Byzantines buff september suggestion

for cataphracts specifically my mindset is coming from being a teuton ally - I like them mainly due to the 50% heal speed bonus giving my teuton healing fortress (commonly 29 teutonic knights 21 hand canoneers, 10 monks, square formation, stand ground) more bang for the buck. -

but regarding the cataphract from an ally perspective is that they die to quickly and don’t return often enough to be healed properly simply because they die to grazing arrow fire far too quickly.

Regarding the cataphract from a personal perspective is that they are too expensive to justify
massing them properly because they die to such an easy method far too easily and far too quickly. +1 pierce armor will fix that for the most part while still allowing them to die to focus fire and in lower numbers, thankfully, to grazing fire. This will make them worth the cost and keeping them alive by healing them regularly becomes more realistic.

I think free Town Patrol the second you hit Castle age would be worth the same as 100-200 food, at least. It can easily safe you from an unfavourable engagement, or help you set up a trap.
Town Patrol usually isn’t worth 300 food + 100 gold + TC idle time, but it’s jolly nice.
I’d love to see how Byz play with free Town Patrol. Even if it’s just an Arbs + trash civ, with occasional Cataphracts.
If you’re interested we could play a match both with and without free Town Patrol, to see how much it matters. I made a mod specifically to allow such things ^^

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11 oh ■■■■ town patrol so OP it even prevents hoangs strategy, if you research it atm hoangs siegeworkshop destroys itself and monks gets converted, it is a really good tech that only 5% of the players(excluding pros until late late imperial) research it to watch more outside their walls, how couldn’t we notice such powerful and useful upgrade that slows ur vill production and hurts ur early castle economy for literally no gain, while military or economy production is what matters.

The only advantage it gives is in feudal in case of fwd towers, castle pushes are usually followed with army, so good luck making the civ better or even attractive, the devs might add that to the next change and say we listened the community feedback and there you go another balance patch that is not going to help a cavalry civ to be you know a decent cavalry civ.

so that’s a no? ^^

To be fair, I think town patrol should be buffed a bit. It’s way too expensive for what it does. Maybe add a second effect like “5 or 10 extra garrison space in town centers” (but no extra arrows)?


Teutons can garrison 25 units at the TC.

You can see there are quite many bonus for Teutons than the average of other civs.
In some degree, that is an evidence that it is, or was, a bad civ.

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Given overlap with Teutons - I’d rather reduce cost of Town Patrol if needed. I do think it’s pretty valuable if you are playing defensive


The only time I ever use the heavy camels is if my opponent is going into some type of cavalry archer and I mix the camels in with other cavalry so that they can’t just pick them off but then I have the ability to chase them down. I can then use a block of halberdiers to try to corner them or to tie up other forces. The camels are a nice flexibility but all the times I’ve gone pure camels it’s just been like throwing money to the wind they just get chewed up by any type of range fire.


I’ve got another suggestion…

What about all stable units get +5 hp per age starting in castle age. (total 10)

Yes it over laps with Franks, but it’s weaker and only affects stable(in practice only a legal issue to give it a degree of difference) and applies later.

Its weaker than blood lines but free.

Teuton tc gives +10? So if TW gave +5 it would be the same as blood lines vs franks. Or squires vs celts.

It still has variety and one comes significantly earlier

Hyperboles aside, I really do wish War Elephants in AOE 2 were actually big and scary.

War Elephants deserve to be buffed. They are too impractical and far too easy to nullify to ever be actually used, in a serious setting.
Yes, there will inevitably be a couple of pro TGs where Mr.Yo or someone used some WEs, but that’s not the BIG PICTURE.


Maybe change the cost to 200 f 100 w? This way it is still a rather expensive tech in castle age, but in late imperial it is kinda cheap.


I agree, 300 trash resources would often be worth it in late imp.
Alteratively 100 f 100 g could make the tech viable in castle age.

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Byzantines ate balanced. They one and only buff they need is Town Patrol for free

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Why not give Byzantines all bonuses other civs have when they are so baaaaaaaad ? And still you would never cease to whine about them just out of boredom it seems.

Btw its funny how you try to give them bloodlines from the back door, the meme complain of all byzantine meme complains :smiley:

Bloodlines would help to aleviate the pierce armor problem but would probably improve the cataphracts a little too much in melee fights, but their cavalry would do well with it in general. I’d be for an addition of bloodlines, an increase of 1 pierce armor and a nerf in hp that ends up making the end result for cataphracts fully upgraded to be the same hp as they have now to buff their stable while not making the cataphract
too powered up

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