Balance Changes Suggestions

Not really needed I don’t think, and not a huge fan.

No, BBCs are already really good, they don’t need a projectile speed buff.

Maybe to 4, but not 5.

Not sure about the UT, but like I already suggested, I support the first change.

Now you are also overnerfing them. Don’t agree with the Hussite Wagon change, agree with the buildings change. Removing the monastery techs is not a good idea. The trash monks are actually kind of trash, they aren’t very commonly seen, or really that good. Would rather they lose the Castle Age mining upgrades to keep it more well rounded than keeping the gold one. Agree with losing SE.

No, this isn’t needed, and I don’t think it’s a very nice change. It’s the archers that need changes if anything.

Don’t agree with anything except allowing the training without a tech. Just remove the tech entirely, it’s a bad idea from the start, regardless of how it works.

No. I would rather have BBC over SO pretty much any day, it’s typically more useful. Burmese also don’t really have a heavy siege identity, so I would prefer not giving them one, and playing more into the Infantry/Monks/Arambai/Elephants theme.

Byzantines are a very well balanced civ, and don’t need these changes.

They miss bracer, so not that great. Also like Schiltron better as an tech, although not hung up on effect.

I agree with this, but I do think they need a slight eco nerf.

This actually all sounds fine to me.

I don’t think the berry bonus is the problem. Change the HP bonus to 10%/20% in Feudal/Castle, to weaken their early game slightly, it’s not like their LC are that great in the late game anyway, and do something about Chivalry, like my suggestion, because that’s the problem in TGs.

Maybe, don’t hate them, don’t love them.

Don’t really agree with the first change, agree with the second.

Don’t agree. Genbows are already really tanky, and eat cav, this just makes them better where they are already strong. Don’t like the merging of the eagle class, and don’t like the Condo change. They have a small time window, and burn gold really fast, and you want to make that worse?

No, they don’t need a nerf like that, please leave Khmer.

Why? It’s very random.

Overlaps with Mayans.

No, that’s straight up destroying Mayans.


Crossover with Recurve Bow, but support the idea.

Don’t agree with any of this.

Not a huge fan, but maybe.

I just got bored. Also, a few things. A) if you are going to comment on someone else’s thread like this, it really should be more your opinion about their ideas, if you are going to make a post like this, please do it as a new thread. Maybe that’s just me, but still. Secondly, did you read my list at all? You didn’t talk to any of it, and sometimes suggested the same ideas.


@ZeroEinna @UpmostRook9474 @TungstenBoar @StarPeach703575 @TheConqueror753 @Sylux1000

Ok, so some reasoning.

This is because I buffed Elephants speed overall. With this and unchanged bonus their Eles would have almost 1,1 speed (faster than they whenever previously were) being supertanky and with bonus against buildings.

This is actually buff for certain play of Condos. First, when you go superfast Imperial, you dont want unit costing food. And transition into gold is much faster than transition into food - you just move Vills to gold, no seedeing farms, no waiting for food incom. Second if you want go archers (what Italians want anyway) you also dont want to have much eco on food, and this would give you strong support unit very low on food. Third, they would become very good team unit, when you rely on trade, and not nesesserly want food eco - and unlike Cav, Condo cant be easily countered.

Simply to nerf them on water. I know it is probably too late, but still Liths having good water is very wierd to me.

Not any longer, if Mayans would lose this bonus from huntables. Besides, Malians and Tatars overlap with Mayans in the same sense. Firstly I thought about even +25%, but I feel like this would be too much for Scout Civ like Magyars.

Maybe Indeed I overnerf them, but lose of Thumb Ring and nerf to lasting longer resources is must. Cheaper units shouldnt be FU, thats the rule, and Mayans allready have stronger Dark Age, without drawback like Chinese.

Why? Elephant Archer have opinion to have very expensive upgrade for what it does.

No, berry bonus IS problem combined with scouts with more HP. Franks are probably faster to FA, and also can field Scouts with earlier advantage. They lose it when enemy take bloodlines, but this also mean they WILL have numbers advantage or quality advantage no matter what enemy does (dont have bloodlines - Frank Scouts are stronger, have bloodlines - Franks have more Scouts)

To reinforce their theme. Idea is also that Steppe Lancer would take partially role of Trashkiller. You can see, I took Champion from every Steppe Civ.
Mangudai still will be best unit for smiping siege, regardless.

Because Camel w/o Bloodlines loses to Knight with Bloodlines. Is still cost efitient, but this is not very hard counter by any means. And still cost gold (unlike spearman).

Its more expensive than Sipahi, also Byz Chaps dont have Blast Furnace and Byz Horse Archers dont have not just Bloodlines, but also Parthian Tactics, what mean they would have just +10 HP, but still lack 1/2 Armor. This is trade-off, not strict buff. But if you feel its too strong (its not) It can be just for Militia, and not for CA.

But it would be in line with Cataphract hard-to-counter but easy to overwhealm unit.

As mentioned, prices can be tweaked. Maybe can be even trash-tech (without gold cost)

But is easiest to change. Also, Briton Archers are backed by their strong eco (Cheap TCs mean they can build them earlier, and have also more wood for archers)

Maybe indeed is a little to expensive, but (like for all proposed Techs) price can be changed. Maybe 7G per Vil, so assuming 100-120 Vils would give 700-840G. And my proposition have one advantage - can be reversed, so we can turn FM back into Vils, and they can go back to work again.

Is not meant to be help for towerrush, more have possibility to build defensive tower and still be able to add TC in CA. Now only Incas and Bulgarians can do this, and Bulgarians are not even meant to be defensive.

Better than current one :wink:

Actually Mayans were introduced with Thumb Ring in Conquerors.

Maybe. But Paper Money definitly needs change.

Idea is to give them heavy Siege vs heavy Archers/CavArchers, but im not sure I want to fight Elephant-SiegeOnager combo (in team games) with also BBC backing it. SO is quite good countered by BBC, so BBC + Halbs should be able to stop this.

Then don’t buff elephant speed. Buff damage and splash radius a bit or something. Khmer don’t deserve this nerf.

That’s literally one possible option though now, and will only work on a few types of map.

It’s not like they are picked as an S tier water civ, they don’t need a nerf there really.

Just decrease the bonus to 10% like I said, but have it affect all resources.

No. That’s not the rule, and they shouldn’t lose TR. They need the resources nerfed, and the archer discount decreased to 10%/15%/20% per age, instead of losing a really important tech.

It’s really not that significant though, the berry bonus, it doesn’t need a change. It’s more the HP, not having to pay for bloodlines as well, which is why I suggest only giving a 10% HP buff in Feudal.

Not really something that’s needed. If we are bring in historical theme to this, a civ like Mongols would have used heavy infantry as well, it just would have been fielded by subjugated nations. They really shouldn’t have it removed, find a way to make SL co-exist with all the other stuff.

But it’s the archer range and stuff that needs changes. How about you read my OP, and see what you think of some of that, because I feel like I’m just having to write down the ideas here.

No, please just remove it, the whole concept of instantly creating at least 100 units is the problem, who cares if you can reverse it, if you use it for fighting, you might as well just create more.

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They are S-picked Hybrid Civ tho.

Speed is the parameter witch holds Elephantos back, not damage output. Besides, Hussar without Husbandry still is good, and Teuton knight play proofs they are strong enough even then, espetially backed by strong Khmer eco.

Yes, and this option would be stronger, not weaker, if Condo will be less food heavy.

Are Vikings trash with archers now? No they are not. Are Aztecs trash with Archers in Castle Age? No, they are not. With discount and strong Eco Mayans would be still insanly strong Archer Civ.

Dont really like it, maybe just replace Yeomem with something other and buff Elite Longbowmen range by 1.