Auto queue villagers?

Competitive Villager Auto Train

The idea for the Villager Auto Training to be competitive is to only have 1 single villager in the queue; An expired player will have at least three villagers queued for each TC, since villager production is a priority and keeps villager production constant.

I put the following scenario of an average player with Auto TrainingVillager, he may make the mistake of spending all his food on other units or technologies so his ration will remain stagnant until he gathers fifty food; but for this to be competitive it must work as follows, every time the Villager Self-Training is activated, only 1 villager for each TC must remain in the queue, even though more than one has been manually queued, it is always Activate Villager Auto Training, only 1 villager will remain in queue.

“Empire Earth II” and “Age of Mythology” do not comply with this and consistently have two or more villagers queued up.