Crossbowman upgrade cost change to 175F 125G (125F 75G)
Arbalester upgrade cost change to 450F 400G (300F 300G)
Armored Elephant affected by Siege Engineers
Elephant Archers cavalry Archer armor reduce to -4 (-7), cost change to 80F 70G (from 90F 70G)
EW mode stars with civ bonus of extra resources and vills
Gurjaras: Mounted units deal +40% bonus damage
Shrivamsha upgrade change to 850F 500G (800F 600G)
Shrivamsha charge shield rate increase to 20s (from 15s)
Mill resources generation changed
Burgundians: Economic upgrades available one age earlier and cost -40% food
Coustillier charge attack reduce by 5 to 20/25 (from 25/30) and reload time reduce to 33s (from 40s)
Algo que me esta pareciendo curioso y que comente en el foro de aoe 3 DE es que el aoe 3 esta recibiendo más parches y mas cambios al juego que el aoe 2 incluso en este nuevo parche de agosto le agregaron 3 mapas nuevos más (y ahora los mapas del aoe 3 DE a diferencia del vainilla si tienen versión XL) a lo que quiero llegar es que hace mucho que no le agregan cosas así al 2 pese a ser el más conocido (Y los nuevos dlc´s no han agregado mapas nuevos solo civs y campañas)
Ah. Definitely the most essential single tech they could have given, but I was hoping for this + at least 1 of the other 3 (Bloodlines, Husbandry, or Siege Engineers). Ugh, like that’s good enough for me to not totally give up on Dravidians, but probably not good enough to make them well below average.
The bonus damage resistance was arguably a bit too strong in some cases, but yeah, it’s kind of hilarious to me they nerfed Sicilians more than Gurjaras.
I think I need to buy Aoe4 and start playing and watching it. Maybe even Aoe3.
I know I’ll sound stupid but MS is intentionally destroying this game so that players are forced to move to their new game.
World’s Edge is not destroying this game, not even trying to force anyone to like another title. We’ve been through this lack of big updates before for a few months just to get a big one in sequence. there’s no need for this kind of - I’d say nonsense - conspiracy theory
Eh, with regards to some aspects of the game, I’ve already been at the point of having to question either their priorities or their competence (or both) for several months now. I’d much prefer to be more positive, but I can’t pull positivity out of my derrière indefinitely when they have yet to deliver on essential fixes for many moons.
Committing to do vague things in the future is nice. Fixing obvious and specific things now is far better. If they finally fix the Editor this month, it’ll be a lot easier for me to be optimistic in spite of what appears to be a very lame attempt at balancing, but we’ll see what happens.
Either way, at least some things are moving (slightly) in the right direction, so I guess I can appreciate that for what its worth.
Elephant Archer (Standard & Elite) cav archer armor increased from -7 to -4. Bengali ones now also take the correct -25% bonus damage from elite skirms (it’s 7.5 damage per hit as opposed to what would be 10 damage per hit without that bonus; Dravidian ones take 11 damage per hit and Gurjara ones take 13 damage per hit). Upon testing, fully upgraded Elite Skirmishers are still a cost effective counter to every type of Elite Elephant Archer, but any elite skirms that lack Ring Archer Armor are not a cost effective counter.
Elephant Archer (Standard & Elite) food cost decreased from 90 to 80
Coustillier charge attack decreased from 25 to 20. Elite Coustillier charge attack decreased from 30 to 25.