'Bulwarks of Christendom' DLC Suggestion

They don’t kill Champs and Hussars don’t murder Huskarls.

I actually love that people who wants their civ split into 137497301764 civs are angry because someone else also want their civ to be split

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I am not angry about anything. My civ already is in the game.

They literally do.
Anything Melee that is not a Spearman line unit, wins handily vs Huskarls.

Hussars don’t win vs Huskarls. Period.

Hussars beat Huskarls. It is well known.

It only known in your mind

Not at all. It is a well known fact about the game.

A lot of people think Huskarls are a Militia UU, but in reality they are a Fast Melee Skirmisher. They lose badly even against Light Cavalry, because they cost Gold. Against Hussars it is a slaughter.

It’s not well known, because it’s a fake statement. Hussars die to Huskarls.

I wasn’t talking about you 11

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Well, you linked me.

I agree that civs like Indians should be split, and honestly think the Burgundians are a bit on the unnecessary side, but the Sicilians/Normans were a must, for a Medieval game.

Just not Poles or Bohemians?
Sorry but I don’t think Iroquois are a must

I want Bohemians, but have yet to see a Poles civ that is in any way meaningfully different to Slavs, Magyars and Lithuanians.

All the ones people post are usually a Frankenstein Monster of those 3.

And yes, Iroquois are a must.

Iroquois are less of a must than the remaining European civs

Rus are infantry civ
Lithuanians are trash unit + paladin civ
Magyars are a hussar civ

Poles will be a Paladin, Hussar, Steppe Lancer Civ

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Not at all. Specially when comared to Poles, yet another Knight civ.

Iroquois are on the same level of “must” as more creative possible civs, like Swahili, Swiss, Bohemians or Tamils.

The game really does not need another Knight civ, outside of Tibetans, which could perhaps get Trash Cavaliers with Lamellar Armour.

Also, no way devs will give Steppe Lancer to Poles. They are not a Steppe civ. Even Turks, Bulgarians and Magyars did not get them.

They are not on the same level in my opinion (and frankly, most people within the community).
Eastern Europe needs to be finished before moving onto natives

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We do not need more Knight civs, the game is bloated with them.

Burgundians being a Knight civ is already a dsappointment as it is.

We have Franks, Huns, Persians, Berbers, Spanish… for that.


And now we will have one more knight civ, one more gunpowder civ, one more infantry civ.

They will still be unique enough.

Infantry civs are actually needed, we have very little of those.
Most Gunpowder civs do not even get good usage of their Gunpowder units either, so I would welcome one that does.

Lol what?
Poland as steppe civ man 11

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