Civilization Conquest Mod

Mongol Civilization acquired the nice visuals too.

Smoke effect in the Mongol Houses to make it more alive that you can cook your food and warm in your houses now^^

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I have a small announcement that I realized this unknown problem recently.

After the new AOE4 Patch, I had observed some weird problems with Mongol Civilizations while playing the Conquest MOD Mongol Civilization.

1st issue, I had found that Mongol Villagers were not collecting “GOLD” from gold vein. I removed the cloned Mongol Villager file and re-make it, and the issue is solved.

2nd issue, I saw AI Mongol villagers are not building anything but only collect the resources… I followed the same steps; but I don’t know why AI Mongol is not building anything…

I didn’t touch anything about AI settings, expect x2 more resources.

I improved the Mongols a lot as visual or as new units, or new features. Probably AI Mongol cannot do some of these subjects somewhere, so this 2nd issue happened. Mongols even can build wooden walls, gates etc from Mongol Marketplace with Sultanate Mercenary Engineer option.

If you play the Mongol Civilization yourself as human player, there is no problem at all.

To build Mongol Capital, you need to produce the Capital Moving Cart which comes with Genghis Khan and his army from Mongol Cavalry Building.

Mongol Civilization become very aggressive now and it is quite strong.

I have increased the armor value of Keeps, Outposts, Capital and Town Centers, and Wall related defense structures.

I just wanted to inform everyone.

After updating the new season, my Mongolian AI didn’t start TC on some self-made maps and kept in a daze. I feel that this is an error after the official update

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yea same. I play Mongol myself in the mod, and it is quite fun too :smiley: but AI doesn’t do anything anymore after the AOE4 new patch… :frowning:

I started to add some new visuals, new units with two Captains as Man-At-Arms and Archer, and I have tried to improved English Paling and Setup Camp ability skills.

This is the summoned Paling with Dane Tent via “Paling” ability of English Archer

This is the summoned camp via “Setup Camp” ability from English Archer

If you use the new English Captain units ( Foot Knight Captain and Willikin Archer Captain ), they will boost your army and to build buildings faster and produce units faster.

If anyone knows how to make these Skill Camps to be permanent, please let me know. Because these “Setup Camp” camps are disappearing after a few minutes and I couldn’t find that timer so far.

@ahioz9426 and @Ashenone3DM or anyone, Do you know if we can make the English Archer - Setup Camp ability’s summoned camp permanent? thank you.

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@seabass8695 AOE4 Developer friend, I had shared the picture above too. Do you know if we can make the English Archer - Setup Camp ability’s summoned camp permanent? thank you very much.

Or do you know anyone who would guide me to make that English Archer - Setup Camp ability’s summoned camp permanent? thank you very much.

@ahioz9426 , @StereoQuasar163 , @Ashenone3DM , @Seicing , @GutsYxGameR8485 , @xtyd3941 guys Do you know if we can make the English Archer - Setup Camp ability’s summoned camp permanent? thank you very much.

There are also low-level modules that are not open to players,
You should know this

I wanted to ask if I missed somewhere; because I applied a nice feature to mod, but it disappears after 45 seconds something which I don’t want it to be disappeared…

The file I look at is already sub-level of that “Setup Camp” Ability from “Attributes” section… or maybe thy didn’t add the timer for that timid ability in its file.

## Civilization Conquest - v2.1.0.4

I have finished the English Civilization.

General concept of the Civilization Conquest MOD for every civilization is finished now. If AOE4 developers bring new content, models, patches and fix the current issues of the Content Editor too, then I can add more new concepts to Civilization Conquest MOD later on.

If you find any bugs, errors, crash etc please let me know, thank you.


English Civilization gets a new concept which your enemies can capture this new camp building
However, I couldn’t test how the enemy AI will do and respond after they capture this new English Building.
From this new building you can recruit new units, including explosive springald with detonation option. I will try to add this explosive unit to other civilizations too.

Now you can have a permanent camp too, apart from the camp setup active skill

More militarized camp building options

I will add more new feature to other civilizations too. I will do extra showcase later on.

I have added a really cool feature to Russian Civilization.

You can build BRIDGES on the ground and water surfaces where you can place your siege weapons and infantry units on the bridges.

You can build bridges to connect them to across from one island to another island to invade the enemy island. All of these bridges can be destroyed, and the naval units can pass through bridges too.

All of these features are in the mod now. I might add spawn units from these bridge too.

I will add this building bridge feature to other civilizations later on too. I had done some intense testing really and at the end I achieved these features. I will try to add a feature to build walls / gates / bastion on the water surface too.

@StereoQuasar163 , @Seicing , @Ashenone3DM , @ahioz9426 , @GutsYxGameR8485 , @xtyd3941

Do you want to make that ocean bridge to have naval trade outpost visual or not? please let me know.

@everyone, If it is possible would you play against AI English Civilization and AI Russian Civilization to check about whether any crashes happens or not please (for the new features I have applied on English and Russian Civilization)? thank you very much.

All of these features are available in the Conquest Mod already, just don’t forget to update the mod.

I couldn’t find a way to rotate that bridge to build any direction only. If anyone knows how to do such a feature please write a comment below.

I have pushed the limits of Content Editor :smiley: I hope that you will enjoy more to play the Civilization Conquest Mod and AOE4^^.

Russians can build extra buildings too, like English Civilizations about military camps, watch tower and tents.


I have started to apply this bridge feature to other civilizations too. I managed to add it to English Civilization. But I will do more adjustment later.

I have started to do something more organize feature in Russian Civilization.

I have changed some extra buildings first.

After that, now you can build these bridges for Russian Civilization from Russian Spearman 1st Age unit which you can recruit it from Capital Building villager production.

Once you get the your Russian Spearman 1st Age units via Capital Building’s Villager summoning / production, you can start building walls, bridges from your Spearman 1st Age soldier unit, so this spearman unit is special and more important for Russian Civilization.

I am doing some testing; because time to time I generally get Red-Box Pre-cache Visual Error. Not every civilization work as indented for this new bridge building system, so it takes lots of time and testing while trying to apply these.

After I complete the Russian bridge application fully, I will update the mod again. Yesterday’s shared pictures were just a showcase for initial testing. I organize subjects better now. At least I have started to see what kind of logic I need to follow while adding this new feature.

Same like Russian Civilization, you can access to bridge feature from Capital Building via Villager production by English Archer 2nd Age unit

These are available with the recent patch - v2.1.0.8 for English and Russian Civilizations.

This feature applies a nice new strategy to defeat your enemies.

I will add bridges to other civilization later on. Because there is still no applied ROTATE feature in the game, so you cannot rotate these bridges unfortunately.

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Mongol Siege Engineers which it can be recruited from Villager production from Town Center and Capital buildings

I managed the apply the real Hui Hui Pao Siege weapon which Chinese Siege Engineers can build it only that it has 1000 Damage.

Chinese Siege Engineers (Chinese 2nd Age Archer) can build different type of Buildings, Bridges etc.

Mongol and Chinese Civilizations are finished too now for adding these new features.

I have done some small changes on Russian Civilization again. It looks more cool now.

If you find any bugs, red box visual error etc please let me know, thank you.

I have finished changes on HRE too now. You can build these cool buildings and bridges from HRE Siege Engineers (HRE 2nd Age Archer Unit) from Capital Building by recruiting the HRE Villager.

And I have added stone bridge option after a long testing. For some reason, the Eastern Bridge turned into Red-Box Pre-Cache Visual Error, so I use West bridges. I will add this Bridge option to other remaining civilizations later on; because it takes lots of time.