The arrow hole predates a lot of religions. The Egyptians were using this cross and they believed in the sun god…
bro i dont care about the cross on the english shields … i just saying about muslims walls … and if you see muslims flag on english building you have to be angry because that is not the truth … in real life muslims do not use cross on their buildings and english didnt build mosques right ?
you cant say " how could they put mosques in the game " because we have already mosques in real life but we dont have cross on our building
yes but muslims know what is that mean so they change it to another form
regardless of any religious reasons for the shapes of buildings or their features, it is simply good game design to give each civ unique architecture based on their history. there is always room for artistic license or for gameplay decisions to impact them, but it seems like those issues would not interfere with accuracy in this area. good post.
yes thats what iam talking about
maybe they can fix it and make it a vertical slit like the picture you posted <3
i hope that … thanks for your comment
You are the best sneaky@_@
I don’t want to get into religion because it’s too complicated. To answer your question though, yes British people do build mosques because in my country you can be British and a Muslim I’m sure the devs will change it if it’s found to be offensive. My knowledge is limited but isn’t Jesus mentioned in the Quran?
Delhi Sultanat
They are just slits. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal but a lot of Muslims would be quite upset to see Christian stuff on them just as many Christians would be upset to see Muslims stuff on their buildings
No one is defending this lol, Christian or Muslim. IT is stupid to have inaccuracies like this in the game.
This community is unbelievable 🤦
bro muslims british people didnt build mosques in that time because they will be dead already if british people know about them … and to answer your qu … yes jesus mentioned in the quran but allah said jesus still alive and he will back soon but Christians said hes dead ( He was killed on the cross ) … thats is the problem between muslims and christians … now i dont care about all of this i just want age of empires 4 to be a good game and i want to play it with you guys so we want to play without racism
… we have (aya) in quran it said ( لكم دينكم و لي دين ) thats mean you have your religion and i have my religion
This is wrong, he was only dead for 3 days xD
Looks like you are contradicting your own words.
That was a real question. I didn’t know that. I was talking about today’s times in regards to mosques of course you’re right in the times this game is set. A religion isn’t a race having said that like I’ve already said, if the cross is offensive to Muslims on their buildings then I’m sure the devs will remove them. It’s easily done that can make it a straight line.
Illuminati confirmed?
no … when i said ( i dont care ) i mean i dont care about what you think about Jesus and what i think … i just want this game to be a good game historically without any racism…
yes i saw that too but i forget to put it in the post xD