Sorry, I don’t understand. How does auto queueing reduce complexity? I mean, you can turn it off and on any time you like, so I don’t know where it is coming from.
Button mashing != complexity.
Complexity would be something like X and Y units having a bonus to something while they are very near to each other, making them stronger but also suceptible to Onagers/cannons.
What you’re talking about is simply crude muscle memory.
Not any more obnoxious than the other guys that telling people to play different games.
How i see the topic, random guy suggest a noob implementation, second guy is angry because auto scouting, then spam every 2 comments about how bad is auto scouting and how AQ should be better.
This is not a debate, or brainstorm, suggestions like that do not improve the game, only kill the spirit of it, the game is not hard, playing it decent in competitive it is and it should remain like that.
Auto reseed farms was something needed, it was killing a lot of time going back to ur economy to click and was even more wasted time after 2 minutes when the farm was not expired but erased, same goes for the fishing traps, which were twice as difficult to reseed, the quality of late game has improved a lot. Absolutely no one good skilled is against that.
On the contrary AQ vills or military changes completely the game essence, it is a real time strategy game, automation on creation just breaks that concept because you wont be creating the unit, you would be just gathering resources also the next step on this suggestion is automated AI for military units, for players that don’t want to click their units or move them, they just want a farm simulator and watch the battles.
Luckily the devs are re considering the auto scouting feature, if it gets enough rejection it might be reverted.
Your characterization that it is a noob suggesting is pretty insulting.
Do you often start every conversation in that sort of antagonist form?
As for the change, I have yet to find out how it changes the game except it increases the ceiling for some new players, and reduces the micro-chores of the work.
The question is how does your play style chance if you could queue up continuous villagers.
Does your strategy change?
Do you want auto split in xbows so you do not get smashed by a mango shot? I bet yes
Okay, so your argument is what?
If it’s just slippery slope and Strawmen then what is the point.
Nice strawman you have there.
I just don’t get it. I don’t think we are asking the AI to play any part of it. Heck, your not even in favor of AI scouting.
I think people are just asking that the system that was created for Farms and Fish Traps be applied to unit buildings, for the same reason it was applied to Farms and Fish Traps.
If it is a net plus for fish traps and farms, why would it not be for units?
Of course it changes the style of play because it eliminates skills such as booming under pressure.
The speed on the keyboard is something inherent in this game, and the proposed automation would just reduce the need of it. I have read dozens of times that automation “eliminates tedious or useless tasks,” and that is a fallacy. They are not useless tasks, they are part of the skill that a player must develop to be good in this game. Like it or not.
But, wouldn’t that same logic apply to farms and fish traps as well?
You need to be fast with your fingers and keyboards to make sure your farms where always running, and you needed to be able to rebuild fish traps as fast as possible.
Farming under pressure was a skill you needed to have.
But that changed and it had a better outcome.
That was a tedious task of button mashing that was removed.
I can’t disagree about farms and fish traps. It indeed does reduce the required apm and multitasking. The autoseed is an option not as useful in the earlier stages because it takes away the decision in what to use your available wood.
My point is that booming is a huge part of this game. I’m not against some kind of automations but taking away the ability to boom is a mistake imo. There are some players like Hera that have developed their game style at a point that they can both boom perfectly and at the same time defending against an all in monk rush, and that kind of skill is something that would be taken away with auto-vills implementation.
I understand that there are more important things in this game for you, like strategy, army microeing, map control, etc. But you can’t deny the fact that booming ability and also spaming ability whilst doing all the other things that you mention, is a big skill, and I’m not willing to let it be taken away.
I don’t agree that it would be the argument but I appreciate the response.
I get it, when you have a system that you are good at, a change might push you back a few steps especially when it gives newer players a higher starting footing. But I don’t think that is enough reason to remove something that makes life easier for all players (but more so for newer players).
I don’t think booming will be impacted as much as all that, because booming under pressure still requires you to balance you eco, update you lumber yards, and manage your troops and villagers. It takes out one part of the equation, but it doesn’t even do that entirely because you might find yourself out of food (or good or wood) when you need it most.
Booming under pressure is much much more then just building villagers just as AoE is much more then building villagers.
The problem is that a lot of people purposedly “forget” to separate apples and oranges to further their argumental narrative, so it doesn’t matter if you are against auto-scouting, if you want AQ then “you want the whole game automated by AI aswell because you’re a noob.”
It doesn’t even passes over their heads that you maybe want it because:
- It’s a simple command that makes sense.(like being able to jump over small terrain in 3rd peson adventure games).
- Shift of focus to actual decisions of the game like splitting villagers correctly, attacking and engaging correctly, defending your eco, raiding theirs, scouting effectively, taking territorial control, which techs to research, how to help your allies etc.
Imagine this being a real war:
King: “How did we lose the battle? Were we flanked? Surprise reinforcements? Bad positioning?”
Advisor: “No my king, the general just forgot to train troops…”
I also don’t get why people are afraid of that because it is unlikely to happen, just look at the polls. So it’s basically moot.
Look, if there’s someone that can develop an scenario or a mod that brings auto-vills or auto-queue, I would be willing to test it and see how it feels.
If it happens, we could meet in steam and give a try. Otherwise we would be just going in circles like other trheads (and I dont feel like doing it).
I come from the oldest generation of this game (since AOK with all the lack of posible qol features) to the point in which MQ vs SQ was an issue. I’m open to test, even though i don’t like the suggestion.
You’d be surprised to see that you won’t end up using it that much because it will make you mismanage resources if you go Yolo, lol.
I’ve played AoM a lot, I know that.
I appreciate that.
This has been fruitful.
I mean I myself said that people predicting all of this where abusing slippery slope fallacies, but given all the thread that popped asking for more:
I’m starting to think I was misled and a bit too optimistic
You aren’t actually making a point here. Just drawing in things you don’t like.
There are people here who are making excellent points for your point of view.
Are these threads asking for things like autoqueue, less micro of units? Yes. Would someone who predicted that be right? Yes.