At this point do you think the devs are going to add operators on siege weapons?

What’s the point of feedback if you won’t listen. I’m not saying that they have to do everything that community says that’s absurd, but most people really asked for this and it’s something that do no harm to the game, so what’s the point of avoiding it? They’ve made a decision yes, but if most of your custommers told you that you were wrong about it, why it’s so big deal to change it?

At the end, we will find ourselves playing a game with tons of mods that fix the game instead playing map modes just for the sake of fun.

Can’t wait to see such bombard like this being automated too!


We have no data on this. For all we know its just 10 people on this forum that continually post about it.
Unless there were a poll with a sizable number indicating it, I will continue to have trouble accepting it as a “majority opinion”.

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You probably haven’t been around here long enough to see the whole picture. Since the first reveal in X019 there have been a ton of different people making the same request on the forum and expressing their dissatisfaction with the lack of manned siege.
And looks like their numbers since then have only increased. It’s really a not very common case of a request that keeps on getting new topics for a long time now and the complains reignite periodically despite that it’s been established that we are not getting them on launch. It’s very hard to believe that it’s all noise and there’s no statistical significance whatsoever.
As of polls, there was actually a quite big poll in the Beta section and the response was overwhelmingly positive. All evidence suggest that there’s a very large portion of the community that wants this feature and their numbers shouldn’t be underestimated.


Yeah unfortunately discussing beta forum posts is against NDA so I won’t go into it.
But i’ve made a general poll to get an idea of what people think. Siege is a topic discussed.

no, I wouldnt say that.
Im just saying weird animations happen in age 3. they do.
They dont if there are no operators.

I also personally feel that it could get cluttery. but in age 3 you had unit limits, so there was no problem with siege bein manned.

So on one side you say that the brought up issues and requests for improvement are lacking validation since they are brought up by a relatively small number of people (thats the nature of all forums such as this one), while on the other side you open up a poll within exactly the same pool of people, expecting a more valid result… pass the bottle good sir, you clearly had enough :crazy_face:

All those polls do is fishing for people who are too lazy/shy, or just not interested enough, to type out their opinion (or see others already taking their stance), but are happy to tick some predefined box to vote for sth.

Why not concentrate about the issues themselves in each thread, instead of constantly weighing them against each other? Thats not your job… the devs can do that themselves (they can also ignore all of this).
Sure the animations of siege units are not that important, but if you treat every request that way, why bother having a forum at all?

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A poll is 100% more quantifiable than some loose claim people keep making without any evidence.

Once again, a poll would at least be indicative of what people on this forum think. Whereas a baseless claim could very well indicate nothing.

lol if a poll gets lazy/shy people to participate as well I’d say I did well. The more people, the better the results. Have you ever heard of “loud minority”? Not everyone wants to bother typing up an entire paragraph to voice their opinion, especially if you don’t have particular complaints.

Your view about polls in general is questionable at best. You don’t disprove them by calling participants lazy and making negative assumptions on who will participate.

I’ve participated in many threads and will probably continue to. However, people keep making baseless claims about what the forum thinks or better yet the “community” whatever that means for them. You can’t make claims like that to bolster your argument without some evidence. Making a poll is an attempt to gather such evidence. (if you bothered to read the poll you’d know)

I wouldn’t count on the devs looking at any of our posts atm. There’s already been a beta forum they can look at for feedback. The poll is meant to be used for people’s conversations here. They will at least have some indication on whether what they’re saying about the community is backed up or not.


A claim that is backed by logical observations and then discussed by multiple people to show each other different angles is worth a lot more than some poll.

People can still do that in a quick and silent way by following a discussion and liking individual posts.

I didn’t say that. My point is that the one setting up the poll is the weak point of the poll since he choses the questions and possible answers (nothing against your poll in particular). It’s also easy for people to just click something and hit “vote” since it’s quickly done and the human brain goes DO IT. No need to stop and think about the context.

Completely true.
The poll just does not help with that. It will just give one side of a baseless discussion something to point at.

“logical observations” like some guy just claiming they know what people think? You can’t verify anything. The poll doesn’t stop people from having conversations and bringing up different angles. This entire forum isn’t just going to turn into a poll.

lol at best people seem to get like 3-5 likes on average. Utterly useless for finding out general opinions.

If you’re pointing to any bias in the poll you will have to directly tell me what the problem is. Otherwise Im just going to assume you’re just calling people that make polls any number of negative attributes you want. I made an effort to make the poll as unbiased as possible.

Once again, this poll was made for people to be able to reference in conversations. So if someone claims “i know what people think on this forum” they can just reference an actual poll instead of sitting on no evidence whatsoever. Plus you can’t know how long people take to finish a poll. Perhaps they took a long time to deliberate on their answers or they just rushed through without thinking. A bigger poll population helps with that. An opinion isn’t less valuable because of how easily someone is able to express it.

Literally wrong. It will allow people to have a better understanding of what people actually think. I can claim I know what other people think but at the end of the day what I say could be a complete lie without evidence. Having a conversation based on complete conjecture and baseless claims isn’t really a fruitful conversation.

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It could turn into people pointing at polls though. “See? Poll said no, so your argument is invalid, no matter the context”

Polls should be biased… it’s selected questions with selected answers to quantify decision making. Like the post-beta survey from the devs. There the questions can be crude and not include options for your real opinion, since they don’t care about it in that moment.

It’s not about the decision of A vs B… it’s about wanting the nonexistent C but than chosing A since you have to be binary about it ^^

true, you should never do that… I still don’t agree that polls give good ammunition for such battles. I want to hear why someone loves or hates sth… not that 200 other people agree with them without giving details and setting it in context.

But yeah, I guess we just have a different take on things here. At the end of the day the best discussions are still the ones where nobody feels the need to pull the “poll card” at all.

I see what you’re talking about is an incorrect usage of poll data. Yes if you’re talking about a specific person’s opinion you would expect just their opinion, not some claim that people agree with them. However if someone makes a claim “x amount of people don’t like the way siege looks” you damned well need evidence for that. It is no longer just an opinion. They are making a claim that needs evidence.

True, no poll will 100% represent people’s opinions. However they are very good at denoting how many people generally agree with something. Id say a question of “will you buy the game? -yes- -no- -maybe-” is still going to be enough for people to feel confident about answering that.

As long as people aren’t making assumptions or lying about what other people think that’s fine.

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I think they are too confident that despite ignoring us, the game will be successful. I don’t think it’s the developers’ fault, because they only do what their bosses ask of them.

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I feel like you act as if it’s one team doing everything. You do know that they have different divisions for different things? You have a team that focuses on art and visuals, and a team that works on game play and mechanics. It’s not a bunch of school nerds in their garage making a game. So the excuse “let them focus on other things” I does not apply here. And while game play is important visuals is what sets them apart from their predecessors and the other games they are competing with. The last thing a game wants is to sell just because they used the name AOE and then die out almost straight away once the hype is over. A team’s dream is to be like AOE II that sold 25 million copies since 1999 rather than AOE III that sold only 2 million, and a lot of them because of the hype of being the next AOE generation.


I think it sold a lot more. This was only the first two years post launch and before launching on steam.

I hope that other companies will be encouraged to compete so that the artistic simplicity of this game is reduced.

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2005/2007 was the pinnacle of piracy.

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Ah yes, thank you for the reminiscent fan service to Age of Empires II, it’s not like the previous game had siege weapon operator or anything either.




Yeah thats what I meant. Even in AGE2 they decided to animate at least the bombard crew (guess it would’ve been too small and booring to look at since there are barely any moving parts (tiny wheels, thats it). Like the artillery in Cossacks :roll_eyes:

AOM was another mixed bag, but the switch to AOE3 with fully animated crews showed where they really wanted to take it. Saying that it was like this in AOE2 so everybody liking AOE2 should like this is just plain stupid.

And I never heard anyone at any point have problems with that style. Watching artillery operate and do havoc-based building destruction and hurling unit ragdolls around was THE visual highlight of AOE3 when it came out. It also added a lot of physicality to the world (building pieces and unit ragdolls interacting with water, cannon ball felling trees). Something that this sterile game could use…


It’s basically saying that Relic will happily take the $100+ for giving the most basic visual stuff they can give, while unpaid modders have to cover for all the lack of detail etc. And for some reason people think that’s okay. Infact, now people are betting on it already. It’s so sad.