Crosses on muslims walls

can you explain what you mean plz ?

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Has it? Jesus most likely wasn’t even crucified on a modern Christian cross, as T shaped stakes were more popular with the romans.

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The Lord Christ was killed, and raised himself from death on the 3rd day afterwards, as proof of his own power over Death, that it would not stop him or his emissaries.

When he died, he went to Hell, and literally wrestled all the souls of the innocent from the grasp of the demons, killing quite a few of them in the process.

He died, yet it did not stop him, he went to Hell yet the demons begged for him to go. It was a show of power, and a promise of the Last Days.


This is a forum to discuss Age of Empires and not to discuss any of our own religious beliefs. Stay on topic, please.


Ok, but he asked for an explaination.


We all learn something new here everyday. This is the first time im hearing about going to hell and back.

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Then you should not complain about such a small thing and enjoy the can always not buy or play if its offensive to you.

They may have been more popular, but you you need the t cross to put a sign over someone’s head.

Lol same,
@JonOli12 care to dm me about that?

In non Christian countries, the use of Christian characteristics is really not very harmonious. It is a bit out of place and loses the characteristics of civilization. It is suggested to revise it. Religions should coexist peacefully instead of opposing each other. Why can’t they be as tolerant as Chinese civilization? Various religions can coexist peacefully and respect each other in China.

Is this some joke???


Do you know the Muslims who live in East Turkestan? Ask the tolerant Chinese about it


You have been hoodwinked. The real Xinjiang is that people there live the same life as other Chinese people and enjoy religious freedom. Uighurs or other ethnic groups in Xinjiang have no blood relationship with Turks. And there are many Han people in Xinjiang. These topics shouldn’t be here.

you know nothing about what they see there everyday :slight_smile: but now lets talk about the game plz


I dunno why but AOE forums feels like Twitter thread nowadays


This is a fail by the devs
 but let’s not get carried away
 I mean if I play saracens I still lure the BOAR :slight_smile:

Muslim here, I don’t think the devs have ANY bad intentions with any of this. This is obviously just oversite. No. It’s not outright “offensive” for this stuff to exist but I can’t speak for everyone. Yes. I agree there should be changes made to respect history more here.

I mean It would look weird if there was only one building style for all civs. Relic obviously cares enough to put a decent amount of historical accuracy into the game as we’ve seen. Age of Empires is a game about history and there is a balance between historical accuracy and streamlining development of a game.

I’m sure the devs have nothing but good intentions and i’m sure they understand the issue at hand right now. When it comes to the Town Center shape and the crosses on the fortifications the devs are listening to the community.

It’s sad but it seems like people are all about making demands and/or making offensive statements towards people they disagree with. This is kind of what’s happening all over the internet today sadly. :frowning: When it comes to an issue that doesn’t affect you or it’s something you don’t care about, just walk away. Instead people feel the need to emphasize that OTHER people shouldn’t care about something either.

People care in different ways. Everyone has concerns and criticisms. Just because someone disagrees with the criticism or “doesn’t care” doesn’t mean other people don’t. Then when it comes to people who see a change or something in a game they don’t like and they threaten with boycotting
 O.O Like chill dude.

I just think the 2 pieces of advice is 1- People need to stop caring what other people think and 2- People need to stop sharing what they’re going to do if they don’t get their way over a game mechanic.

Share your criticism of the game, not people. Don’t cry over a game dev’s decision.


Pretty glaring oversight. It’s soooo stupid.

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i think they didnt care about what we said here 
 so sad

Chinese also have crosses same as Delhi which is wierd