Buff the Lithuanians?

not at the rate matches are going, imperial isnt supreme late game, not by a long shot. lith cavaliers are facing cheaper cavaliers, cavaliers with full black smith, trash cavaliers and so forth

and even then while everything from malians to bulgarians exist, then yes, they are below average heavy cav… even chinese cavaliers are better… for a cav centric civ, where they have only cav bonuses besides the skirms, they have irrationally poor heavy cav…

and no, paladin isnt a justification, because then we ARE talking very late game and makes you actually more wrong…

Just pick one relic and they will be the same as before. Now you must have some specific playstyle with lithuanians regarding map control. And still have some of the best trash units with their unique tech. Before they were too strong, now I think they still strong, justaking 1-2 relics you are already one of the best cav civs

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I think making it cheaper feudal instead of extra resources at the start of the game could also work.

In Imp it means you only get +1 attack
In TGs means your paladins are strictly much worse than ever a civ like Spanish or Magyars (One that can get the attack very easily with no gold and other for free), also, if the enemy team is with Burmese, yes Lithuanians are fucked up.
Right now Franks are just soo strong and more annoying to deal with at TGs now that the only civ that could punish them is nerfed, hell even Teutons are better (and people like to be zealots regarding “speed is relevant”, lol Cumans have the fastest Paladins with free speed bonus and were barely picked over even Magyars or Teutons).
So yea, this nerf is bad.

Well need to look more which map are you playing. It became a specific maps civ.

Well, when DE started many pros played with cumans, but then they nerfed just the cuman boom stoped. Now they decrease the wood cost of archer and stable and many play again. Sometimes it’s just a small difference that we can’t notice at lower level. It depends too in your playing style. But yes of course, now lithuanians without relics is not a top cav civ, so when you play with them you must play in a way that you can asure having relics. full feudal or try to arrive faster to castle so you can spam knights to take map control. Anyways, I’m agree with the fact they are not as good as before. maybe they could limit the amount of relics, per exemple max 3 relics +1. But let’s see. Still good in an hybrid maps

I think was clear that I talked about TGs, unless is something like a mega randomized map with tons of relics like I played long time ago…

i’m sorry but if they cap the relic bonus at +3 they deserve a buff elsewhere.

Lithuanians are fine now, I genuinely can’t believe people are asking for a buff for this civ with the options that they have.

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Matbe because they are bad now on Tg?

No civ with boosted paladins will ever be bad in team games.

bad in TG?

Their palas will always be +6 in a TG with a semi competent pocket and a tiny bit of teamwork.

Cumans have the fastest paladins yet I can’t remember seeing them picked as Franks

And at the same time isn’t like the enemy will be clearly aware that Lithuanians are playing and will go for relics in help with the other then.

Despite having +8 paladins, franks were picked about twice as often as lithuanians. What do you think will happen now that their paladins are +6 max?


just because franks are often picked because of their fantastic and free bloodline doesn’t mean you need to make lithuanians a paladin with +8. that unit was honestly ridiculous and it’s great that it’s gone from the game.

Liths have got SO much. going for them it’s embaraasing that people say they need to be buffed now.


Not as ridiculous as 40% (60% with Huns ally) fast creating 192HP paladins in TGs that can tank 1 extra hit from Halbs
Hell if anything just delete that tech (Chivalry), isn’t good for the game. I can give my cents that if this tech was given to any other paladin civ (Like Teutons, or even Cumans or Magyars) people will scream how broken is.
Oh and like in what world you live, Burmese eles are actually broken and the Sicilian Cavaliers are probably the closest thing to fit the word unbeatable

Seems we all agree that Frank’s are ridiculous op. Instead of asking to buff Lithuanians to the moon to join them, better think about ways to nerf Frank’s


I dont think they need a buff. But it’s embarrassing that lithuanians were nerfed while franks run arounf with an 8%+ play rate


Do you see myself or lime asking to buff lithuanians?

Lithuanians are already one of the best civs. Dont buff them.


Chinese, Mayans are better… (No, they are OP also).

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