I don’t understand how it’s broken ??? Don’t u just make pike and seige those buildings ??? . They can’t move , they can’t run . It’s a general practice to seige them , which make the enemy lose resources and cost wood to rebuild them else they can’t have pop space
Good that u mention Ports. Shows how illuminated you are…Ports start get extra tc on age up (+600W!). An extra starting vill(!). And +5% on food gathering. While Inca has to actually pay for the TC until age 3
Inca has BB and vills cards in age III, can build 5+ TCs in age III, and I’ve never said they should remove the trickle, I just said they should move the card, so trickle and even upgrade is still here.
Topic already mention 5 points.
Let Lakota cav can generate resource, just build some anti-cav to solve, isn’t it?
I can say even Lakota need pop to generate resource according to this, right?
Lakota cav can move buildings can’t , there is a difference . Shrine are just waste of wood , if ur enemy know how to make pikes , so as swedon house .
Inca should not have vill card
Everything beats your pikes, and you 2 pikes resources > their one house
Sounds they only wait for you to destroy their house.
My topic has already listed 5 main points for this imbalance thing.
One more, you train/send shipment for pikes, they train unit except pike, who earns?
When you spending time to destroy their house, it is still generating resource, can villager do the same when escaping from raid?
And don’t forget their eco are stronger than many other civs.
Jap are balance because their winrate are arround 50% on ep. Maybe they are bad in term of design but that’s not mean the civ are not balance. They were too strong in 2008 but not now. Listing all adventage of a civ make no sence if you want proove something (exemple, jap can boom hard but they are very slow early age 2, and if you play more aggro, your eco is not that great).
Also, in team game porto is at least, at the same spot as jap.
Dude if u can’t kill a stationary building , how r u suppose to kill moving villigers ??? , U might be playing this wrong . I don’t think dutch , jap ever had high win rates .
Civ balance is check by win rates , not by individuals who are lacking some skills . I think dev can balance civ win rate without changing their uniqueness .
Aoe3 is not like aoe2 where all civs are almost same
NO body uses that! AT ALL!
Specify ?
Which? I can see why nobody would realistically touch the cavalry-related card but for Sumptuary Laws, the non-TEAM stacks with the TEAM variant if you happen to have the relevant ally. Sure it’s still tiny but it’s something? (Export in particular)
Anyway, Lakota has access to Earth Bounty which I think was buffed, but it doesn’t sound enough it seems. I was just throwing out an idea similar to what the Indians have which would be thematically appropriate for them and would be the equivalent of the relevant factions have. I mean, Incan Estates can trick Coin if upgraded, up to 20/s if you invest enough time and resources into it.
It isn’t list all advantages means op, is these advantage make they OP
This is a good example from history, about win rate and advantage, in original AOE3 before German got xp nerf due to free uhlan, guys also mentioned these 2points, at that time German win rate is 51~53% and most guys were saying this win rate is ok and this should be advantage of this civ shouldn’t nerf, even they were saying just few uhlans, train some pikes can be solved. They don’t understand many noobs(newbie) will lower the win rate(when they use OP civ just make them face stronger player), and they also don’t understand how the advantage makes this civ OP (at that time 7/10 are German in Top 10). So only depend on win rate to see if this civ OP is a mistake.
For Japanese only hunt nerf obviously can’t offset this OP advantage. Not to mention they have powerful military and technology boost.
Such Russia has mass quantity but their quality is bad, French CDB is stronger but cost same more, Otto has free vil but its train time is slow. You will not give Russia units same quality and say this is their advantage and apply to CDB and Otto.
Japanese? Sweden? Inca? Advantages much over disadvantage. The eco is main element in this game and these advantages makes them hard to destroy.
Are we playing the same game?
Building in your game same hp as villager?
Your villager can gather resources when running from raid?
Your building stop generating resources during enemy attack?
Your enemy didn’t build the banks or inca houses like a wall?
From you logic, it will be easy to destroy the tc during the game.
As you mentioned Dutch, they became op in team game after DE, they can build 5 banks in 6 mins before latest patch, and the latest patc still buff them. Which they are able to have 25 vils workrate + their vils in 6 mins. And you are telling they are balance? Are you kidding.
I don’t know why you mentioned aoe2, this is aoe3.
And I didn’t request to cancel all the specific bonus.
Which sentence I said so?
And sorry I don’t totally agree with the balance is checked only by win rate, which has experience in orit aoe3 version German.
Noobs and newbie will lower that.
The imbalance point is they are difficult to destroy eco this bonus which is core element in RTS game, and almost no cost for this.
Why don’t let Ottoman have same villager train time as general and say this is their bonus.
Why don’t let Russia unit quality has the same as general and say this is their bonus.
Why don’t let Haudenosaunee house same as Inca house.
What is these imbalance civs cost for their bonus.
Who gonna make 20 estates in rush game ??? And in treaty Inca are the worst civ .
Otto have slow train time , russia has weak military ,becoz these civs were having high win % in past . So they adjusted them .
And yes a civ should be balanced by its win % vs other civ only . Not on anything else .
Ur statement is funny . U want to nerf a balanced civ becoz some people find their resource generating building powerfull , and make that civ bottom teir civ ??
That just imbalance . Resources generating building makes civ easy to play but not powerful by themselves , aoe3 team has worked other ways to balance civ .
U can’t just make change becoz of some newbies who can’t use pike to alter a civ which has 50% win rate vs other civ .
Who teach you to build so many when facing rush?
You can choose build or not, ok?
But othe civs like Russia, if their resources zone are blocked, they don’t have auto generating food building and they almost lose this game. Ok?
And how do you sure every 33 or 44 game can rush opposite.
Take an example, 1 top ranker use one civ win 90% and 10 noobs use the same civ lose 90%.
What is this win rate.
Why is this imbalance to other civs they don’t need to face what other civs need to face, is being disturbed the eco so easily. Their building just keep generating and as a defence building when you attacking their base.
And they don’t need to queue the TC villager like other civs.
This is very simple reason, why TC can only train one villager once only and don’t let us train many villagers like military at the same time even we have resources.
Although I have replied another guy with winrate problem, I can show you once more the history.
In original aoe 3 patch 1.07, German was the most OP civ at that time, but its winrate only got 51~53% even 10 top rankers had 7 of them were using German.
At that time also had same guys like what you saying the same reason, this should be their bonus/advantage (for every shipment free uhlans), their winrate is ok, etc.
Once again this advantage was FREE COST. Not like Otto or Russia some civs.
And you just can mention winrate and ignore its possibility and these reality unfair bonus.
51-53% win rate is unfair . Nerf things other than uniqueness .
As u says winrattes tells if a civ has advantage or not , if not then civ don’t have advantage . As simple as that ??
I means if civ don’t perform then it’s advantages are not unfair . And every civ had its advantages . U can cry for advantages for every civ to be u fair . Free vill of otto , India , resources buildings , powerful vill of franch. , Faster training and cheap vill and military of Russia , faster shipment of Spain . If u look every bonus is unfair for other civ