Civilization Concepts!

I agree a half pop villager will bring in double or more resources that would be very hard to beat.

Agreed, it does sound too strong. Goths get 10 extra pop, but half pop vills would be 50-60 additional pop in a lot of games.

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Perhaps a UU villager that is half pop cost but only good at one thing like mining or farming might be doable, similar to the dwarfs in AOM.Maybe the other way around too cost 2 pop but stronger.

Not as a civ bonus

Not for all military buildings and in my opinion that bonus is very ill suited for cumans. I would love to have some more civs with military bonus that encourage early/mid game aggressive playstyle and cumans don’t really work that way in general.

In castle age, the xbows would be really strong, since you have all standard upgrades, and a +1 attack. Then in imp you trade 1 range for 1 attack. If this is coupled with other strong feudal/castle age bonuses, then it might be balanced. Like, in post imp, they would be like the GC, short range, but strong offensive capacity.

A bonus doesn’t need to be consistently strong until post imp, it might be enough that it make you strong in a certain period of the game, like castle age.

UT for Trash elephants, but missing elite upgrade

I guess I will have to continue with this myself I guess?

I will talk about the Kanembu, the most important civ missing from Africa imo, a long lasting and very powerful empire based in central Africa that lasted 900 years.

Kanembu kanembu

Cavalry and monk civilization

Town center techs -60% cost and research time

The Kanem-Bornu empire was formed at the beggining of the 8th century by a previously nomadic people, the Kanembu, around the region of lake Chad taking control over the Sao walled cities, thats why I thought a town center bonus would be accurate.

Castle age costs no gold, imperial age half gold cost

While most kingdoms in the Sahel had access to plenty of gold to mine, gold wasnt common in the surroundings of Lake Chad

Knights and monks +10 hit points at castle/imperial age

As a nomadic people in the sahel cavslry was integral to the Kanembu army. This bonus is more talking about the diferent Jihads the Kanembu started against the nearby peoples.

Team bonus:

Fishing ships +2 line of sight

While this bonus doesnt really synergyze well with the rest of the civ, the Kanembu were baded around Lake Chad and fished plenty on it. Either way open to better ideas

Unique Unit

Cima (strong skirmisher)
Hit Points: 60 (80) Unit Cost: 55W 25G
Attack: 7 (8) ROF: 3
Armor: 0/3 (0/4) Range: 4 (5)
Upgrade: 800F 500G Speed: 0.9
14s creation time
Cima historical background

Cima means “fief-holder” in kanuri. The Cima were warriors that after the conquests done by Dunama Dabalemi got their own lands to control, but still under the control of the Mai (or emperor). However, the Cima rised against the Mai, leading to the fall of Kanem and to make the ruling dynasty to move to Bornu.

They are also an skirmisher because the javelin throwing was an integral part of African warfare and while we already have a mounted skirmishers and imperial skirms we dont have an alternate version of the skirm yet.

Unique Techs

Imperial Reforms

Military units and monks created 33% faster

The peak of the power of the Kanem Bornu Empire arrived with the reign of Mai Idris Alooma, who reformated the empire, extended the borders of their territory and also made the empire into a center for muslim scholarship. Its basically castle age conscription but affecting siege and monks.

Cost: 150F 200W


Knights and light cavalry +30 hit points (2 minutes research time)

The padded armour was common beetwen the diferent kingdoms of the Sahel and gave a lot of protection against proyectiles. Sadly, Hauberk already exists, but I guess this is the next best thing, and also a nice way of buffing the light cav.

Cost: 900F 500G

Missing techs

  • Barracks: eagle scout, champion
  • Archery range: arbalest, heavy cavalry archer, parthian tactics
  • Stable: hussar, paladin, battle elephant, steppe lancer
  • Blacksmith: ring archer armour
  • Siege workshop: heavy scorpion
  • Monastery: /
  • Dock: dry dock, fast fire ship
  • Economy: gold shaft mining, two-man saw
  • Castle: Conscription
  • University: architecture

Something I dont feel very happy is that the civ only unique military advantages beyond faster working monasteries and siege workshops is just extra hit points on cavalry units and monks so its a bit one note but Im open to any new ideas to improve that by adding something else, I just wanted to use cavaliers with high hp somewhere tbh and not giving them some of the extra hp earlier felt like wasting a possible knight rush bonus.


Correct me if I’m wrong but this civs cavalry would end up with +50 health?

Only their wcavaliers. Light cav would be +15 hp over hussars.

Still. 190 hp cavaliers?

Yes 190 hp cavaliers. I dont think that is OP on itself

How would that be OP? Seems strong, but Palas are better

Can someone tell me if its OP and why?

Early imp 190 hp cavalier would pretty much wreck everything. You’re literally talking about a civ which already has 130 hp knights in castle age giving them a significant advantage, they get 160 hp cavalier in Imp for free, not even franks get that. Throw in another 30 hp for a tech and it becomes insanely hard to fight them.

Done some changes. Now the castle age UT doesnt affect research time and the imperial UT is slower to research so its a bit faster than Burgundian Paladins but just by 40 seconds (less if Burgundians get conscription). The timing csn be tweaked more if necessary.

Also these 160 cavaliers are still worse than Bulgarians with the UT and the 130 hp knights are worse than Burgundians for a civ with a weaker economy.

Also getting to those costs 2/3s of the Paladin upgrade so its not cheap either

Is it better now or do you think it still needs to be tuned down?

All the bonuses are very very powerful. To compare the extra food with say Ethiopians, the civ doesn’t get any other eco bonus. However this civ gets +1 carry capacity per eco tech. Just +3 carry capacity gives a +10% farming rate for Aztecs pre-Wheelbarrow (used to be +16% when it was +5). So just with mandatory eco techs like wheelbarrow, 2 wood upgrades, 1 farm and 1 mining upgrade or 2 farm upgrades, you get that +5 carry capacity of Aztecs and insanely powerful eco. To top that, extra food every age.
And you have the necessary eco boosts to have a crazy smooth boom to do some xbows and to get to Arbalests quickly, do some damage and then easily transition into the super powerful and cheap unique unit without any investment into blacksmith armor upgrades. The uu is like a hybrid of Kamayuks and Eagles, very very powerful and dirt cheap.
While historical accuracy is important, the game itself is not all about historical accuracy. It needs to be about gameplay and balance. This civ just seems way too powerful.

You almost never research wheelbarrow until you reach castle age, and having the advantage waayyy earlier in the case of Aztecs is a massive advantage, and Beninese dobt have eagles and will be behind in villager bonuses until castle age but I might be understimating it, idk. The extra food is basically Ethiopians but exchanging 25 food for 100 gold in feudal age (not a good deal), and the infantry armour is situational, so I thought something else was needed but either way I was considering to replace the villager bonus but the civ has two eco bonuses that are slower and imo s bit worse compared to the ones of other civs without as strong military options

The UU is also very good, but Kamayuks are way better against anything melee while not being half bad against archers. I may have went a bit too low with the cost though, but I felt that going with a lower pierce armour would be too much like Kamayuks.

Also you didnt finish your comment