Yes, can you imagine how absurd it would look if units didn’t respond to being attacked in melee?
Good thing we dodged that one by not having operators.
Yes, can you imagine how absurd it would look if units didn’t respond to being attacked in melee?
Good thing we dodged that one by not having operators.
In case they did not understand the sarcasm
Watch this completely muted, what do you see here? its out of topic but just want your opinion
Agreed about the UI and buildings . It’ll definitely take more time getting used to than AoE2 or 3 .
I hope it’s a bug that has to be fixed .
I like the macro focus of the game . But I am sure tryhards will eventually find a way to micro their way to victory . People also complain that AoE3’s snaring mechanic dumbed down micro even though all sorts of micro takes place in battles .
This bothers me to no extent . They said in fan preview “ThErE’s a BuNcH oF rEaLlY diFfErEnT aNd VeRy AsSyMeTriC civS that , you know I ThiNk tHe FrAnChiSe hAs NeVeR seEn BeForE” . Hello , ever heard about AoM or AoE3? Liars
I wish they will add more spice to the civs in expansions .
I like the graphics a lot. For me it’s strikes a balance between AoE2 and AoE3. I never understand the people who complain about the graphics. You know what they say, art is subjective.
Oh God that wolf animation must be a joke right?
And the elephant archers not knowing where to point their arrows is hilarious
That archer animation lol launching in 5 days! Got the gold!
Full basic tech tree with bonuses per civ instead of the AoE 1/2 way is much better imo. It’s so much easier to remember the additional things that can be done, instead of needing to remember the random scattering of imperial techs that your current civ for some reason doesn’t have access to.
English maa get extra armour tech, HRE ones get bonus damage, Abbasid ones get siege build immediately, china has aoe, and the rest are normal. So much better than “oh yeah, that civ is missing the last inf armour, i should have checked”, or the attack, or the unit upgrade, or the speed upgrade or…
This is prolly also part of why army compositions are more mixed overall in AoE4 - because there is no “feels bad” from investing into units that you can’t make the best.
looking forward to more hotkeys tho
Wasn’t that removed? I think they are just a bit faster now.
C’mon literally every single unit does that in the entire franchise. How is that even a problem?
There is only one exception: aoe3 infantry would stagger when got hit by projectiles.
The two Roman Scorpio guys bicker with each other in Latin.
Exxactly, and it was taken from their latest stream Rus vs Dheli. And notice how the other archers glide, they look like they are skating on an ice rink…
Just a little reminder they had in mind that AoE franchise was enterely hold by AoE 2, they probably had in mind that actual AoE players means AoE 2 players because all the other games were a fail. Unfortunately it means they are not familiar to AoE franchise at all, so they did a research and found that most players are from Aoe 2. But what is ironic is that even comparing to AoE 2 the asymetry is not that different. They just changed the skins from basic units and added mongols who still had same base units and siege, so yeah unfortunately that counts as a lie…
p.d they probably thought we would say: wooow buildings moving to different locations (insert chris pratt meme)… like if we never saw that in SC or (semi, with moving tc and barracks) AoE 3.
i think im gonna go silent and just say :
I dont care man , i waited 15 years and i am going to enjoy it
I kinda disagree with you here… I’m not sure if the very floaty nature of the AOE4’s flowfield implementation is the best way forward for the AOE playstyle.
Looking at AOE2, body blocking with own units, or forcing the enemy into bad engagements where his armies block each other, always felt like an essential part of the tactics. Avoiding and countering that was part of the skillset.
In AOE4 everything is water and flows aside without any negative impact… you can see the Streltsy here (showmatch delhi vs rus) continue reloading while being shoved aside by the knights so those can attack the frontline. Combine that with missing forced-melee for ranged units, and the result are much less meaningful clashes. Everybody can easily engage and disengage by moving through another group. It becomes a much simpler game of stats checking with a huge bonus for the 100% accuracy, ranged death blobs.
Once they fixed the micro issues (input delay; hard to click and select specific units for splits) I bet we will see people starting to abuse the flowfield behaviour.
It’s not as bad as cossack’s or stronghold’s troops stacking, but still kind of a step back in tactics, just to gain a more fail-safe general pathfinding (which can still fail and create wonky dance scenes, as that final delhi vs. rus battle shows…).
But yeah, when you think of it as pure point A to B movement without any collision, then AOE4 is superior to AOE2 and 3.
Maybe @Michaelan96 can elaborate on his point.
In AOE4 everything is water and flows aside without any negative impact… you can see the Streltsy here (showmatch delhi vs rus) continue reloading while being shoved aside by the knights so those can attack the frontline. Combine that with missing forced-melee for ranged units, and the result are much less meaningful clashes. Everybody can easily engage and disengage by moving through another group. It becomes a much simpler game of stats checking with a huge bonus for the 100% accuracy, ranged death blobs.
Very valid points, which is why I said it isn’t perfect. In fact, one of the more jarring things for me was longbows shooting arrows while their feet sliding forwards as well. It felt like Ice Hockey players given longbows… 11
Once they polish that up and get rid of these elements, I think overall the pathing is okay.
In AOE4 everything is water and flows aside without any negative impact
You can clearly see that when you have like 50 sheep around your TC. They behave in a weird way and villagers can pick any sheep in the amassed pack like it’s nothing, no room needed. It’s true that AoE II’s pathing is less than perfect but AoE IV went to the complete opposite extreme.
But what is ironic is that even comparing to AoE 2 the asymetry is not that different. They just changed the skins from basic units and added mongols
What is ironic is that people complaining about the game are still some of the most clueless about the actual game mechanics and asymmetry that exists in AOE IV.
“Just changed the skins”
“Not that different”
In fact, one of the more jarring things for me was longbows shooting arrows while their feet sliding forwards as well. It felt like Ice Hockey players given longbows… 11
Lol, yeah. Does hold ground or deploying the palings prevent that?
Once they polish that up and get rid of these elements, I think overall the pathing is okay.
You mean they prevent the sliding? Thats kinda what they got with simple flowfield… kinda doubt it tbh.
Maybe they reset/pause a units reload timer when they go into “sliding-aside-mode”. That would at least be a slight negative impact.
Lol, yeah. Does hold ground or deploying the palings prevent that?
It shouldn’t matter though - I think it’s the homing arrows mechanic, whereby the lobbows HAVE to hit their target and have started their firing animation, and they slide with them? I’m not sure tbh…
Maybe they reset/pause a units reload timer when they go into “sliding-aside-mode”. That would at least be a slight negative impact.
They’re the developers, so it’s their technical problem to fix… I’m nowhere near informed enough to give an opinion on how they should fix this issue I’m afraid.