In every multiplayer match, Atlantean villagers gather resources at an excessively fast rate, consistently granting the Atlantean player a significant resource advantage. To balance gameplay, Atlantean villagers should have a lower cost and a reduced gathering rate. While their efficiency should still be notable. the difference between a Greek villager and an Atlantean villager should not be that much.
Atlantean villagers cost 2 pop and are capped at only 50 units. They’re balanced appropriately already.
One Atlantean villager costs twice as much as a Greek one but is not even twice as good.
Atlantean villagers are worse if anything.
I just found out recently that promoting citizens to heroes does not increase their resource collection rate.
It does but not by much.
Pretty sure they don’t… might be a bug on my end.
Hero Citizens are only 10% better while costing more then twice as much.
There is one tech that gives them another 20% which actually starts making it worth to upgrade once you reach the limit since Hero Citizens don’t cost more population.
Gaia doesn’t get that tech though so her discount is pretty useless.
Oh dang, thanks for the tip! I didn’t realise hero citizens were such a small step up over regular citizens. So I guess the best way to use them is in places more likely to get raided, since their main advantage is in survivability?
Ummm… which technology improves citizen gathering rates by 20%?
This one. Prometheus mythic technology.
They cost 3 pop but gather at 2.5 pop equivalent so they are fine.
They were reworked in Retold.
They only cost 2 pop now but work 1.5x as fast as Greek villagers without needing a drop off building.
Have you not played Retold at all?
I was checking the some wiki which says they still cost 3 pop.
Some people have a life and don’t remember all the details.
regardless, the ratio is essentially the same (1.2 vs ~1.33), my point still stands.
The wiki says 2 pops.
I consider the change of the Citizens pretty significant so I’m surprised someone would just forget about that.
The most popular one yes.
However, on my phone I got some other result due to VPN, which resulted in the bug.
No need to get itchy about it.
In the current meta the only significance is that you can delay the first house by a few seconds or do a house-less age up with 1 more citizen, otherwise this change is of pretty low significance in short games. It will add up in longer games, but that’s irrelevant right now.
I’d say the bigger impact on atlanteans are the buffs to heroes.
It’s completely unfair that the Atlanteans only have advantages and no disadvantages. That just shows how unbalanced the game is. It’s completely unfair that all of atlanteans units can become heroes at any time, even archers. The villagers are broken, they gather resources at a high speed and are as strong as any classical age soldier. It makes no sense for a group of Atlantean villagers to defeat a group of cavalry. The Atlanteans have horse archers and long range archers that can become heroes. The Atlantean players only spam archers. And the Atlantean powers are too powerful.
The Atlanteans are as if you put together all the other pantheons and created a pantheon but only with the advantages of each pantheon, it is completely unfair, it is a lot of advantage for the Atlanteans.
Reasons why the Atlanteans are completely superior to other pantheons:
- Their villagers gather resources twice as fast and do not require a site to deposit their resources
- The economic improvements of the villagers make them gather resources extremely fast which is a notable advantage over other pantheons.
- The Atlanteans can turn all their soldiers including their scouts and villagers into heroes (a small group of villagers can defeat a mythical unit).
- The powers of the Atlanteans are the best, the deconstruction power can make your rival unable to defend himself at the start of the game while you can do it, this is a clear disadvantage for any rival except the Atlanteans. The power “Chaos” followed by the power “Shockwave” can destroy an entire army totally unfair. The implode power can eliminate an entire army and practically in a 1 vs 1 battle it is a victory for the Atlanteans.
- The Atlanteans can teleport any military building anywhere on the map
- The Atlanteans can heal units
- The Atlanteans have the best mythic units in the game
- The Atlanteans can use several air passages.
- The Atlanteans have horse archers, a group of turmas can eliminate all your villagers and they practically have no rival since they are fast and attack from a distance."
- Atlanteans can spam long range archers heroes and can upgrade to fire arrows. An army of Arcus heroes can defeat several armies, even anti-archer cavalry armies.
- The Atlanteans collect favor twice as fast since they only have to move a few scouts around the map. (scouts turned into heroes improve favor collection)
- The Atlanteans have the best siege units in the game and can even be turned into heroes.
- The Atlanteans have the best sea units. The Man O’ War is practically a son of Osiris who attacks from the sea.
- The Atlanteans have two types of towers and their walls are the best.
When I started playing AoM:EE I was constantly being stumped by Atlantean players. So I started searching around the web to see whether other people also Atlanteans are busted too. To my surprise not a single thread discussed that. In fact most of them said Atlanteans need a buff.
I personally still struggle against them as a Norse main. But still seems like the majority do think that Atlanteans need a buff. Especially their economy. In my own subjective opinion Atlanteans are not overpowered right now but they do kind of play in a weird and unfamiliar way. They units tend to be pushing the spectrums of the game. They don’t get archers at age 2. Instead they get Cheirlobalista (which they can heroize at will), it has shit ton of damage against infantries , can blast multiple targets at once, but is comically slow and fragile and costs a lot of resources.
When I started playing AoM:EE I was constantly being stumped by Atlantean players. So I started searching around the web to see whether other people also Atlanteans are busted too. To my surprise not a single thread discussed that. In fact most of them said Atlanteans need a buff.
I personally still struggle against them as a Norse main. But still seems like the majority do think that Atlanteans need a buff. Especially their economy. In my own subjective opinion Atlanteans are not overpowered right now but they do kind of play in a weird and unfamiliar way. They units tend to be pushing the spectrums of the game. They don’t get archers at age 2. Instead they get Cheirlobalista (which they can heroize at will), it has shit ton of damage against infantries , can blast multiple targets at once, but is comically slow and fragile and costs a lot of resources.
It is not the same to face a novice Atlantean player than to face several professional Atlantean players, especially when they play in teams of only Atlanteans. In these games you realize that the Atlanteans are the first to advance to the next age, The Atlanteans are the first to form huge armies composed mostly of spam archers turned heroes, this is because their villagers are too efficient in gathering resources. The Atlantean powers are completely broken. The villagers collect resources at a great speed that becomes excessive with upgrades. The Atlanteans have all the advantages of the other pantheons and have no disadvantages. It is unfair that the Atlanteans have long-range and fast-firing archers that can become heroes. It is unfair that the Atlanteans have heroes that can be used as siege weapons. In conclusion, the Atlanteans are too powerful which causes a great imbalance in the game.
Atlanteans are the most broken pantheon in the entire game, it’s not fun to play against an Atlantean, it’s too unfair. Atlanteans gain favor excessively quickly. All Atlantean powers are completely broken. All Atlantean units are very superior to other pantheons. In the game there is a huge advantage in favor of the Atlanteans. Facing a team of only professional Atlanteans is practically impossible to win. In every aspect the Atlanteans are superior, please nerf the Atlanteans, they are ruining the game.