In this thread I want us to discuss civilization designs and not focus much on what civs should these be used for. In the current development stage of the game there are already 39 civs and I have to say some of them still need a patch or two to find their own identity from gameplay perspective. So this thread is about designs what bonuses (not yet in the game) and unique units would work well and be coherent while the game is already populated with great number of civs.
Now I understand civ selecting is important and we have to account for history not just gameplay. That’s why it is understandable the suggestions have in mind how certain civ designs would fit one or other civilization or type of culture. It makes sense those designs are inspired by certain peoples history. It is just I want here we focus more on the design and potential balance if such civ is added to the game.
I know there have been a lot of suggestions for civilizations and how they should look like in the forum. If you want you can post and discuss them from design perspective, too. We don’t have to come up with new and original ideas all the time. If you do pls say whose idea the design is.
I will start with giving a suggestion for possible African civ ( You tell me what fits best). I have few more designs in mind I will post later, too. ( I might gather some design in the first post – we will see).
Potential African Civ:
Hunt resources last % longer and do not decay
Buildings cost % less resources (both wood and stone) but have % less HP
can Fortify Town Centers
Do not build Castles
Trebuchet, Petards trained at the Siege Workshop
UU (shirmisher like unit a little stronger). trained at the Archery range from Feudal Age, good against archers but also against camel and elephant units.
UT. Fortification (researched in every TC separately cost X stone Y gold) TC gets more HP, range attach (changes visually) and gains access to Castle techs (a bit weaker than a Castle and stronger than a Krepost)
UT. Camel & Elephant units get extra speed and or armor
Team Bonus. Town Centers research techs % faster
There are two main themes about this design. One of them is a culture that did not build huge castles and forticications perhaps because of the terrain or they didn’t need to. That’s why we have them have cheaper buildings with less HP. Also their TCs can take the function of castles if needed. The team bonus also suggest TC efficiency when it comes to technology research. This should exlude aging up researches.
The other theme is around hunting warrior traditions and knowledge about certain species. Here we have the lasting longer and no decaying bonus which suggest knowledge to preserve the hunted meat and also unique unit that can deal well against camel and elephant units having breeding and hunting traditions with these animals (plus we now have a lot civs with elephant and camel units makes sense to have dedicated unit). In this direction we have Unique Technology applying bonus to camel and elephant units, too. The civ is supposed to have battle elephants access.