How do you know? Even in 2025 is too early I’d say
Please devs don’t end the game without adding a few more Asian Civs.
Don’t be ridiculous. Accusing FE of some kind of anti-Asian bias is really reckless. Furthermore, it’s not up to the FE if DLC continues nor can they just churn out DLC.
Calm down and be patient. If we do get an Asian DLC I’d bet it would be next year. Safe to say it will require a ton more work when factoring in new architecture sets.
I found it suspicious that we haven’t gotten new Asian civ in DE yet… I am willing to wait but should they end game here with no new Asian DLC… why they didn’t add Asian civ in the beginning of DE whn they added European AND native American civ is beyond me.
I’m not super eager for a new civ at the current stage.
But I do hope they at least finish the old civ updates and give some new native and merc cards to the appropriate civs.
You guys really like jumping to conclusions. It makes financial sense to keep adding more civs. KoTM won’t be the last xpack. The Complete History is just a cool marketing title.
I swear sometimes I wish somewhere in the bottom of my heart i kinda wish they would end support for the game so people would stop conspiracying about new contents, cause anything the devs say otherwise is always take with “you never know…”
In my opinion it was also really bad that DE got European Swedish civ, American Inca civ and didn’t get any Asian civ on premiere. Obviously the civ Persians would be too powerful a candidate, so I think e.g. Koreans, Tatars (mix of Mongolic and Turkic peoples) or the second Indian civ (e.g. the Dravidians) would be a good choice for bonus civ for base of AoE 3 DE.
Now it is after the fait accompli.
It would be nice to receive free civs to AoE 3 DE to celebrate birthday of AoE 3 DE and AoE series anniversary - e.g. 3 civs from Historical Battles - Barbary Pirates (or better name - Berbers), Moroccans and Tatars.
I don’t think they should be giving out full civs as free DLC. I’d happily buy good content to keep the game development going. And other than Morocco, those civs would be pretty bad picks.
When it comes to free stuff, what they should be doing is having free to play weekends every once in awhile and actually advertising that. The game suffers from low player numbers so attracting more players should be the priority.
I think that on October 23 we will receive some news, it is the 15th anniversary of TAD and I also want to contribute to the Asian spirit in a positive way 19
Gave received much more content than I would ever dream of. I can’t understand where are some of the players coming from.
It is a classic RTS game, designed in the very early 2000s. Nobody promised it will be a 10y endeavor or it will be treated like a live service game.
Native units alone are more numerous than all available units in most of the RTS game out there. They casually have been dropping updates with loads of new maps, systems, features never planned for AoE III.
Of course it would be awesome to get more, duh. But people need to move on, studios must make money, you can’t keep working on one thing till retirement. Not that it would pay the bills.
No new expansions is totally fine. I hope we’ll get at least a few events, and at least a few challenge maps, because having just that one is weird. Plus as usual- hero skins and HC customization on the side.
Above all - it’s not a separate product, special version of the game with integrated DLC. It’s just a bundle of products on Steam, one of marketing tools offered by that storefront.
And keep Asians in cold… why is it out of original 3 cultures of AOE3 only Asians hasn’t got new civ?
What are you talking about? There are not only three countries in Asia. The FE production team said that the Asian Civilization dlc may be sold before the end of October. Calm down and don’t be impulsive. Let the FE production team wait patiently for the Pup age of Empire 4 to end on September 27
If FE said an Asian DLC is coming out this topic wouldn’t exist. State your sources.
They probably feel unduly constrained by the bad design choices in the original Asian civs. The monk-heroes, consulate system, and bland wonders are a pretty bad starting point for the design of a civ. Half the new civs have been in entirely new categories that let them showcase way more innovative designs. For example, the African influence system does what the consulate tried to achieve, but in a much better way. The best hope might be to create a new civ category that could fit some of the missing Asian civs. They could design Persia as an ‘Islamic civ’ that could be grouped with Omanis, Moroccans, Uzbeks, and reworked Ottomans and possibly Mughals.
This is basically a promotion and does not mean the closure of anything. When there are many DLCs, it is better to show them all in the same package so that it is cheaper to buy it.
I hope for Islamic DLC (Arabians & Persians) or Far Eastern DLC (Koreans & Tatars & Tibetians) or Indian Subcontinent DLC (Dravidians & Bengalis) or Southern Eastern Asian DLC (Siamese & Burmese & Khmers).
I hope a new event so you can get a civ for free like usa
Tibet is already included in the Qing Dynasty like Mongolia, there is no need to create a separate civ。
Microsoft should remove the soundtrack from this pack or make it free. Probably 95% of users don’t need it.