings on the machine.

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Thank you for testing, Quasibrodo. Good idea. Since I’ve seen other threads on this issue, though, and since I don’t want to burden anyone or spend too much time with such a test, I will just hope the issue can be fixed someday… and will manually view the videos in the directory folder in the meantime

Other threads I saw:

I will continue testing solution ideas as I think of them, too

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