Thank you! I’ve now tried all the following, one by one, individually, to no avail:
- Disabled all mods
- Restarted the game after disabling mods
- Uninstalled the “Enhanced Graphics Pack”
- Changed in-game resolution to “1920x1080 (Scaled up to screen)”
- Changed in-game resolution to “1280x720 (Scaled up to screen)”
- Changed Win11 OS display resolution from “2560x1440” to “1920x1080”
- Changed Win11 OS setting for game to “Don’t use Auto HDR”
- This fixes the overly bright screenshot issue, though - as others noted happening back in Win10 here:
- Changed in-game ‘Default Zoom’ setting to 0% instead of 100%
- Changed in-game setting to “Windowed” mode rather than “Full Screen”
- Removed ‘SKIPINTRO’ launch modifier in Steam game properties
- Removed ‘DEBUGSPEEDS’ launch modifier in Steam game properties
- “Verified integrity of files” in Steam
- Disabled “DSR-Factors” in NVidia Control Panel > 3D Settings. It was at “2.25x DL”
- Updated nVidia GPU drivers for RTX 2070 to the latest (v551.23). I had also updated them a couple weeks ago, so they weren’t that outdated.
And maybe tried a few other things that I can’t remember offhand
I tried different resolutions because I thought maybe the embedded video wasn’t liking my resolution (i.e., maybe it was designed for, like, 1280x1024, but my monitor was 1440p)
Note: For the Auto HDR thing, I’m referring to this popup in lower-right that appears whenever I launch the game:
I turned it off, but the ‘Art of War’ videos still don’t show up
I see other players have experienced the same thing, even a bug reported in this forum before:
- AoE forum
- Steam forum
Here are my current settings, if it helps: