Since the launch of Age of Empires IV i was saddened by the fact that Buildings, walls and keeps did not display the players banner.
Why i think there should be banners on the playing field
It seems to me as a huge oversight since they already have the whole customizations of banners in place. Making personalized banners on the field a great addition. Really would make it noticeable who some walls belong too.
Yes it is also more historically accurate having banners displayed on keeps/castles and walls.
You stand before the gates of the mighty …!
I think it would bring alot of personalization to the playing field that is otherly void of such things. Yes also among teammates.
Mention worthy notes
With buildings it would probably not be a good idea, as it would be too small or too noticeable big(covering up the building). One could add some of the banner colors instead. Just think about medieval shutters that displayed landlord sigil colors.
Most of the functionality for it is already in place and It just makes it more fun and speaks to the imagination .
Last words
Check out the other two topics i recently posted. “The battering ram” and “Gatehouses; wood and stone”
Edit: here are the links to those topics The battering ram, Gatehouses; wood and stone
Great idea. Would be cool to see them on the sides of things Like Rams too.
I like it.
For trebuchets, mangonels and so forth there could be a pole with banner next to it when deployed. Which would also increase identification from an opponent perspective that an artillery piece is already deployed with say a bombard or nest of bees.
Especially nest of bees is more difficult to spot.
Yep. I think they are worried about visual clutter but c’mon, it wouldn’t be an issue.
Flags were prominent in warfare and AoE4 feels somewhat hollow without them. At one point, there was even flags on Knight’s lances–what happened?
I suspect as with most things related to AoE4, they ran out of time and shipped it half baked.
I suspect as with most things related to AoE4, they ran out of time and shipped it half baked. @TheAchronic
Then the take away is; they should finish baking first. Before adding sprinkles on top (new civs).
I suppose thats partly due to Age of Empires II players pressing them for more civilizations to play as they probably do not care for different mechanincs or functions than they are/were used to.
Which is speculating.
I would like to add that Age of empires IV should be a video game of its own, not one of the previous Age of Empires upgraded.
+1 I support this proposal, greetings.
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