Can we expect an editor update like AoM Retold?

Hello there,

The new Age of Mythology Retold scenario editor is excellent, with lots of extra features and triggers.

Can we expect similar improvements for Age of Empires 3 DE?

Remember, we’ve already had extra triggers in an update:

Here are some features that appeared in AoM Retold that I’d like to see in AoE3 DE:

-The terrain texture limit message, which indicates when the maximum number of terrain has been reached.

-The Convert Object option, which allows you to change the owner of a city or army if you change the player settings during scenario creation.

-Free camera:

New protounit triggers:
-Protounit: Add/Remove Train to add or remove a specific unit traning in a building
-Protounit: Add/Remove Tech to add or remove a tech in a building
-Protounit: Add/Remove Unit Command to add or remove a command of a unit
-Protounit: Change Name to change the name of a unit of a civilization (it doesn’t matter if he is already on the map or if he is trained later)
-Protounit: Set Flag to change the flag of a unit
-Protounit: Set Unit Type to change the type of a unit

I’m thinking that, since Age of Mythology Retold was developed on the Age of Empires 3 DE engine, it’s quite easy to make additions using bits of code from the other game. Well, I hope so.


Funnily enough, last patch did bring updates to the Scenario editor, they simply weren’t announced anywhere for some bizarre reason. (The HC bug is fixed).

So I’m rather hopeful on this one.


:smiley: never thought i’d see the day, new best news today


Wait, what??

Now we can set custom decks properly? Or what u mean?


Expect? No. Hope? Yes.


We still need a functional trigger to make dialogues that include unit portraits and a simpler way to imput text that doesn’t rely on edit stringid.


Hi there, an update would be beneficial, but take note of what your asking for because a lot of your requests already exist in the scenario editor for aoe3, but I think ur looking in the wrong location, or the trigger is the same but with a different name. If you need a hand, keep me posted I’d be happy to help!

So, is that official word we’re not receiving any sort of editor updates?

You probably mean the “Change Unit Type”, “Change Name” and “Change ProtoUnit Name” triggers

The first and the second only allow to change units already on the map. Not units of an entire civilization (i.e. units that are newly trained).

The third only accepts numbers in its fields. I assume they refer to string IDs. But it’s impossible to give a name directly from the editor without going through a mod (and that’s what the Age of Mythology trigger allows).

About the options, I’m not sure about the free camera. But for the others, I’m pretty sure they’re not available.

After placing more than 48 terrain textures, no information message is displayed, but the first textures do disappear.

There is a ‘Replace unit’ option, but not a ‘Convert unit’, which is not the same thing at all. And I don’t see where else it could be except in the ‘Object’ tab.

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Unbelievable ! The AoMRE editor has a new user interface ! (and an option to keep the old UI).

After so many years, this old UI that never changed had become a joke :smile:


Having more UI options is always welcomed. I personally like the old UI look more.


Yes, a more user-friendly editor would be good to have more custom scenarios. I had the idea of ​​redoing the Pachacuti, Moctezuma and Almeida campaigns for 3 DE…


Excelent idea. You could start moding the game with the tools and editor.
The modding community is more alive than ever.

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Hmm this is a good question. I wonder if they’ll ever implement such a thing?

I guess I’ll just have to do it myself…FY WE…

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I’ve tried to understand how custom triggers work.

I’ve had a look at the triggerData file, and I’m wondering if copying-pasting triggers from AoM to AoE 3 will work.
But I’m afraid that AoM triggers call hard coded commands that don’t exist in AoE3 (for example “trProtounitAddTrain”).

After a quick test, it doesn’t seem to work, and I got an error message.

The publisher/developers say that the community will fix the game and add content. But they’ve forgotten about the scenario editor, which is highly unmoddable in its current state :disappointed_relieved:


There’s so many engine updates in AoM I’d love to have here.