Competitive Community Feedback to March PUP

Revnak is one of the best players but the reason he is so far ahead on the ladder is because he plays Italy (or whatever the best civ of each patch is) pretty much exclusively whereas the other top players all play a variety of civs, and currently nothing can beat Italy FI. Revnak himself agrees it is extremely broken


If the free Architect Outposts are the problem, maybe the devs can limit the amount of Outposts Italians can build by age, eg: 3/5/7 in II/III/IV and move the Extensive Fortifications card to IV age.

Just donā€™t allow Architects to build Outposts.

I donā€™t remember very well, not sure whether buildings built by Architects have XP as build bounty.
If there is, then make it lower by the percentage built by Architects. So if a build is built completely by Architects, it has 0 XP build bounty.


Iā€™d just make it so they donā€™t scale linearly for certain buildings. So double the architects wouldnā€™t halve the building speed of outposts like it does now.


or just stagger architect limit by age, having 5 architect out in age 2 just kinda becomes free buildings and xp

what about adding + 1 limit/age for architect ?

so 1 architect age1, 2 age2, 3 age3 etc


It is Inaccurate, and not part of the discussion.

This is a good suggestion.

Reporting from the Sunbros Discord, the chat came to the same conclusions:

  • that Architect build limit could be 2 + 1 per age (for 6 total, but in age V), and
  • that the build time should scale the same way villager build time does with more architects.
    That way, the Italian player would be incentivized to leave their foundations vulnerable longer if they want to get full value, without outright nerfing the strengths of the civ.

The 2 in age 1 was mainly to avoid limiting player options in age 1.

Again, this is early in the patch, but it seems pretty oppressive indeed.


How is jungle bowman cheap? They are 80 food 25 wood same as yumi archer, longbowman, cetan bow, aenna, and many other archers


You must be playing another game. Bolas incredible DPS? They have the attack of a skirm while being a musk. Plus half damage vs infantry, and they are more expensive than a musk