Big misunderstood about Chinese

Why don’t you just tell us what else dose Chinese got compared with other civs?
Sounds like you got some good strategies, definitely you were pretty good on it right? Pro player.



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确实没有影响,这游戏中国现在只能多人玩奇观,而且是给HRE当工具人 :sweat_smile:,1v1选中国基本上城堡就投降了,relic这次补丁,非常平衡 :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

These arguments are going nowhere.
Chinese siege was a pain to deal with and it was broken so the nerf was fair. At the same time it’s very clear that the civ is underperforming and that it very likely needs buffs next patch. Obviously reverting the siege changes is a big no, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change other areas of the civ to make it competitive again without having to rely so heavily on siege. Now its a good time for suggestions on how the civ can be improved and be on par with the other civs.


Surely they could nerf siege if they going to make it less rely on siege, at least buffing somewhere else to compensate this change. But there problem is Chinese already underperforming especially in early game. Nerf on siege is to reduce its advantages of later games but no buff of early game which is a big problem.

No mention so many haters keeping yalling that Chinese are OP that don’t even play or play at low elo.

Like I said, if Chinese OP why don’t they just play Chinese to get EZ, Auto win?


你还是先去用谷歌翻译一下吧 你这里机翻翻译不出你的准确意思

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I agree with that. I understand its frustrating, but patches are comming once a month at least. Keep the suggestions coming. We know the devs read the forum so any good suggestions for Chinese early game are likely to be considered. For what I understand from their streams they want all civs to perform at the same level as mongols and delhi, so it’s very likely buffs are coming for the Chinese, specially if they stay at the bottom tier.

Come on, its been like 4 months since the game launched. They supposed to have plenty of time to fix it even with vacation.
However, Mongol has been dominating Tier S for too long.
Meanwhile, many were crying in this forum like Chinese FL, clocktower, bombard were OP. I am pretty sure Dev read those so they change it. They even Nerfed IO from 200% to 150% without notification(No wonder I feel weird when I use Chinese today)

Oh, and French hulk ship before, Delhi dark age holy ground.

What they did to mongol? although there were complains about Mongol OP, however they just nerfed a little bit tower rush ability in early games. This nerfed nothing cuz Mongol still OP without TR.

Not just Chinese, but also Abbsied which one of my fav as well. Finally got slightly buff recently, but it would not change much. Cuz camel’s cost-effective still very low.


Wow I did not know about the IO nerfed. Thanks for letting me know.

There not just IO nerf, I think we all should go figure out if there are other "sneaky"nerf in the game.
Not just Chinese but others Civs


I’m not sure but was it always the case that HRE villagers had a carry capacity of 14 without being inspired?

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Inspiration doesn’t change the carry capacity but the gathering rate, I think?

Ok yeah, I just checked an older video. They always had a carry capacity of 14 instead of 10. I never saw it in the HRE discribtion but ok.

Have just won with china, fast castle in 8 minutes, lancers and archers spam (not even fire lancer) age 3 with spy castle to check out enemies…

boom, victory.
No clocktower, no power siege, no imperial supervision, no fire lancer.

Conclusion: china is amazing still capable to win WITHOUT all the amazing things it has.


yes but the point is you don’t have to build 2 age 4 land marks to get access to the English farm upgrade with the others you have to build 2 land marks which puts you minuets behind no matter how you slice it China is gimped because all of their good upgrades you need to double spend everyone else on age ups.

ok so now dont build any of the special units and just focus on building lancers and archers lol… GREAT.

maybe just only build pikes because all unique units and all unique techs are useless? Just play another civ. Mongols can pump out 2x of everything basically non stop because Oovo is so OP and with early Yam network and Steppe their Eco pumps just as hard if not harder than Chinas.

yes why do HRE get baseline 14 carry capacity from the very start? seems fairly unbalanced.

definitely disagree with this one…mongolia is soooo badly designed imo… this igloo is soo hard to manage and you can build only one and suddenly it stops producing you lack stone the whooole game and the double production is sooo complex and hard to activate if these igloos arent producing stone, why such a hard to play civ?? definitely not my jam…

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free wheelbarrow, arout +7-8% of all gather rates

@ DerRote9784 they keep bonus after inspiration ends.