1. Tech Tree Disabled:
Archery Range → Hand Cannoner.
Barracks → Eagle Scout.
Stable → Rider Camel, Battle Elephant, Steppe Lancer.
Siege Workshop → Onager, Heavy Scorpion, Bombard Cannon.
Blacksmith → -
Dock → Demolition Ship, Cannon Galleon.
University → Heated Shot, Arrowslits, Chemistry
Castle → Sappers
Monastery → Atonement, Herbal Medicine, Sanctity, Faith, Illumination, Block printing
Town Center → -
Mining Camp → Stone Shaft Mining
Lumber Camp → -
Market → -
Mill → -
Militarily it has:
- Poor siege (Romanians not known for their catapults or great siege)
- Poor ships (again, only having little sea access and a very modest navy needed for trade)
- No chemistry (was a bit late to the part in this department, only aroung 1600s)
- Weak monks (being orthodox, the church didn’t have such an international influence as it did for catholics).
- Access to Arbalest, Champions, Halberdier, Hussar, Paladin (being often outnumbered, the main strength of the Wallachian and Moldavian armies were their diversity)
- Bonuses to Paladins & Cost Reduction to Halberdiers (the main focus was on the heavy Cavalry who would receive the finest armors from Western Europe and peasantry who were forced to bear arms and learn to fight otherwise they would be senteced to death)
- Late Game civ (Wallachians and Moldavians would almost always pick their battles to ensure victory as they were often outnumbered, I think this translates well to having a worse early & mid games where the enemy has the advantage, but without having strong defensive bonuses. You just have to ressist until the late game. Which kind of mirrors a lot of Wallachia and Moldavian wars where they were invaded and just had to ressist until they could build up stronger forces)
2. Bonuses:
Romanians: Cavalry civilization
- Town Center technologies (except Age advancing) cost -50%
- Units and buildings on lower elevation do not take extra hill damage (reverse Tatar bonus)
- Mill and Lumbercamp upgrades provide +2 carry capacity each for farmers and lumberjacks.
- Pikemen line units are 15%/20% cheaper in the Castle/Imperial Age. (Byzantines have a stronger bonus, but they don’t have all Blacksmith technologies so weaker Pikemen)
UT1: Migrations → Villagers create 30% faster (perfect for booming)
UT2: Order of the Dragon → Knight line has +1 attack and +1 armor. (late game cav bonus)
Team bonus: Cavalry has +2 damage against buildings
Unique Unit: Viteji (Heavy Cavalry - who is both melee and range)
Literally “Brave Ones” they are soldiers who gained lands and property through bravery in warfare. The viteji are therefore, as expected, among the most resolute and brave warriors a ruler could ask for. Like many elements of Romanian cavalry, the Viteji show influences both from the East and West, and their style of warfare imitates that of Cuman or Tatar armored horse archers.
By their nature they are very versatile cavalry. In battle, the voievod would use these troops to counter the enemy’s cavalry flanks, either by engaging light cavalry in melee or harassing and exhausting heavy cavalry, then providing the decisive charge into the enemy’s flanks.
3. Spoken Language
Modern Romanian. Unlike English that changed so much that Old English is a completly different language, Old Romanian and Modern Romanian are mutually intelligible.
4. AI Rulers List
- Basarab I the Founder (1310 - 1352) - Founder of Wallachia.
- Bogdan I the Founder (1307 - 1367) - Founder of Moldavia.
- Mircea the Elder (1355 - 1418) - Prince of Wallachia, great-grandson of Basarab I.
- Vlad II the Dragon (1395 - 1447) - Prince of Wallachia, son of Mircea the Elder, father of Vlad the Impaler.
- Vlad III the Impaler (1431 - 1476) - Prince of Wallachia, Dracula’s campaign is about him.
- Radu the Fair (1437 - 1475) - Prince of Wallachia, younger brother of Vlad the Impaler.
- Stephen III the Great (1435 - 1504) - Prince of Moldavia, cousin of Vlad the Impaler.
- Alexandru Lapusneanu (1499 - 1568) - Prince of Moldavia.
- Matei Basarab (1588 - 1654) - Prince of Wallachia.
- Vasile Lupu (1595 - 1661) - Prince of Moldavia.
- Michael II the Brave (1558 - 1601) - Prince of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania.
- Constantin Brancoveanu (1654 – 1714) - Prince of Wallachia.
- Dimitrie Cantemir (1673 – 1723) - Prince of Moldavia.
5. Wonder
6. History Page
The origins of the Romanians are a mystery, the majority of contemporary scholars such as Kekaumenos, John Kinnamos, Simon of Kéza, Poggio Bracciolini, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Nicolaus Olahus wrote that the Romanians’ ancestors had been Roman colonists settled in Dacia Traiana as they speak a latin-based language. While others such as William of Rubruck wrote that the Vlachs descended from the Ulac people. Although most of the Europe called them “Vlachs” throught the Middle Ages, which comes from the old Germanic word for “stranger” that was used to describe the Romans, in their tongue the Romanians called themselves “Romani” meaning “citizens of the Roman Empire”.
The first independent Romanian state appeared in 1330 when Basarab I the Founder revolted against the Kingdom of Hungary and defeated the Hungarian armies at the Battle of Posada, forming the independent state of Wallachia. This was shortly followed by Moldavia’s independence in 1359 from the Kingdom of Hungary. For most of their history, the Romanians lived in the twin states of Wallachia and Moldavia as well as Transylvania under the Kingdom of Hungary. Located at the croassroad of the much stronger Hungarians, Poles and Turks, they would often side with one or another to preserve their independence.
The Romanians were known of using hit and run tactics to harass and drain the armies of their much stronger opponents, until they had a chance at face to face combat, using the enviroment in their advantage, especially the swamps that could easily be used to lock an army into place and encircle it, taking advantage of their knowledge of the local area, and scorched land tactics, where the Romanians would burn the fields and poison the water in front of all invading armies, in a further attempt to drain their resources and manpower.
The Romanians’ war strategy were rarely about charging your opponent heads on, as most of often than not, they would stand no chance, and more about picking your battles and using the land to your advantage. Vlad the Impaler’s famous night attack, when he charged into the Ottoman camps at midnight with his whole army, almost killing the sultan, was merely another piece of a long Romanians tradition of fighting this way. Mircea the Elder previously defeated Sultan Baiazid I at the battle of Rovine with 12.000 troops against 40.000 with similar tactics. And before that, Basarab I the Founder earned Romanians independence through an ambush at the Carpathian passes with 10.000 troops made out mostly of conscripted peasants against the Hungarian 30.000 troops army made out mostly of professional mercenaries.
7. Michael the Brave’s Campaign
Part of the Long Turkish War:
Michael the Brave briefly united all territories with a Romanian majority under his rule before being assassinated.
He faced and defeated the Ottomans, the Hungarians, the Poles, other Romanians and the Austrians. He was undefeated in battle until the disastrous battle at Miraslau (the thumbnail of the video) where Giorgio Basta won by feigning retreat. That battle, was also the end of the fragile new kingdom.
There is also another way longer video for those who want to hear the story more in-depth: