For Brits, the availability of Skirmisher is nice in 1v1 but they’re untrainable, the red line upgrade only useful in the scenario where there is stalemate in late late game, but that is easily countered by cannon, unless vs lakota, aztec, and indian. The highlander merc is not attractive enough so putting this card in deck is questionable in many games.
For Dutch, this card is a must when playing treaty due to the increase for bank limits. The stradiot itself can make an interesting age 3 timing push and it cost 1k coin for 5 stradiots. Stadhouder give untrainable guard musk in age 4, so it have it’s own use if the game gets that long. Overall a nice card to bring for Dutch in any type of game, but not a priority that needs to be immediately shipped in age 2.
For French, the card only use is in treaty just for the code napoleon once you already have many building. The grenadier it give have not much use for French, but the last upgrade give it a royal guard status, this card also synergies well with the grenade launcher card for better attack and imperial upgrade. Overall this card have no use in 1v1 but good to have if you want some grenadier shenanigans with French in treaty. No one expects French Grenadier.
For German, Tilly Discipline is a must have for any German infantry, but the contract and zweihander is questionable at all. So in any case you most of the time receive only 1 or 2 benefit from this card. 5.2 speed Skirmisher is fun, and 5.8 Speed Doppelsoldnerr can make a suicide unit to snipe building. Get it if you gotta go fast.
For Ottoman, it’s one of the best version of the church card. The new New Order Infantry grant cav multiplier to any Heavy Infantry, the age 4 upgrade grants 3 Bombard at cheap price. Overall it’s a nice card to have in any game type that can reach to age 4 and late game.
For Ports, the card use in 1v1 is if you do lots of xbow, the black rider it have coming way to late that dragoon are better, but they got cool name. Overall this card is good to have in treaty game with for the mill gather bonus since Ports army are food starved, the penalty most of the time only affected plantation gather rate, but port dont need that much coin anyway.
For Russian, this card is a must have in any deck and better to be send prior to reaching age 3. The unit it give also nice as Russian lacks tanky cavalry and dragoon. Can go no wrong with this card in deck.
For Spanish, the card is very questionable, Corselet nerf Rods play, Halb is worse than Rods. The only saving grace is the 10 Harquebus in age 4, but that food cost better spend to train lancer or hussar. Overall not that worthy to put in deck in most game.
For Sweden, Push of Pikes + Military Drum will make Swedes pikeman into semi rodelero, but we rarely see Swedes that play pikes. Any percentage increase for merc is always good, and the Savolax is no exceptions for Jaeger. Finally the Gustav Guard is the only questionable use as all Sweden infantry already counter cavalry. Overall good to have if there is slot in age 2 deck.
In the end all card have more of it’s use in late game scenario than in 1v1.