CAMERA SETTINGS the solution?

I agree we need more zoom, although 3x is a crazy amount that’s never going to happen.

I just don’t understand all the talk about monitor sizes. Monitor size is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

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Why crazy? It’s perfect for my 32’’ 4k monitor. I would sea everything clearly. Have no problems to micro. Perfect game. So everyone should share this advantage. The higher zoom → the more advantage. Everyone recieve more advantage.

Oh wait, do u think x3 zoom will be too small for u? Sorry, but it wont. Just get used, cause higher zoom gives u more advantage, so please take that advantage and play.

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I’m saying there is a zero percent chance they will give us 3x the current zoom level. It’s just not going to happen.

I guess you have seen top players play AoE2 in youtube. I don’t know anyone who uses big monitor. They use small monitors and the game is a lot zoom in. This is so that the mouse don’t have long distances to move for the commands, and to have high fps. Drongo mentions it in the above video. So yes, the big monitor is not an advance to the player.

I also mentioned that who said that the more zoom out is only for high resolution. All resolutions have to zoom out more. I mention the monitor size usually because the game does not uses resolution. So the problem right now is at big monitors where players have a great minus in every aspect. It is way harder to see what is going on in the big monitor. It is way slower to give commands in bigger monitor. Practically now the game is unfair…

In every other game more resolution mean more view. And still non is playing competitive in high resolution. Imagine now how unfair the game is… As I said, I won 3/3 multiplayer games i plays in my laptop, I lost 4/4 multiplayer games in my desktop. And I know I played there terrible compere to how I was playing in my laptop.

What game is in the bottom screenshot? clash of clans?

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Fantastic video. I hope the developers are listening, as this is a potential game-killer of an issue if they don’t fix the issue.


What do you mean with 2K?
1080p = 2K
4K = 2 * 2 * 2K (The width and the height of 4K is 2 times 1080p each)

Or are you referring to 1440p? That’s more like 3K already.
Don’t think you area talking about the official 2K because that’s like 2048x1080 and no one uses that.

To your point. Starcraft 2 was designed for 16:9 monitors (you see less of the game with 16:10, 5:4 or 4:3) so it was designed for 1080p which was still a relatively high resolution at that point. SXGQ (1280 x 1024) was the most common in 2010 I’d guess, at last in offices.
Now AoE4 in 2021, 11 years later is still designed for 1080p. The game even set’s the render resolution (confusingly labelled gameplay scale) to 1080p on default so you only see pixels when you play on 4K.

Do they want to game to be best played on a laptop?
Do they try to remove all the advantage a large monitor has for competitive play?
Do they want to make the game feel like playing AoE1/2 on a CRT 20 years ago?

My mistake, 2K when I was saying I was speaking about 3840x2160

In starcraft even in 1920x1080 resolution you see a lot of buildings, in AoE4 you see at hills lets say max 3 buildins even if you are at 3840x2160 resolution. In stacraft 2 this is an example screenshot:
So you can see almost all your base in 1920x1080 resolution. So in 3840x2160 you could see 4 times your base (so lets say 40 buildings?) because starcraft 2 as every other RTS has a working resolution. And from the other hard in AoE4 you see 3 buildings at hills and 6-7 at plains. Which game is more zoomed in? So AoE4 is 6-7 times more zoom in valais and 12-13 times more in hills if you compare the number of buildings you can see in a 3840x2160 resolution monitor?

As we have already said, competitor players all uses small monitor with low resolution/zoom in to the game. No-one uses anything else. So the players with big monitors which already have disadvantages at competitive play will have one more. Because a lot zoom in in a big monitor make the player not be able to play the game. He has to loose a lot more time to understand the screen, a lot more time to move the mouse for any action. In competitor play where even the frames fps matters, this means loose. Practically big screen=loose in AoE4. But the point is not if anyone has any advantage. The point is if it is even playable at big monitors. For me it is not, in my 29 inches monitor I can’t play AoE4 right now. And I really try to used it. I played a lot more time in my desktop than in my laptop during beta trying to used it. But I couldn’t… and the last days I did not wanted even to try… If I wasn’t in beta, I would not try to play the game in my desktop. Yes, in my laptop it was ok with the 16 inches monitor. If AoE4 exclude all player with big monitors, its something not good for sure both for players and for the game.

PS: In my 29 inches monitor, it was so big the zoom that I didn’t wanted to play even if I liked the game a lot in my laptop. I was filling like play a clasical RTS game in a 1920x1080 resolution monitor with 960x540 resolution. If anyones try something like this he will understand how bad it was. I dont know a sinle RTG the last 15 years with more zoom in than AoE4 in a 3840x2160 resolution monitor. And I am speaking and for RTS that support till 1920x1080 resolution.


I hope if the game will come out, we will be able to zoom as far out as displayed in the shots AT LEAST.

I really want age 2 level oom, but Understand that may be too much too ask :slight_smile: