
any chance the new civs could be Brazil and Bolivia?

In theory, a developer wants Brazil as a civilization and Bolivia, I’m not sure, but given that they were part of the Peru-Bolivian confederation and fought during the Pacific War (South American). Perhaps it could be an imperial-level revolution of Peru? (assuming the developers add Peru)

Regarding the possibilities, Brazil has quite a few because of the aforementioned, Bolivia on the other hand… I recommend maintaining optimism, you never know, maybe they will add it in one way or another. :sweat_smile:

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We already know the new civs are Denmark and Poland, so no there is no chance. Maybe 1 day but not today, or rather in half a years time.


Who talked about add Brazil ?

No idea, it’s something they mentioned in this forum a long time ago, in theory there is a developer who wants them to add Brazil.

In addition to the above, there are many people who believe that Brazil will be added because they are an important player base.

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Considering what little Bolivia did in the war, I guess it will only show up as a historical battle civ :sweat_smile:

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Ah, I see. Thank you for the answer.

I think it’d be more likely to get any and all future post-colonial civs as one-offs as I believe a number of people pointed out when discussing possible civs. Brazil could probably work as a civ, but I’d expect it to be a stand-alone like the USA and later Mexico.


wanted to see some South American civs post independence, its one of the only remaining regions that has no representation after renaissance/exploration era. the revolutionary/post independence time period of that area is a mystery to me, I’ve heard a lot of mentions about it but have no details or general outlines. just some horrible stuff with the School of Americas, out of control revolutions and native genocide.

thought Bolivia would play a bigger part in this time period, being named after Bolivar and home of the USAN, or Union of South American Nations. that it apparently played no major role is a surprise to me. honestly i couldn’t point Bolivia out on a map so its to be expected.

all i knew about Peru was that it was the home of the Inca, their fight for independence and llamas on green mountain ranges. that it was a major power in the time period is also a surprise. is it still an important regional player today?

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Poland i can sort of understand, but why Denmark. wouldn’t that just be a worse France? i cant think of any unique unit or building for them that would be unique and have an impact. maybe some musketeer/halberd replacement and a cheaper cuir or lancer? unless they go early medieval with Vikings and longboats.

no offense to the Danish people, I’m sure they did a lot of wonderful things in this time period but it feels like a really odd choice. you can give them 90% of French units and buildings and it would be accurate. what makes them standout in this time period?

its better than Hungary and Greece sine it would have been an independent and sovereign state for longer probably, but honestly id rather have Korea at that point. more unique units and some intense defensive campaigns.

if the devs decided to make them a civ they probably have a unique direction in mind. i don’t have any expectations but who knows, maybe they can pull it off and not end up being a French variant.

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I mean not to be direct but the same applies to Bolivia and Brazil, when it comes down to it they didn’t really invent any new tactics or unit types.

As for Denmark i made an entire thread for them but to summarise: guerillas, unique eco and the possibility of an entirely unique navy are perhaps the strongest candidates, beyond that Denmark experimented a lot with rapid fire weapons, the first military repeater was Danish in the mid 1600s, there are a lot of creative ways to make a unique faction and if i was being direct id expect them closer to Portuguese than anything else. That being said i have no idea what the final product will look like, there are ideas i have read from mods like WOL and AOTW had a rough outline, i don’t actually agree with that many of their choices but it is possible the DLC faction will also take inspiration from those.

Sure Korea could have been fun but it wasn’t going to be paired with Poland, So could Siam or Persia but again DLC come with similar factions.


I think this is the first time Ive seen Bolivia mentioned around here, so bonus points for that I guess?


Brazil could be…Bolivia will be a rev of Argentina (when it was Alto Peru or the viceregal municipalities of Charcas and Chuquisaca)…the other is that they include Peru-Bolivia and include cards and events from both countries…

Maybe because of this…

Yes, anyway, you already have the Incas who occupied that territory…


Aztecs + Mexicans, same deal.


I do not have enough knowledge of Bolivia to say if it was more or less important after the wars of independence, but during the wars of independence it was a territory that needed to be liberated due to its proximity to Peru, Chile, Argentina and Paraguay.

Since you seem to be interested in the history of the South American continent, let me give you a little background information on the two main heroes and liberators of the continent. :smile:

BolĂ­var was born in Caracas Venezuela, after the wars of independence he founded Gran Colombia, this nation was made up of the countries Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Panama. Gran Colombia did not last long due to instability, in addition to the above, BolĂ­var earned the enmity of Peru for wanting to force them to be part of Gran Colombia. (I think there was no war, but I could be wrong)

San Martin was born in Yapeyu Argentina (Province of Corrientes), he became a cadet at the age of 11 and joined the 2nd battalion of the Murcia infantry regiment. When he returned to Argentina he was 34 years old, he formed the Grenadiers of San Martin, a group of elite soldiers mounted on horseback who emulated the French Cuirassier, he was the liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru. He was exiled and died in 1850, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. He always maintained interest in the situation in Argentina, he maintained correspondence with Rosas and asked if he could return to the country on several occasions, his remains were brought to the country a long time later.

Gran Colombia was separated into the countries that I mentioned before.

Argentina, on the other hand, became a supplier of raw materials, fought against England and France (Pyrrhic victory), promised not to get involved in the Pacific War if Chile gave up its claims to southern Patagonia, and had conflicts with Brazil over Uruguay. (there is more but I think this is a lot of information)

I hope you find this information interesting and useful. :smile:


As a South American I already feel represented by the Incas. Bolivia would simply be a hybrid between the Spanish and the Incas, just as Mexico is a strange fusion between the Mayans, the Aztecs and the Spanish.

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Sorry for the indiscretion, but from what country?

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Indeed or Danish-German to be more exact. The first light machine gun was made by the Danes as well, which is the Madsen machine gun. Though this weapon will most likely not make an appearance in [Age of Empires 3], since its service started in 1902 which is outside the game’s time frame, but if there is ever going to be an Age of Empires game in the future that features WW1 and other conflicts from the early 20th century it would be relevant there.


Most likely Daniel Pereira as he’s from there.

Now, Brazil does have good merit as it’s one of the countries with the largest playerbase, at the very least top 5 but I believe it’s in the top three.

Bolivia is a really bizarre choice for the second civ tho, ngl.