Balance change ideas for next patch

The +1 attack boost is from Chemistry. It is a temporary advantage to Bohemian Crossbowmen. So why are you comparing Arbalesters vs Cavaliers and Paladins. If it is Bohemian Crossbowmen with or without TR against Cavaliers, the game is over either way.

And there is no need to imagine that. (Elite) Longbowmen and (Elite) Rattan Archers have +1 attack over their counterparts.

But they cost more and require a castle. And longbows donā€™t get thumb ring.

My point is bohemians should never get thumb ring

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Seriously??? The Elite Longbowmen costs 35G 35W while Arbalesters cost 25W 45G. So itā€™s production is easier to sustain. Moreover, they have +1 range, +1p armor, +1 attack over Arbalesters.

Elite Rattan Archers (remember Viet have Thumb Ring) have -3 HP, +6p armor, +1 attack, +15% movement speed for a difference of 25W cost. They cost the same amount of gold, so your argument falls flat here too.

Rattan archers have worse frame delay, though

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And they require a castle to build and the elite upgrades are very expensive. Now compare that to how cheap arb is and how easy it is to mass archers


Not a fan of many of your ideas as I for example donā€™t think the Spanish need Parthian Tactics and I also donā€™t think the Vikings need Bombard Cannons. Now I do have some ideas for some changes to make to some civs and hereā€™s what they are:


  • Receive Bloodlines. Heavy Cavalry Archer removed in exchange for that.


  • Receive Heavy Demolition Ship.
  • Elite Cannon Galleon removed.


  • Receive Atonement.


  • Atheism renamed (I canā€™t think of a new name for this which is why I wonā€™t put down a new name coming from me).


  • Receive Siege Onager. Siege Ram removed in exchange for that.


  • Cavalry Archer removed.


  • Heavy Cavalry Archer, Parthian Tactics, Cavalier, Onager and Elite Cannon Galleon removed.
  • Radius of the tree cut down by the Ballista Elephant slightly increased.


  • Receive Hand Cannoneer.


  • Receive Parthian Tactics.


  • Paper Money renamed to Monetary Reform (So the name of this unique tech is accurate).

Lmao what

I really donā€™t get why

Siege ram is way better in 1v1 than SO, why do you want to nerf them?




Letā€™s buff one of rhe best civs in the game, for compensation were going to take away the hca upgrade that never gets used.


This is a huge 1v1 nerf as s/o is seldom reached.

Why does Khmer need such huge nerfs?


Besides what other people said. I d9nt understand why you focus on water balance on burmese when they are bad on land.

I didnā€™t say Parthian Tactics be added in Tech tree. I just want it to cost 0 gold for campaign scenarios and stuff. It is in brackets for a reason.

Will make the Knights of a top tier archer civ great. Not a fan of making eco civs have variety of options without nerfing eco.

Wonā€™t comment since not a water player.

All meso civs have some design principles:

  1. No cav, but eagles.
  2. No Hand Cannon but Arbalesters
  3. No BBC, but Siege Ram.
    If you wanna add SO, great. But donā€™t remove Siege Ram. Civs missing Siege Rams and having poor BBC are all top tier Cav civs which donā€™t need siege in the first place, like Lithuanians.

Absolutely not. They are fine as it is. Khmer have already lost BBC.

It cannot be increased without increasing the splash radius of the bolt itself which will affect combat.

And what does it do? You will have CA worse than Persians. Moreover, Slavs were not a Cav Archer civ in real life.

Why donā€™t we get both imperial skirmisher and visible TC as the team bonus?
Has anyone limited the number of team bonus before?

I would like to give them the crossbowmen at least.

I know that the medieval Britons are also good at the horse breeding in the fact but the gain is more than the loss here.

BTW, I feel itā€™s a little bit shame that the 11-range regular archer line make the well-known longbowmen unnecessary and unimportant since the range of the former are only 1 tile shorter than the later and 3 tile longer than other civ.

Add the 2nd archer armor please. Perhaps adjust the Arambai in exchange for that.

I even support to give Incas both the siege onager and the siege ram.
Aztecs have better infantry, Mayans have better archers. I think Incas should have to be better than them in navy and siege at least. The tower bonus is not such a good feature in my opinion, such like the past Teutons and Koreans.

Maybe adjust the existing civ bonus would be the point, like starting game with 2 llamas and villagers benefiting from the archer armor too.

The cavalry archers are not the Italian advantage indeed no matter in the game or in the history but this could not help Italiansā€™ weakness on the land map.

They currently ignore the armor of Folwarks, most likely due to a bug.

Well actually the Khmer arenā€™t fine as they are. They need to at least get their Heavy Cavalry Archer and Parthian Tactics removed because it ainā€™t accurate for them to have these.

The game is historically influenced. Not historically accurate. We donā€™t see Chinese with gunpowder.

The only siege celts really used were cannons yet they lack BBC.

Donā€™t even get me started on all the meso inaccuracies


Canā€™t Vietnamese have both the Imp skirms and the spotting enemy TC locations?

I think a +0.05 speed would be good or cost reduced to 450f, 300g.

Not sure if thatā€™s a way of balancing it out. Its not a change that affects the civ just on closed maps.

I like these changes. I think in one of the Sicilian campaigns their military units get extra hp, attack for a minute or two. Maybe something like that for existing Serjeants might be interesting.
Also I didnā€™t quite understand what you mean by similar to Tatar sheep bonus. Do all newly constructed TCs post flemish rev produce 3-4 flemish militia when constructed?

How about something like ā€œfirst unit produced from each military building costs no foodā€ ?

Iā€™d suggest wheelbarrow and hand cart researched instantly but cost -50% resources, not free.

Ruins Vietnamese for TG. TC location visibility is only a benefit in Nomad style maps. Imperial skirms add a lot of value for a civ thatā€™s not that good in early game.
The Poles team bonus is good as it is. Maybe if their unique tech gave +2 p.armor or +1 p.armor with trample damage for scout-line, with cost adjusted accordingly it would be good.

Thatā€™s an awesome change.

Yes, I want it to be a permanent bonus, not a one time and time dependent thing. Paper money is also a one time bonus, but atleast it is time independent.

I donā€™t think you play multiplayer often. Skirmishers are not seen in team games. If so, quite rarely. TC visibility is great independent of map, except those fixed maps. Yes it is even greater at nomadic maps. The whole point of giving poles imp skirm is buff to 1vs1 and to counter CA. In team games, some other player can counter CA.

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It is useless for the archery range.
Perhaps let the first unit free directly except for the siege weapon and the ship.

As far as I see, many times. I mean, often.
They are used for struggling and play the role in the transition period until trading well.

o Spanish: Supplies, Arson, and Bloodlines do not cost gold.

  • Blends with their civ bonus of other unit upgrades not costing gold (Blacksmith.)
  • Blends with their tech tree theme of having a good Barracks and Stable without fully committing to either military building.
  • Gold savings from Bloodlines synergizes with their Monastery by giving them one ā€œfreeā€ Monk or Missionary, which blends with the Spanish designation as a Monk civ.
  • Similar to bulletpoint #2, their Scout openings are no longer generic without being a strong enough bonus to clearly turn Spanish into a cavalry civ.
  • Recent Long Swordsman buffs with the Supplies and Arson bonuses could introduce the Long Swordsman as another Castle Age option for the Spanish.
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