Change attribute bug - again

:arrow_forward: GAME Information

  • **GAME BUILD #:newest
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

If there is a change attribute effect and you use “add”. The game will interprete it as “set”

Following Trigger:
Condition1: Object destroyed - Barracks
Effect1: Change attribute
player1 - Berserk
add 1 (amount) 4 (type)

If the barracks gets destroyed the berserk shows:
12 - 11 attack
should be 12 + 1

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:point_down: How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:point_down: List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

Following Trigger:
Condition1: Object destroyed - Barracks
Effect1: Change attribute
player1 - Berserk
add 1 (amount) 4 (type)

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

:point_down: What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?

If the barracks gets destroyed the berserk shows:
12 - 11 attack
should be 12 + 1

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:point_down: ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.


:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

:point_down: Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.

I hope this bug will be fixed fast, as you can’t play custom scenarios anymore with this bug


Thank you for reporting, we are currently looking into this regression.


“Object Name ID” within “Modify Attribute” effect list is also bugged (not finding any fixed string-linked text).

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I hope there’s a quick bug fix. Your QA team should be given a stern warning lol. This is a happy path scenario and not a random edge case. It affects all campaigns where a ‘modify attribute’ is called and makes them unplayable.

I’m contemplating asking for a refund for the DLC expansion as I have time only to play this week.

I often don’t understand why they just undo the patch. If the update makes the game worse, better undo the patch and let the game in the older version


You can’t do that with the current cross platform update because products were specifically sold for the Xbox platform in the meantime. Reverting back to the last patch would imply that all the people on bought the console version of the game couldn’t have access to the product.
It’s a risky move to push cross platform content, but if you do it, bugs are expected and the best way to fix them is on the run I figure. Sadly it will take a certain time (I don’t know how much time), but I don’t think there’s currently another way to deal with issues.

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