Ballista is overpowered

They’re actually really good.

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If you have objective proof that they are good units then so be it. But you don’t, because they aren’t.

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They don’t make sense in pro. Cause Deathballs make no sense in pro. Pros resign before they would ever make sense.

And please stop supporting your own bs threads with your multis, that’s annoying and disrepectful as hell.

Unless he is talking about AoE1 :wink:

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balista elephnats are OP even cut tree. but balista scorpios are to weak

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Not even remotely OP.

Ballista elephants are so op that pros consider them complete garbage. Yeah if you get a critical mass of them it’s strong but getting to that point is expensive, time consuming and not easy or practical.


LOL. I hope you’re being sarcastic.

They are kinda OP in AoE I.

yeah, totally, because i could say you owe me 50$. case closed. therefore since i said case closed i am obviously right.
therefore you owe me 50$.
see why that logic doesn’t make sense?


wow, nobody knows what ballista means, ok


Saying that either of the ballista like units are OP is dumb.
Unless you are talking about Aoe1 in which case, wrong place

this thead is not about elephants, jesus
i dont consider ballista elephants as OP.
I consider BASIC ballist (scorpions) as OP

You got your answer and ignored it.

very first answer, short and compact, even ignored your deliberately false term usage.

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But if Ballisata is overpowered, then what would 10 or 15 Siege Onagers be then? It really all depends on how you can prevent as many units or vills from being taken out.

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they are both overpowred

Scorpions are vulnerable to: bombard cannon, onagers, encirclement by heavy cavalry/eagles, rams, certain other UUs.

Onagers are vulnerable to block printing redemption monks, and any fast melee units (cavalry, Eagles, fast infantry) that can flank from multiple directions, bombard cannon, and worst of all friendly fire by other onagers.

Yes you can’t attack move into siege and win like you could with standard counters like pikes vs knights. Oh well.

This kinds of posts make me wish you had to be above a certain Elo to actually make a post. Really good troll going on or the guy doesn’t know the game well enough to be throwing around ideas and statements. It is cringe seeing daily posts from ~1000 Elo 1v1 players that think that they know the game enough to dictate if something is truly strong or not and think they can change balance because of their “experience”.

yeah sorry but simple light cavalry wreck both of them with even half decent micro.

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Welcome to the official balance changes of the past 2 years 11 – inspired by threads such as this one

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