Civ Concept: Korea (The third version I have seen)


“For millennia, the Koreans have inhabited their eponymous Peninsula, located between China and Japan. Since the 14th Century, the Confucian Joseon Dynasty has held sway over this ancient Kingdom."

AoE3_ DE Korea Flag

Culture: Asians
Home City: Busan (Not Seoul, interestingly enough. Busan was the first International Port opened up in Korea, and the only one larger than Incheon, so here it is.)
Personality: ####### #### (King Hyojong)

A strong defensive civilization that can pile up Food easily on land or water. Though their Villagers have no intrinsic bonus and they are unlikely to take Trading Posts or Native Alliance Sockets, their defensive buildings are cheaper and the first set of Market improvements is free, allowing the player to execute a safer boom in the early game. Korean Trees also last lo##### allowing villagers to remain on safer woodlines for longer.

However, your technologies do research more slowly, preventing, perhaps, key tempo benchmarks other civilizations may be able to reach in pursuit of a rush. Getting technologies for free with almost every shipment, however, can compensate for this problem.

Though the Korean military is light on powerful melee troops, they sport strong options for long-ranged warfare, with powerful Gunpowder Troopers and Artillery. In particular, the Daeduyin Musket Infantry and Pyolgigun Rifle Infantry stand out against their Asian counterparts, especially when used to defend the various cannons the Koreans are capable of fielding. Korean soldiers backed up by a myriad of defensive buildings is a formidable obstacle indeed.

All Asian civilizations have their own unique Monks in lieu of a War Chief, General, Explorer, or the like. As Korea is a civilization home to strong Buddhist and Confucian traditions both, their two explorers are the Yangban—a noble scholar and archer mounted on a horse, who benefits from cavalry upgrades, and the Seon Warrior Monk—who fights on foot and benefits from both Heavy Infantry and Musket Infantry improvements. They can both stun Treasure Guardians, and construct both Town Centers and Trading Posts. The Seon Monk’s hand attack has an area of effect, whilst the Yangban has a longer range than other explorers and improves nearby Land Siege Damage armor. The Seon Monk can build Castles, while the Yangban can assist Villagers in building Wonders.


  • First set of Market Technologies is free
  • Castles and Docks are 10% cheaper, +2 Castle Build Limit
  • Infantry gain +1 attack for every Trade Route Post, Native/Royal Embassy, and Consulate currently possessed by the enemy team
  • Trees last 20% longer
  • Town Centers begin with a weak attack
  • Technologies research 10% slower, but Home City shipments may research many for free.
  • Build Wonders to advance in Age


  • Villager (I): Villager that gathers resources.
  • Yangban (I): Noble Confucian scholar who stuns treasure guardians, speeds up Wonder construction, and improves nearby soldiers.
  • Seon Warrior Monk (I): Religious Leader who fights with a hand cannon and polearm with a sweep attack. * Stuns guardians and constructs Castles.
  • Sentry (I): Quick-training, Pikeman who quickly loses hitpoints, becoming less effective over time.
  • Righteous Army: Quick-training skirmisher who quickly loses hitpoints, becoming less effective over time. (Replaces Irregular)
  • Gakggun (II): Tough Korean Archer with increased rate of fire and armor. Strong against infantry. (The word Gakggun does not technically exist. The name carries a vague meaning of “professional/expert archer”, with a particular connotation that the archer has been formally educated to serve that role. Becomes gradually more armored as it upgrades.)
  • Salsu (II): Heavy hand infantry who fights armored enemies. Adequate against cavalry but particularly good against heavy infantry. (Weaker Jaguar Prowl Knight archetype. There may be a rationale to give this unit a specific bonus against the Samurai and Wokou Units, but that may overcomplicate things. Goes from a heavily armored swordsman in Age II to a sword and rattan shield carrier in 1800s European style uniform in Age IV.)
  • Daeduyin (II): Korean elite musketeer that moves faster and deals more damage, especially in Cover Mode. Beats cavalry at range, and good against ships. (Of course it’s gotta be in, burns ships well because that’s what they actually DID IRL. A Korean musketeer commander kept records of some scarily accurate musketeer drills he ran before punking the Cossacks under Onufriy Stepanov. They will start with wearing 1500s-style brigandine then progress to wearing Imperial Korean Army style uniforms.)
  • Naegeumwi (III): Korean royal guardsman with a woldo that provides an area attack. (Joseon bodyguards as Doppelsoldner counterpart. Takes up 2 population space but its stats would not be particularly efficient for the cost. Will be wearing increasingly elaborate traditional Korean dress as it upgades.)
  • Pyolgigun (III): Special forces skirmisher armed with a European rifle. Strong versus infantry. (This is a soldier armed typically with a Fusil Gras M80 or Mauser Model 1871. They will start wearing stark white robes and Korean old-school style hats, then eventually progress to wearing gold-trimmed Prussian-style kit with pith helmets.)
  • Geomsabok (II): Hand cavalry dual-wielding swords that trades damage for speed and armor. Good against light infantry and artillery. (Counterpart to the Naegeumwi historically. Information on them in English is scarce, but they could wield a woldo polearm, the dual swords, flails, or bamboo-hafted lances. Weaker Deli or Uhlan that has a lot of armor, as Korea’s cavalry traditionally favored fighting cataphract-style even in prehistory.)
  • Chetamja (III): Korean reconnaissance rider that deals siege damage with a rocket launcher. Strong versus cavalry and artillery. (Border patrol with a handgun historically, I guess, but apparently also actual carabineers were named the same way. The unit would LOOK more fun if it dealt siege damage with its normal attacks if it shot exploding arrows from a singijeon, but you’d likely see Abus-like complaints, so I refrained from adding that design element. He will begin looking like an Asian dragoon, but by Age V, he’ll be a ninja on horseback. Heck yes!)
  • Changbyeong (IV): Tough lancer trained in Western dressage, good against all infantry despite lower damage. Only able to be sent from the Home City. (Apparently this is the Korean word for Uhlan. This unit is the one most likely to be dropped from further iterations of the outline, as it kinda just looks like a bad hybrid of Spanish Sympathizers and Spahi cards. Dubious inclusion)
  • Hwacha (III): Fast-moving Korean siege weapon that fires clusters of exploding arrows from a great distance. Better against infantry than buildings. (It had to be included here.)
  • Bullangi (III): Swivel culverin mounted on a tripod. Strong against other artillery. (This is a Portuguese/French-style swivel-mount culverin after all…it should work like a proper Euro culverin.)
  • Wan’gu (IV): Cast-bronze mortar good at destroying buildings and ships. (Information on this is scarce in English, and it appears as if Koreans didn’t exactly field many mortars or for a long portion of the Joseon period anyways. But I picked what appeared to be the biggest one.)
  • That Big Rocket Guy In The P (IV): Korean heavy artillery that fires a large iron dart. Good against both infantry and buildings. (This specific model of cannon firing a heavy finned projectilve punches through several dozen cm of granite with a single shot, the South Korean navy claims. Might as well make it the Heavy Cannon equivalent. Not sure HOW it’s acquired though–Russian Consulate? Shipments only?)
  • Sahuseon (II): Fast reconnaissance ship good at exploring, fishing, or transport. (This thing has no English language info on it. Wikipedia descriptions for the win, baby!)
  • Bangpaeseon (II): Powerful medium warship shielded against enemy building fire. Can train units. (Protecting the upper decks on coastal defense ships appears to be the primary military usage the Joseon military had for shields ever since the Mongol invasions.)
  • Panokseon (III): Heavy warship with many cannons. (The big castle-like vessels you see from Korean period dramas on television.)
  • Turtle Ship (IV): Slow, armored mortar ship that can defend itself with a ram and flamethrower at close range. (While it may be named after Rajon Rondo’s doppleganger Franklin the Turtle, it can certainly sling cannonballs at long range like Rajon Rondo could sling a basketball to his teammates.)

Images of Units
sahuseon The Sahuseon

Possible look for the Chetamja
I kinda like this for the Disciplined Gakggun skin.
The ################# will just be this but bigger.

Unique Buildings
Rice Paddy: Slow, infinite source of Food or Coin. Limited to 10 gatherers.
Hall of Worthies: Trains repentant outlaws and mercenaries. Provides Monk improvements and unique Korean technologies.
Castle: A powerful defensive building that can also train and upgrade artillery.
Consulate: Spend Export here to enter into relations with European powers and gain a powerful bonus. Also use Export to purchase European troops and technologies.
Seodang: Combines the Market, Livestock Pen, and Capitol, also contains European Market improvements after sending a Card.
Observatory: Acts as an additional Barracks with greatly enhanced Line of Sight. Provides unusual unique military improvements.


  • Hwaseong Fort: Powerful defensive building that can train units. Ships Food upon completion.
  • Pegasus Tomb: Trickles Coin and acts as another building containing the normal defensive upgrades. Ships Wood upon completion. (Cheonmachong is a beautiful tomb built into a large earthen mound. It was found to contain tons of gold, wall art, and other priceless medieval artifacts.)
  • First Grand Palace: Acts as an additional Town Center and trickles Export. Cannot train Villagers until Fortress Age. Ships Coin upon completion. (Gyeongbokgung Palace. Wanna help your boom? Pick this early.)
    *Yonggungsa Temple: Improves hitpoints and training time of all Warships, Fishing Boats now have permanent weak ranged attack. Ships some number of Tame Cougars upon completion. (The cougars are a weird choice but the temple today houses a small population of feral cats who have taught themselves how to fish in the frankly rough waters off of most of Busan. These cats dive into the sea and snag meals that you’d normally think a housecat should not be able to catch.)
  • Southern Gate: Acts as a second Consulate. All Artillery moves 10% faster. Ships a number of Daeduyin or Pyolgigun upon completion. (According to Wikipedia, “Before the 2008 fire, Namdaemun was the oldest wooden structure in Seoul. The city gate, made of wood and stone with a two-tiered, pagoda-shaped tiled roof, was completed in 1398 and originally used to greet foreign emissaries, control access to the capital city, and keep out Siberian tigers, which have long been gone from the area”. It fits.)

Flag_DutchDE: Bonus Coin Trickle, Economic Wagons
-Church Wagon, Bank Wagon, Arsenal Wagon, Livestock Pen Wagon
-Dutch Brigade (Musketeers, Mortars)
-Company (Musks)
-Force (Musks, Ruyters)
-Army (Ruyters, Mortars)

Flag_RussianDE: Villager Discounts, Military Wagons
-Blockhouse Wagon, Fort Wagon, Factory Wagon
-Russian Brigade (Hussars, Culverins)
-Company (Cossacks)
-Force (Cossacks, Culverins)
-Army (Dragoons, Culverins)

Flag_GermanDE: Resource Trickles, Land Military cost -15% Food
-Food Trickle, Wood Trickle, Coin Trickle
-German Brigade (Uhlans, Skirmishers)
-Company (Doppelsoldner)
-Force (Doppelsoldner, Skirmisher)
-Army (Skirmisher, Heavy Cannon)

Flag_American_act3_aoe3de: Economic Improvements, Land Military cost -15% Coin
-Oppa Style: Hand Cavalry gain a +1.25x multiplier against Villagers
-Washington Legation: Settlers work 10% faster on Rice Paddies
-Incheon Landing: All Warships may now gather from Fish and Whales at the same rate as a Fishing Boat
-American Brigade: Ships 15 Fighting Eagle Regulars, 8 Butterfly Hussars, and 4 Gatling Guns
-American Expeditionary Company: Ships 6 Leatherneck Marines
-American Expeditionary Force: Ships 10 Leatherneck Marines and 1 Gatling Gun
-American Expeditionary Army: Ships 9 Butterfly Hussars and 3 Gatling Guns

Hall of Worthies

  • Repentant Outlaws
  • Repentant Mercenaries
  • Monk Improvements:
    -Noron (Korean monks now heal nearby units 6 hitpoints per second.)
    -Soron (Yangban can now repair buildings, Seon Warrior Monk can train Axelhilt the Tame Tiger.)
    -Pugin (Korean monks gain +15% hitpoints, +10% Siege armor, +10% Hand armor).
    -Namin (Enables “Material Force” auras to improve units nearby the Korean monks.)
    “Church” Improvements:
    -Seonjo Repeaters: Ships 16 Musketeers with +10% Attack and 1.0 RoF renamed “Hamel’s Crew” and 7 Jaegers with +10% Hitpoints and +20% Siege Damage renamed “Mauser Guards”.
    -Gihae Expedition: Trading Posts and Embassies constructed by your teammates, but not you, now contribute to the Infantry attack bonus.
    -Jibgangso: Increases Castle Build Limit by +2 and ships 1 Castle Rickshaw, Rice Paddies near Castles have +5% Gather Rate

-Gakggun → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Gakggun
-Salsu → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Salsu
-Daeduyin → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Daeduyin
-Naegeumwi → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Naegeumwi
-Pyolgigun → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Pyolgigun
-Yeonmugongwon: (Combines effects of Standing Army and Mass Cavalry)
-Hullyeondogam: Grants Salsu and Naegeumwi a charged pistol attack.
-Donghak Rebellion: Turns all Villagers into “Nokrimdang”, renamed Revolutionaries who can go into stealth. All Musket Infantry gain +10% Siege Resist atop their normal armor.
########### All Light Infantry have 1.0 RoF on their Ranged Attack when near Trees, Mines, Shrines, and Sacred Fields.
-Jurchen Response Tactics: All Cavalry gain +8.0 LOS and no longer suffer a speed penalty in Trample Mode.

Town Center
Seon Monk
Sentry Uprising
Righteous Recruitment

Hunting Eagles → Professional Hunters → Hunting Dogs → Steel Traps
Water Wheel - > Regenerative Forestry → Timber Trade → Circular Saw
Blanket Filters → Flume and Ditching → Placer Mines → Amalgamation
Civil Servants → Imperial Bureaucracy
Eastern Medicine → Blunderbuss → Greatcoat → Frontiersmen

Rice Paddy
Paddy Threshing → Irrigation Channels → ############### Canals → Kimchi Jars → Mechanized Rice Cultivation
Rice Surplus → Rice Trade → Rice Markets → Rice Exports → Collective Economy

Gakggun → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Gakggun
Salsu → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Salsu
Daeduyin → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Daeduyin
Naegeumwi → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Naegeumwi
Pyolgigun → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Pyolgigun

Geomsabok → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Geomsabok
Chetamja → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Chetamja

Hill Castle → Mountain Castle
Hwacha → Disciplined/Honored/Exalted Hwacha
Bullangi → Composite/Grand General Bullangi
Wan’gu → Starry Wan’gu

Fishing Boat
Panokseon → Exalted Panokseon
Turtle Ship → Ironclad Geobukseon
Gill Nets → Long Lines
Armor Plating
Carronade → Percussion Lock
Ship’s Howitzers


Something happened and I lost all of my Home City Card - Technology pairings, so I’ll work on those when I can. Please feel free to comment down below on your thoughts.


a single range cavalry explorer would already be insane, there is a reason all mounted heroes are melee.

another asian faction with super musks, really? korea IRL struggled with transitioning to muskets, their most important war, the Japanese invasion of korea in 1592, saw the Korea mostly fighting with older style of weaponry like bows and spears. and to me it sounds like you want them to be even stronger than ashigaru.

just asking but how do you plan to implement it so every card has a tech upgrade associated with it?

to me a more thematic approach would instead be to just make korean tech a bit cheaper with no other downsides.

a lot of these bonuses seem pretty extreme, esp getting extra attack for trade posts, you could realistically on some maps get up to 10+ dmg on infantry, that’s more than what upgrading some units all the way to imperial does.

a few of the others like trees lasting longer and castles being cheaper seems more like homecity cards than inherent bonuses to me.

i like this unit, though what do you mean with increased rate of fire, is it the typical longbow ROF or what?

some more stats would help understanding what this unit does, and enable more in-depth discussion.

okay, pretty unusual for melee inf to be able to fight heavy infantry, their natural counter, but again would be easier to discuss if we knew the stats. im also not sure how you make a unit better at fighting armoured units in AOE3.

so a carolean/ashigaru combo? no thanks. i have heard about that anecdote before but like, europeans weren’t bad at making guns and its not like europeans never acheived a high accuracy, its just simply that soldiers IRL ran into issues like:

the entire battlefield would be smoke filled rather faster.

soldiers, esp conscripts, would often panic, and sometimes not look when they shoot (friendly fire was ever present because of this).

also what is the chance that dude didn’t over-exaggerate? its a problem in militaries even today.

that’s not to say Koreans couldn’t make good guns, or that there weren’t good shooters within Korean ranks but perhaps we shouldn’t take a drill under pristine conditions written down by a guy with political motivations for recording it positively as a fact to how they would have performed on the battlefield.

so like a samurai? but worse? idk, seems very “unkorean” to me somehow, it also just makes the faction seem more japanese.

needs stats, cant discuss it otherwise, but a bit odd to me korea gets so late technology that isn’t even indeginous to them, 1880 model even in french service is too late for the game, i can assume korea didn’t have them in 80. the mauser as i can read is adopted in the 90s? correct me if im wrong im going off a translated korean article.

this unit is too late for the game.

im confused why you would depict it as offensive, 2 swords, yet then say it should have low dmg, seems weird from a design POV.

i feel like there is a lot of emphasis on the very late part of the period rather than the interesting late 1500s part. i also feel like korea should have a cavalry archer and not a dragoon type unit.

again why so late.

i feel like you aren’t really trying to make a korea faction as much as you are trying to make an asian faction using european imports.

finally a quintessential Korean unit. id like to see some stat ideas though.

fair enough.

i feel like you could make a faction that don’t need this esp if you are struggling finding examples, also you could just force people to use dutch consulate for it.

im assuming its the rocket launcher from below. fair enough i guess, though again some stats would help.

im sorry what now, why would the turtle ship be a mortar ship? it seems obvious as a frigate replacement, the only thing it excelled at was CQB naval engagements.

i feel 2 passive income wonders is too much.

the fort feels like it is just stealing from india.

a free super Towncenter seems like it will always break the game.

temple seems okay.

extra consulate? so how does it work, do you have the ability to ally 2 allies? or is it just like an extra building for the same alliance? otherwise its fine if not a little boring.

i know the USA was involved in korea a lot, but korean war references are a bit late. the bonus/techs also seems a bit confused IMO.

i cant find another on that, what is it?

over all, idk, to me the faction seems at minimum a bit confused, there are too much “imported” in the faction, it leans very late for a faction who’s primary war in this period was in the early parts. id also really like some more concrete ideas for how the units are suppose to be, maybe some basic state write up or what have you, also id suggest putting the pictures next to units and organising the units based on buildings with space between them, atm its a bit annoying to read.


I think this is great! This is balanced and well thought out.

Seems pretty straightforward to me. Like heavy cannon for Euro civs, it should be available as a 2 cannon shipment, a 1 infinite cannon shipment, and through the factory available from the Russian consultate.

I’d go with Tigers just for the memes.

I absolutely love the idea of the Americans as a consultate civ. And it fits too. Now I kinda want to see the Japanese get it too.

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USA was actually involved in Korea during the period of AOE3.


i know, its the Incheon landing i was referring to here.


Thank you for the in depth response! I’ll do my best to address your points vis-a-vis the quoted portions.

The Korean monks in Wars of Liberty already do this, but their damage is fairly low and the monks themselves are somewhat frail. So not broken. Low-ranking Yangban tended NOT to have horses in the city, but out in the backwoods, you’d often see yangban ranked as low as a high school principle owning a horse and going everywhere mounted. Though today many of the mounted archery tricks once practiced by Koreans are performed for Western tourists by Mongolian seasonal workers (who are probably better at it anyways), horse archery and mounted acrobatics were traditionally the realm of the aristocracy. I also just realized though that a mounted explorer would have a really hard time building…

That 1592 mark is represented already in AoE2, so I’m using, specifically, 1638 as the beginning of the timeframe for the Korean civ. This date places it AFTER the Qing Emperor Taizong came to believe in the proficiency of Korean musketry troops (from the Veritable Records of Qing: “They excel in infantry fighting, especially in musketeer tactics, and would be of great use when storming a fortress.”). The Daeduyin will not be stronger than Ashigaru. They will move more slowly, the standard 4.0, and Koreans will not have a method for increasing the foot speed of their infantry, period.

Cards such as Heavy Fortifications, Georgia Hussars, and Seven Council Fires already exist. Simply duplicating cards and tacking on research effects should be possible.

I feel like the Hermit Kingdom needs some incentive to let the enemy take trade lines, that should, on further thought, only benefit ranged infantry and maybe ships. The trees are a reference to the royal government’s active role in forestry and land stewardship, to the point where it became at times a formal academic discipline, often tied closely with culinary arts. The castles being cheaper refers to Korea’s rapid rearmament on their northern frontiers following the fall of the Southern Ming. So I have clear reasons for it, but I understand why it feels like something out of AoE2.

I was thinking a middle ground between the Yumi and Longbowmen, but weaker on damage and better able to take hits. 110 HP and 40% Ranged Resist. 2 - 20 Range on the bow. 2.25 RoF. 17 Ranged Attack. 8 Siege Damage, 8 Melee Damage.

The armor thing is a flavor text. It has no bearing on mechanics. The Salsu existed historically as a soldier whose primary job was pinning down and killing Japanese heavy infantrymen in melee with various polearms, as adapted from southern Chinese anti-wokou doctrine. The Koreans opted to swap most of the archers in the doctrine for musketeers. We’ll go with 10 base hand damage, 20 siege damage, and identical multipliers to the Jaguar Prowl Knight. 4.5 speed so it is a little slower, 15 LoS, same RoF, and 160 base HP.

Carolean/Marine combo, actually. The Daeduyin in fact did use Dutch-style guns and Russian-style gunpowder. Yu Shin’s records of the musketry drill, undertaken by a crack company of veterans from the militarized Hamgyong Province, reads like a god-damned L2M officiating report from the NBA. Not much room for exaggeration. The seeming inflation of the Korean musketry versus that of the Chinese was primarily due to Sarhuda’s expectation that the Koreans would be the elite assault troops in the vanguard supported by massed volley fire from the Qing, who were primarily using conscripts called up from marginal areas of Northern China (this makes sense if you see how much money Beijing was pulling in on a 3% land tax alone during this decade) in this campaign.

Samurai but worse. Exactly. More like a Hospitaller, in fact. No frills heavy infantry whose primary asset is its AoE damage. Not an essential unit but there as flavor. You can still go see re-enactments of their drills in Seoul today, so they make it in as a unit many foreign tourists to Korea might recognize but not know the indigenous name of.

The French rifles arrived pretty early. No idea on how they got there, but my money’s on Filipino middlemen funded by the French Catholic Church. The two nations worked closely together to spread Christianity and Western Technology in 1800s Korea, but only the Filipinos really remember much of it today.

As for being too late…eh. I’ve said elsewhere that I’m fine with a 1900 end date for the game. Whatever.

The dual wielding swords is Rule of Cool, taken from, apparently, an old martial arts manual for mounted combat. Korean cavalry was always tanky and never quite effective as shock cavalry, the country’s first epithet in Chinese records was “land of the armored horse”.

You could have both, but there’s a cooler idea. See, Korean cavalrymen at one point used to shoot exploding arrows from some sort of launcher. Probably a singijeon, with 13cm long rockets at an effective maximum range of 150 meters. These were used by the Chetamja, spies and scouts whose job was primarily to fight the Jurchen, and later, Manchu. The Chetamja later became at some point more traditional carabineer troops, but rocket launcher ninjas on horseback is cooler. Low damage but it’s siege damage, like an abus. Fun, right?

That’s why I’m iffy on keeping it. Not sure it quite fits.

Almost identical to the organ gun, but MANY more shots (12 shots for 15 damage each?), less damage, and perhaps less range. Perhaps a 1.25x multiplier against all infantry.

The C h e # # # # # # # # # # t o n g is just a modified British Rocket, really, not too sure what the stats would be finalized as. Tweak as needed.

I guess you could/should swap the Turtle Ship and Panokseon as you like. The latter did have a much wider variety of on-board artillery.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

The Tomb caps out, should you age to Imperial with it, as not much more than a Saloon in terms of trickle–0.8 Coin/sec. The prize here is being able to research multiple defensive upgrades from the SAME building at once. You want Hill Castle and Exalted Hwacha? Go ahead. Star Fort and the other one? Yeah.

I might lock training villagers from the Palace behind Age III…but you can call Sentries and Righteous Fighters, receive shipments, and retrain monks off the bat.

At least one wonder has to be kinda ass. You can’t pick another ally, but as with the Tomb, it acts as another research queue. Getting out an army and a tech at the same time. Two armies. Two techs. It makes you more versatile and prevents you from being locked out of armies if your Consulate goes down early.

The Washington Legation is an 1800s townhouse the Korean government had for a few years in DC. The Incheon Landing is more so a reference to Chinese immigrants to Incheon than MacArthur. Not quite appropriate but a fun double entendre. Oppa Style is literally a PSY joke. That’s it.

King Seonjo basically told a Roman Candle and a matchlock musket to #### # ##### The baby was actually made. Superposed load. Five shots. 12.7mm bore. No idea if it ever entered limited production or production at all.


This is my greatest wish for AOE 3 DE to add more Asian civs especially Koreans or Joseon.


To be honest, despite being of Korean descent myself, I would place Koreans as being of lower priority than adding a civilization from the Polynesian culture group. Preferably Hawaiians as that’d require the least amount of unique stuff being added to the civilization. Off the top of my head, there are good and clear reasons for a Hawaiians civ to field Hussars (Hawaiian cavalrymen wore the same uniforms as those of three different countries with Hussars in this game already), Horse Artillery (King David traveled to Europe and purchased a number of Austrian mounted guns, and the Kingdom already cycled through numerous types of light cannon, many of which survive today embedded into sidewalks around Honolulu), European style ships, and the like.


I would be for the Hawaiians or Maori only under the condition that naval AI is fixed for skirmish gameplay.

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I always feel that it is not realistic to discuss Korea without any official updates from any Asian country in the past three years, especially when the DLC updates for the new country have completely stalled in the past year. Unless the government starts to update new Asian countries on a large scale, we will be far away from being able to update to Korea. In my personal ranking, if I remove the nomadic countries in Central Asia, Korea may also have to rank seventh among Asian countries of the same period (in my mind, it was ranked after Persia, Myanmar, and Siam during this period), but we have not even been able to see Persia, which is very frustrating, I hope to see Korea and Vietnam emerge together as the seventh and eighth Asian civilizations in the foreseeable future

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Just make the civ yourself you coward


It’s a civ concept - just conceptual!
I’d take a forum of civ concepts over numerous ones moaning over updates.

Personally I find civ concept threads really interesting ((fleshed-out with unit/building details, mind - not just a ‘I want Danish - discuss!’ threads)) and you never know if it subconsciously sways the minds of Devs. Obviously it’s a bit of fun and wishful thinking first and foremost.


Very unnecessary comment. Not every has the time or modding knowledge. He still took the time to create an interesting concept, which can serve as an inspiration to the devs for a future asian dlc. Show some respect.


I’m clearly not talking to the OP. Especially since I helped him to begin with.


Bruh, Hoop is my [REDACTED], in the same way that Jesus Christ is for that rapping pastor. He was a big help in this outline for sure.

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My mistake then, sorry.


I have some theoretical stat blocks for the civ outline’s Monks.

######## ########## leader who stuns treasure guardians and has a Suppression attack. Speeds up construction of nearby Wonders, constructs Castles, Town Centers, and Trading Posts.*
• Type: Land Military, Cavalry, Military, Sees Stealth, Ranged Cavalry, Healing Unit
• 400 Hitpoints
• 5.75 Speed
• 10% Armor- Ranged
• 20 Line of Sight
• 20 seconds Train Time
• 50 Kill Experience
• Build Limit: 1
• Shadowtechs: +50% hitpoints, +50% all actions damage with YP[X]izeKoreans
• Technologies: Ranged Cavalry Caracole, Noron, Soron, Pugin, Namin
• Ranged Attack (all modes): 8 Ranged damage. 16 Range. 3 RoF. 3x > Guardians. 0.25x > Villagers.
• Hand Attack (all modes): 6 Hand damage. 1.5 RoF. Identical multipliers to ranged attack.
• Siege Attack (all modes): 15 Siege damage. 3 RoF.
• Stun: Temporarily disables a treasure guardian from a range of 16 for 20 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown.
• Community Compact: Instantly heals a nearby building for 1000 Hitpoints. 60 seconds cooldown. (Requires Soron)
• Heal for 6 hitpoints/second. (Requires Noron)
• Suppression: small chance to stun enemy units when fighting. (Passive)
• Material Force: increases the movement speed of nearby Native Warriors (Passive, requires Namin)
• Units: Town Center, Trading Post, Castle
Seon Monk: Religious Leader who stuns treasure guardians and has an area attack. Improves work speed of nearby Docks. Constructs Castles, Town Centers, and Trading Posts.
• Type: Land Military, Military, Sees Stealth, Ranged Infantry, Infantry, Healing Unit
• 400 Hitpoints
• 4.5 Speed
• 10% Armor- Ranged
• 20 Line of Sight
• 20 seconds Train Time
• 50 Kill Experience
• Build Limit: 1
• Shadowtechs: +50% hitpoints, +50% all actions damage with YP[X]izeKoreans
• Technologies: Military Drummers, Noron, Soron, Pugin, Namin
• Ranged Attack (all modes): 12 Ranged damage. 16 Range. 3 RoF. 3x > Guardians. 0.25x > Villagers.
• Hand Attack (all modes): 6 Hand damage. 1.5 RoF. 1 Area of Effect. Identical multipliers to ranged attack.
• Siege Attack (all modes): 15 Siege damage. 3 RoF.
• Stun: Temporarily disables a treasure guardian from a range of 16 for 20 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown.
• Tame Tiger: Trains Axelhilt the Tame Tiger in batches of up to five. (Requires Soron)
• Heal for 6 hitpoints/second. (Requires Noron)
• Material Force: increases the hitpoints and melee attack speed of nearby Outlaws (Passive, requires Namin)
• Units: Town Center, Trading Post, Castle, Axelhilt the Tame Tiger


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The building hp repair ability is an interesting thought but potentially a little too strong since good micro and use of walls could be too strong against early pushes. The Soron tech should be locked bedhing age 3 and/or the ability should have a relatively long set-up animation (like with the Japanese poofing ability) so watchful opponents could stop it by targeting the monk.

I was aiming for Soron to be locked behind Age IV in fact, to compensate for a rather short cooldown and no thought to some insanely long animation, my default I guess was that the repair animation would just be about as long as the Swashbuckle/Oberhau one.

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Ahh, ok. That makes sense.

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