
You are talking about random limited data and trying to create a trend that doesn’t exist.

It’s not random, it’s the threads who get the most attention right now on these forums.

Welp, what is it then? People wanted that since 1999 and only remembered now?

It doesn’t. You keep trying to combine auto scouting with the argument for auto queueing, despite the fact that there is only limited overlap and the people you are currently arguing with dont actually want or are not sure about auto scouting.

Yet you insist on lumping it together and making a vague claim on something that doesn’t exist.

You do not argue in good faith sir.

Yes, and it’s the reason why auto scout is much more fine than autoqueue.

@BelatedLemur1 and @Ptee92 yes, but many more people are for both, or against both, and a bigger minority is for autoscout but agains autoqueue.

I’m trying my best, but many people provided good arguments, @ReTuRnOfpRaCtIs posted a vid where someone who played thousands of games with autoqueue explains its downsides, and yet it did nothing to change anyone’s mind. There is a reason AoM has been left out (and it’s not because of imbalance, or else Age of Kings would have died waiting 1 year for OP Teutons to be fixed)

I watched that video. Do you know what the guy actually said? Cause I do.

Here is a quote from the video.

“Autoqueue goes beyond simplifying the user interface. Quality of life features have the potential to completely change how a game is played and make otherwise hidden problems suddenly super visible”

So, basically, the game was having issues, but adding autoqueueing made them visible. It didn’t cause them, it made them visible. He talks at length how there were huge balance issues with AoM, but some how, we are focused on AQ, which just made it apparent.

He also talks about how people where leaving before AQ was added, so AQ wasn’t even the cause for the community to leave.

That is the video that @ReTuRnOfpRaCtIs posted, and that was what I gleamed from it.

As for auto scouting, it’s silly, and shouldn’t be added the way it was. It’s helpful though, but it takes control away from players. AQ does not.


Or you now, the game wasn’t balanced around having autoqueue (just like AoE2) and adding it caused balance problems. Also, if the problem isn’t visible, it isn’t a problem! Koreans spent years with OP tower rushing potential, but since no one knew it they were actually bottom tier. Once someone found the imbalance (without autoqueue btw) quick action was taken to fix that. Also, just based on latest patches:
Cuman, Tatars and Bulgarian being OP
Teutons, Viets, Goths, Khmer being UP
were all problems detected without needing autoqueue. Teutons being OP years before AoM was even released was also perfectly understable without autoqueue. Less flagrant imbalances like LC and pikemen being too weak in AoK was also identified and fixed without it.

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Damn, you are still doing it. Just cutting things out to argue a point that was never made.

Why not use the whole point

That’s what I said. Argue against that point, if you even can.

Because AQ didn’t do anything but raise the ceiling by reduce Micro-chores. The game was fundamental unbalanced before the patch, and the author says as much.

Just like I could talk at lenght of how AoE2 has always been doing the same just fine without autoqueue, like with the Korean tower example.

I keep doing that but you keep accusing me of bad intentions.

You still didn’t provided any explanation for this:

The only way I see AQ implemented is by restricting it only to imperial age.

While we’re on this topic can we also add auto lumbercamp re-builds closer to woodline?

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Probably because both are changing the gameplay.

Auto farms and Shift-Queue for example, never changed the gameplay. Improved it quite a bit, sure, but never changed it.

With their reasoning, this makes perfect sense…

Agreed to some extent, but both shouln’t exist imo.

Oh, but it does. There are lots of non-sarcastic posts that were inspired by the Auto-Scouting.

If you aren’t being sarcastic:
I’m not sure letting the AI choose when to build a camp for you is a good idea. Farms have auto-reseed which is also building but they aren’t the same as a lumbercamp and always stay in the same place, plus there are a lot of them, while you only have, at most, 3 lumbercamps around.

I don’t like when the AI makes decisions for you. Also, rebuilding the lumbercamp is something you don’t need to be doing all the time so I don’t think it should be automated.

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OK, so maybe a bit off-topic, but you probably not OK with auto scouting then?

No I’m not. Making considerably important decisions(such as where to scout, when to rebuild lumber camps) should always be up to the player.


So, why this is a very bad idea:

  1. You should be able to manage vill production by yourself.
  2. Resource management
  3. Makes the game easier and changes the gameplay to an extent
  4. Auto-farms and Auto-fish traps don’t mess up with your current population

I could go on, but this is what comes to mind at first


People seem to be more concerned about villager aq.

What if researching conscription allowed you to aq Military?
Do you think that would still “break the whole game”?

Yep. I disagree with this as well.

Not break the whole game, change the gameplay…
Those are different

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Yes the gameplay would change ofc, that’s a given.

But imperial age, which is basically late game, would be more about micro and strategical decisions, assuming that none of the players gained significant advantage yet.

There would be a small shift of focus from early to mid/Lategame.

Change the gamplay, yes, but either that is good or bad, is subjective.

I think it would be good and make imperial more about who fights/strategizes better than who has better macro.(which I still think is just a different form of micro)(and even then you still have to control your auto-queue, you can’t just turn it on forever and forget.)

But I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

Well, if one booms and the other attempts failed rushes, which isn’t a rare situation, then your claim wouldn’t be so accurate

Both are important though.

In AOE3, I remember me and my friend both boomed and were French. (We were against each other)

We both kept massing Imperial Gendarmes (OK, this is a very unbalanced unit, I get it) using the instant French cav upgrades and I won because I had better eco at the end. So, see? Eco matters a lot.

Pretty sure he was.

What about auto-win? My idea is whenever I start the game I press CTRL+SHIFT+both ALTs+$+256 and I win. It is not a cheat because I must have proved my skill with keyboard.

Seriously: no auto-vils, that is one of the key points of the game.