Community Map making competition?

Someone pointed out a little while ago that there was a question about whether the devs have any map-makers at this point.

A fair number of maps in the map pool came to DE from the ESOC Patch days when community map makers were making great and/or well balanced maps. Of course some of those were reskinned to different regions (looking at you, “High Plains”).

This has me wondering, what if there was some kind of community map competition?

I believe a number of other games do similar things. Maybe winning maps could at least temporarily make it into the map pool.

Not sure how the competition/judging would work, but I can imagine casted show-matches and fun low pressure quarterly events.

What are your thoughts?


i am aware of about 10 people on the whole planet who can code RMS script maps, myself included. Not sure how much participation is even possible.


That would seem to be a problem I hadn’t considered or been aware of…

I’d love to be proven wrong

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It seems like a good idea to me, but additionally it would be good for those who know about the subject to give their opinions, criteria, examples, etc. regarding how it is a good map and a bad map in terms of its design.
(I don’t know if there is already a topic about this)

It’s like rocket science?

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rocket science with no documentation

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Hopefully you’ll add me to the list in a couple weeks:

I love the idea of a map making competition. At the very least it’ll help get some exposure for new maps to try.

@Kingfisher1787 you want to set up a thread? If not I’ll do it


Purple torp go hella drip.

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Half the battle is making the map. The next part is balancing it. Both require pools of knowledge im not sure we have readily available.

Still, fwiw i wish we do get more maps. And that yall come up with the next wave of maps. Id love another non tp water map like Alaska but not alaska.

If you guys do come up with a map pack let me or someone in sunbros know i can have it in a sunbros event or something. We aint pros, but we pretty good at exploiting maps :stuck_out_tongue:

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is that rms or a scenario?

rms. It’s not particularly complicated, but the fun is in the colorful flowers and assets.

not to shabby at all, dm me if you ever need pointers on RMS


I’d imagine it’d be a little hard for me to set something up. I don’t have a YouTube or Twitch channel, nor many online friends. I mostly play teamed with people I know irl, 1v1 or the occasional treaty/FFA with people I don’t know (though that wasn’t always the case, everyone was more talkative on TAD given everyone being forced into lobbies and the admittedly better friends system further helped that.). I also currently don’t have a discord. I was mostly just making a suggestion. Having said that, being involved in some way could be fun.

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well, in any case I’d be happy to submit a map or several in a community event. I have a good number of scripts that weren’t ever publicly released

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No problem, I’ll try and set it up then. At the very least it’ll be a fun forum thread!

@dansil92 I’m thinking it’ll be pretty chill requirements, and go by seasons. I don’t know if we’ll be able to sustain that tempo but it might be better for these to open and close, rather than fade away.


Can we focus on areas that are missing?
Southern Africa, Greenland, some spots in Asia, Antarctica, Australia and ocenaina?


I don’t see why not, though we’ve got limited minor civs which would make some locations hard. We’re also limited somewhat by hunts, as far as I know we don’t have anything from Australia, which is famous for somewhat odd animals.

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This could be added later. The Arabia map for example has no natives for example but could get it if Arabs are added. Other maps that didn’t have natives got them later added by the devs.

But yes, missing kangaroo is an issue, I am not sure how to solve.


Focusing on areas is a cool idea, but I wouldn’t want to restrict it to that since there are so few map makers to begin with.

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yes only focusing, not restricting. I just think the probability is higher, that the devs take maps in, if it covers missing areas.

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