Bug Report- Victors and vanquished can not build units at Wonder (“Deva”, “Warrior hall”, etc)

Game Version: AoE 2 DE victors and vanquished

  • Build: version 101.102.47822.0
  • Platform: Microsoft Store
  • Operating System:. Xbox series x
  • Gamertag: Nikodemous0811


While playing the Victors and vanquished scenarios 2 thru 6 (vortigern 440 thru Finehair 870) can not
build units at the Wonder (“Deva”, “Warrior hall”, etc). Can select the wonder but when trigger is pulled to open menu nothing happens.
Cannot open menu so cannot build units.

Reproduction Steps:

Here’s how to reproduce the problem:
launch any of the scenarios,
select wonder,
press right trigger to open menu,
nothing happens,
cannot build units.

Moved to the aoe2 sub forum


Offered solution does not work.
Still cannot open the menu to build units.
Please address the problem, release a patch to FIX the problem.

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it is being tracked.

“It is being tracked” sounds very similar to “shut up, we already have your money, we don’t care that you cannot play the game”

When will a patch be released to Fix this bug?

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To me, it sounds more like “It is being tracked”.

Game development, especially for a game such as AoE 2 that still has tons of 90s spaghetti code in it, isn’t as easy as people imagine.

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The game WAS working, then y’all applied a patch and bricked DLC, so yeah, y’all need to FIX the bug.

I understand that the game was originally launched in the 90s, so was Dune 2000, and Cub’s and so many others that all still work.

If you are going to SELL new DLC’s, then y’all are responsible to ensure that the content works. PERIOD.

Don’t be argumentative, recognize that you broke something and take efforts to fix what you broke.

To be fair, I never heard of Cub, but in case of Dune 2000, the difference between it and AoE 2 is that AoE 2 is still being actively worked on. Fair enough, Dune 2000 is part of OpenRA but as far as I’m aware, the team there uses its own engine instead of the original one.

Just as a disclaimer: I’m a mod, not a dev. The “Dev Agent” thing next to my name is an injoke we just kept.

You’re still being argumentative.

And if it’s an inside joke, that’s incredibly unprofessional.

If you aren’t part of the Dev team then take that out.

Still waiting for some kind of update that the issue is being WORKED ON, not tracked, not monitored, not a PICNIC problem, take responsibility and fix what y’all broke.

I’m not, I’m just stating a simple fact. I absolutely understand the frustration and personally played less AoE 2 this year due to issues such as vills hunting trees (which was eventually fixed). But something we all need is patience, right?

I won’t. People usually recognize this as an injoke and it’s also actually easy to distinguish mods from devs as mods have a shield icon next to their name whereas devs have a small logo of the company they work for, such as Felizon that has the FE logo.

Tracked means that it’s being worked on.

You ARE being argumentative.
The fact that you have to get in the last work and “prove the customer is wrong”, reinforces that you are argumentative.

Obviously it was not apparent to myself that you are not part of the Dev Team. And again argumentative. If it’s an inside joke, KEEP IT INSIDE, DONT PUBLISH IT. I.e. be a professional, not a troll.

Strongly suggest they you use common language when responding to customers. Using internal jargon to Nate as of simple Common language and terms IS going to cause further confusion, upset your customer, degrade your brand and appeal to future customers.

Maybe it’s time that you stop responding and simply move on until you can provide some kind of positive feedback instead of arguing.

Your poor attitude and argumentative behavior has certainly destroyed my confidence in your company being professional, and/or having any empathy to your customer

I am not.

Yes, you couldn’t obviously know that but given that me and some other mods gave us the “Dev Agent” tag over two years ago, it can be considered public knowledge on this forum.

I do.

Would you consider this positive feedback?

Like you, I’m frustrated when bugs happen.

Poor attitude as in saying that “tracked” means that it’s being worked on?

Poor attitude expecting your customers to know your companies internal jargon, then getting snippy with the customer because they called you out for being augmentative.

Why would I, a customer, know what your internal inside jokes are, and frankly why would I care. You chose to publish a False title in your profile. You are NOT a Dev Agent, so you should not have DEV agent in your profile title.

And furthermore, getting snippy with a customer because they don’t know your internal team jokes is pathetic. Why on earth would I know what’s going on in your internal teams two years ago, that makes no sense.

Face it, you have driven a loyal customer to the point that they longer care if the game is fixed, you chose to continually respond when you have zero to offer to the conversation beyond arguing. Horrible customer service, horrible support.

It would have been much better for you to just stay silent. You are NOT adding any value to the conversation.

No, I’m not expecting them to know it as I pointed out in my previous reply. Also, I don’t work for Microsoft, I’m a Volunteer moderator. The only one getting argumentative are you after I pointed out that tracked doesn’t mean “shut up, we already have your money, we don’t care that you cannot play the game”. You mistook me for a dev (which tbh can happen but usually people are like “ah okay” when we explain them the injoke).

Please point out where I got snippy. All I said that you obviously can’t know this (as you’re new).

I’m also not part of the support or customer service. I am a moderator. My job is to moderate these forums. As a fan of the franchise, I’m free to participate in discussions as long as I follow the code of conduct, like everyone else. If your response to Felizon wasn’t flagged, I wouldn’t wanted to respond at all.
My initial response had the intention to make clear that “being tracked” literally means that the dev team is aware and attempting to fix the problem.

I’m also curious why you aren’t calling out my fellow moderator in this thread as he also has a “unprofessional” tag.

If you are not part of the DEV team or even part of the company. Then BUTT OUT.

You are not helping.

If you don’t have something to offer the conversation, I.e. some kind of update or RELEVANT information. STAY SILENT.

And now you’re sending me DMs to gaslight and troll me further, just stop already.

You don’t have anything to add to the conversation.

No, I just figured settling our dispute in DMs is just the better way.

You are just being rude towards me even after a friendly intention and accuse me of trolling and gaslighting.

You interjected yourself into a bug report.

You use a title that makes people think you’re a Developer.

You cannot help.

Let the Developer team take the big report and do what they need to.

Just stop.

And worst of all now you and your fellow fake dev agents are dog piling and gaslighting telling me that I am somehow violating the community guidelines by telling you to stop arguing and stop interjecting when you don’t have anything to contribute to the big report.

For the 5th time, please stop.

You don’t have anything to contribute to the conversation, you are trolling.

If you want to prove that you aren’t, simply stop, period.

I didn’t open a bug report to argue with a moderator

All I did was giving clarification on the term “tracked”. You then acted aggessive towards me. As said, if your initial reply to Felizion wasn’t flagged i.e. reported, I wouldn’t felt the need to reply to you at all.

No, just no. You are rejecting any attempt at settling a needless dispute by accusing me of trolling. But hey, I changed my tag. Happy now? Fine