Are you sure there is no setting to adjust the position?
Barracks and stables are different ~lol
I generally use elephants from Sultanate only; some civilizations were given me “Pre-Cached” red box model error before.
Yea 2nd picture as you mentioned, it is weird Then you produce them from stables only^^.
I changed the soldier unit models from Sultanate version to HRE Spearman 3rd Age version and it looks really nice now.
Normally, I wanted to make elephants special to only Sultanate. But HRE equip elephant unit is really cool too.
I have lowered the reload time to the naval bombard unit from 5 seconds to 2,5 seconds. Otherwise, it takes lots of time to shoot. However, I will add the elephant unit to every civilization to make it fair; because attack damage of bombard is 480 in my mod that every units in the mod has more hp and buildings have mod hp too. I will make a perfect balance tomorrow to make a fair gameplay, like how I have made balance changes on my x4 ammunition shooter repeater crossbow Chinese units - thy now fire one explosive ammunitions.
Are there any adjustment package settings to enhance AI intelligence or increase difficulty,
I only know how to improve the resource income of AI
AI >
resource_multipliers Multiple of collected resources
I didn’t touch to AI setting in the game yet. It is already hardcore to fight against Hardest AI with the current state of the Civilization Conquest MOD.
@Ashenone3DM, If I change the income of AI as you did, believe me the current Hardest AI in Civilization Mod will become Extreme Hardest AI. For you, I will test it out about AI subject later on. My general concept of the MOD is almost finished already, so I can focus on AI related subjects in the future.
Improve the resource income of AI
AI > ai_settings > resource_multipliers for Multiple of collected resources
Today, I revised French Civilization. After that English Civilization. Rest of the Civilizations are completed.
French Civilization changes:
Early Age - economic development is harder; but you get stronger units, and then French Royal Siege weapons are stronger than other siege units too. Of course, with extra cost.
When you recruit five French Villagers from your Capital and Town Center Buildings, you will get the fifteen elite veteran soldiers from Siege of Orléans that they are directly under the command of the “Joan of Arc”.
These units have 720 HP, 30 Armor and 40 Attack as Shield Spearman Unit. They can heal themself and surrounding allied troops with active and passive healing skills. Active healing skill has 70 seconds cooldown. In addition to these, they can give combat buffs to allied troops near them.
You can recruit “Joan of Arc” Unique Units from Cavalry, Mining, Woodwork, Marketplace buildings via French Villager / Scout / Monk etc. available units there. If you use these units manually yourself by using active healing skill at critical moments, you can change the direction of the battle or your units can survive more to give more fight against their enemies.
Although “Joan of Arc” Unique Units might be really strong; but you can easily encounter them with your archer units, knight cavalry units, or with other unique units of the other civilizations or siege units and your building defensive arrows, cannons etc can still give good damage against them.
To use the siege units and ranged units are very important at this MOD which everything is similar to real life battle combat experience. It doesn’t like this for you to win the battle “Okay I send the troops thy can do auto attacks to destroy the enemy troops”. If you manually control them, they will be more effective and survive more. In addition to these, if you want to survive, you need to have a good economy and always aim to destroy the economy of your opponents by killing their villagers and destroy their economy buildings. That’s why, Watch Towers and Scouts become more important in the game with Civilization Conquest. Yes, your archers etc have longer range but if thy cannot see their target, they lose their effectiveness.
Apart from these, I have added Elephant Units to every civilization now that you can recruit them from Cavalry Building.
I have lowered the damage of Naval Bombard Siege Weapon from 480 to 320, and the range is decreased from 72 to 60 meters, and I have increased its reload time to 5 seconds again; because Elephant Bombard unit is using the same weapon that it had become very overpowered against the ground units.
Next, I will revise the English Civilization again to check if they lack anything in combat while fighting against other civilization.
@ahioz9426 Yesterday, I was able to summon Elephants from other civilizations which I posted its picture at my above comment. But today, except Sultanate, other civilizations’ Elephant units got this “Pre-Cached” red box error again. Do you know what might be causing it? thank you.
I really don’t understand this Content Editor’s “Pre-Cached” red box visual error how is it happening. I didn’t change anything.
There are many potential reasons, and I can’t confirm why.
Similarly, after the camel was given HRE group
Red box,Only the elephant succeeded
what about this general issue too if you have any idea to fix it?
When I increase the size of walls, bastions there is no problem. However, when I place the gate , the walls and bastions are returning to their original sizes too.
Do you know how to fix this issue? thank you very much.
I think these problems can only be repaired by the official. The editor is still in beta and many functions are not perfect.
Mongol Civilization Revised
Different Cavalry Unity
A nice cool Mongol Arquebuses Battalion
Mongol Pasture Building has a nice purpose that every 120 seconds with extra cost you will get 15 Mongol Arquebuses from each building. It is like a gathering place. LOTR Movie - ROHAN gathering gave the inspiration.
Mongol Horse Arquebuses Battalion
You can build wooden walls, bastion and gate from hired Sultanate Mercenary Engineers. Game is limited the Mongols to build anything, so only option was Sultanate Soldiers to do it. You can recruit these Sultanate Engineers from Mongol Marketplace building.
As I mentioned at my above comment, the wooden gate ruins the newly sized wooden walls and bastions to go back to their original size without any reason…
Another new unit for Mongol which is not OP but still strong and you can encounter it easily still.
OMG this Content Editor… I found a way to solve this problem for Gate building to rescale the bastion and walls…
Don’t change anything on for default scale but only change the animation scale. I will do more test to be sure with other civilizations too.
I tried with other civilizations too and yes it is working I don’t experience this rescale gate issue anymore^^.
Mongol Civilization Update - Civilization Conquest - v2.0.9.1
The most hardcore Hardest AI is Mongols in Civilization Conquest - v2.0.9.1 which you will experience really hard times to defend yourself.
Next civilization revision is English Civilization. After that all the civilizations are completed.
As I fixed this major walls / gates / bastion scale problem, I can add really nice Wood and Stone Walls etc to the mod; but I will add them later on.
I have made a small patch today.
French Civilization “Joan of Arc” units’ HP lowered from 720 to 540. French Civilization became quite challenging Civilization if the AI or Human Player can survive until 3rd Age with a good economy.
Mongol Pasture and Defense Outpost produce nice outskirt visuals when you build them.
I added the new Russian Walls to the MOD too which you can access to Russian Stone Walls from 2nd Age, like other Civilizations.
Mongol have Palisade Wooden Walls, Bastion and Gate via Mongol Marketplace where you recruit Sultanate Engineers from ROW:2 - COLUMN: 1 and ROW:2 - COLUMN:2 in the Marketplace building Grid that you can find them via help text on the icon boxes, I have written everything there too where you can recruit them.
Mongol Defense Outpost - you can upgrade it to stone defense outpost
I have fixed some Palisade Wooden wall problems for Abbasid and Russian Civilizations for the extra subjects I added. For unknown reasons, we were not passing through the Wooden Gate from one side to other side… It took a lot of time to fix it.
AI generates x4 more resources - changed the resource multiplier from x1 to x4 to make the game more challenging.
Please let me know if you are happy with the current English Civilization or any civilizations. If you find any weird bugs etc or you want to see some nice new features please let me know.
@ahioz9426 @xtyd3941 @StereoQuasar163 @Ashenone3DM @GutsYxGameR8485 @Seicing
Mongol can build more Ovoo Buildings now - total 24
Hui Hui Pao is in the MOD NOW^^
I need to do a few more tests and then I will release it tomorrow. Currently, it is working in the game without any problems. I just wonder how the AI will re-act to it lol I hope that there will be no crash when AI produces Hui Hui Pao Siege Unit.
I added this unit to Chinese Civilization. It really fits nicely when you put it on the Great Wall ^^.
@ahioz9426 @xtyd3941 @StereoQuasar163 @Ashenone3DM @GutsYxGameR8485 @Seicing
If you update the mod with current v2.0.9.5 you can access to Hui Hui Pao Siege Unit from Chinese Civilization’s Trebuchet CW unit - starting from 3rd Castle Age. Thus, when you have time would you make some test run for me please? To fight against Chinese AI to see if there are any problems etc. thank you very much.
Ask for a look at EBPs and SBPs
I would definitely like to test it now
Does anyone know how to adjust the amount of repair and the repairable city gate of this skill?
And the ability setting of unit +2 range on the wall
How did he screen the beneficiary units? I didn’t see any optional items
abilities and upgrade Nothing I want
I have added some nice visuals to Abbasid military tent and watch tower system. It looks really nice now.
It feels like a military base for frontline
Every unit has a hidden main template.
ebps is the main and sbps as hidden to change units etc.
And it is same for every building too. However, I couldn’t find that hidden templates for buildings. Probably, it is there where you look for.
Hui Hui Pao is only available in Chinese Civilization.
I look at that “always_on” repair skill for Chinese Civilization, and its normal range is 16. But there is no option for the repair amount. It is probably defined in another template / file.
That repair wall skill is very OP, so AOE4 developers nerfed it if you increase it more, noone can beat you^^.