Can we please have double ponds removed from the map gen


Single ponds are bad enough, and the map is already so heavily geared towards aggression that even triple wood lines are good enough to support heavy feudal aggression, but double ponds, and only a single woodline is simply atrocious, and pushes aggressive civs even further ahead.

The irony is I personnaly usually win these maps with a MAA trush(so winning isnt the issue), because once the opponent is pushed off their singular viable wood line, it becomes so much harder to continue. It just such a poorly designed map gen.


Honestly I semi agree with you - Tho I think one pond game is usually equal to 0 pond game.

I actually would prefer something in between as a more aggressive map generation but not sure how it would look like

If dev dont remove pond then they should have some rewards; like more fish, thicker woodline around etc.

They are already gone in the PUP.

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I had made a same thread, same opinion on this
Those pounds are just unnecessary, I really don’t know why devs make such changes on this at all.
They keep changing different things creating different issues / bugs/ unbalance stuffs.

simply remove the pounds is the best answer.

giving more fish, thicker woodlines will simply creating other unbalance and issues.