LOL I very much disagree

They might be referring to the glitch where they get stuck/delayed transitioning between fire and limber mode. It has nothing to do with having a crew and was partially addressed in the last few patchs and I think more work is being done on it.

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Oh thank you! yeah I realized later that i missunderstood, thank you anyways for the clarification cheers

The game is so fast paced, if you turtle into imp and go with op Streltsies, the meta seems already set. I always thought hand cannoneers were way too strong in the beta and I hated them, but these friggin Streltsies are even worse. They are 30 food and gold cheaper, but have the same dmg, same hp, same range as HCs and get crazy strong when standing still (+9 dmg and 30% attack speed). They only are a little bit slower, but that’s a joke compared to the rest. They are in fact op af. And when I see the pathetic HRE Prelate trying to inspire soldiers and then see what the Warrior Monk does with one strike, I am almost not wanting to play the game anymore. To top it all of, the HRE has with the Landsknecht the most useless unique unit in the game and it costs even more gold than the Streltsy. I think Relic doesn’t know what they do
 The English and the HRE have the worst heavy cavalry in the game because everybody has everything and the only differences lie within unique techs and boni. That is why civs that didn’t have plate and didn’t know knighthood have better knights than Europeans who perfected this craft. And the HRE even was the greatest manufacturer of plate to its time. I wished so much for this game, but it is actually terrible and unfinished. Why was AoE 2 so great? Because not everybody had the Paladin (among other stuff, you get the idea)
 The Dehli Sultanate has a tech that increases knight’s and maa’s damage by 3. This one tech is already better than the 3 unique infantry techs of the HRE together. It is ridiculous. I am terribly disappointed from this game. It’s a mess.

And I am not even talking about the UI, Unit selection, visibility of certain things, the lack of balistics and archers not being forced into melee by melee, although it was a thing during development. I am leaving out the fact that cannons have no physics, no splash damage, are unmanned. I am leaving out so much
 Also the fact that all the bugs that were with the HRE are still a thing (no coat of arms, inspiration not working, a mace upgrade that made maa actually worse
). All the bugs from the beta are still in the game. And I gave them feedback to everything, they know about this shiat. And they must notice that themselves, since they play the game every day. For hours. That’s what they say. What are they doing? Why let this game go gold if it is in this state?

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i agree with basically everything you said, but the bigger issue is their target audience has changed
 as they said aoe4 is not meant to replace aoe2, its an alternative game

it is also targeted at the wider audience, which generally struggled /overwhelmed etc by aoe2 difficulty

as much as i wish they went for the more complex route, there is some financial logic to their choice, even if we we dont like it

otherwise the rest of the stuff they dont really have an excuse for 
 we can only hope that will be modified with time, either by devs (pathing, gfx) or by modders (UI)

hotkeys will definitely be fixed, price will eventually come down etc

and lastly you essentially contradict yourself
 the fog on the zoom level is there to reduce strain on lower end PCs
 either they remove the fog and lower end suffers more or they leave it and more people (who WILL zoom out) can run the game smoother

You do realise that aoe4 lunch is the final game that we will get?

They will maybe ajust the attack damage of units a litle, but that will be it.

There will not be any more game changing adition to the game and map editor will be basic at its lunch next years, if they sell well the game this year.

This is the flag ship they talked about.

also very light content for single players when its only 4 campaigns at 60 bucks, compared to AOE II its pretty disappointing, for 50 GBs (according to steam) I guess a large chunk of it, is the 4K Video narration

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It has more campaign missions than AoE2 launched with. And that’s including the William Wallace tutorial.

AoE2 has had a lot bunch of expansions adding campaigns.


AOE II launched with 5 campaigns

aoe2 also had a separate historical campaign when it was released.

No it didn’t . Hist.battles were added in conquerers expansions


age of noob confirmed to us that there is indeed 4k Graphics DLC

Models with maximum setting on 4k - Age of Empires IV - Age of Empires Forum

With much less than 35 total missions. You could have ten campaigns that are two missions each and technically have more campaigns even though that’s way less content.

AoE4 is launching with more campaign content than AoE2 had. More than I think most RTS games have had.


Many people don’t realise the time it takes to do a full regression test. I worked on an application that took around 2 months to fully regression test, and even that wasn’t a literally full regression test. In an ideal world, you need to have zero changes made during that time, your full regression test finds zero bugs, and you ship fully working software at the end of it. As soon as you make the tiniest change in that time, you have invalidated the entirety of your testing, and your 2 months starts again. You might think that you can predict the impact of a change, and only re-test impacted areas, but fundamentally, bugs in software arise from humans being unable to correctly make such predictions. If people always correctly predicted the effects of the code they write, there would be no bugs in the first place. In practice, software would never ship if compromises weren’t made in all of this, but what I’ve described is how things would ideally work. So it’s no surprise to me that very little has changed in the last few months.


Thanks for taking the time to explain from your experience. I have zero experience in this area and rely totally on first hand accounts like yours.

Honestly, I’m more surprised at the changes they’ve managed to get in. As in, we’ve seen changes between builds.

I guess the problem for some is that the changes aren’t noticecable, or “enough”, but how long is a piece of string anyway. I’m confident they have an internal roadmap of deliverables they need to provide by specific milestones. The reviews on launch have made me pretty excited for the future of the game, because on the whole they’re pretty confident.

(I hear you on regression tests - we’re still building out our automated suite - it’s something of a neverending work in progress because feature development can’t stop at the same time)


Yeah, for my work any software change, even a small one means like at least 6 months and hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s a bit more involved since safety is a concern, but even for a video game I imagine verifying the software after changes takes time. Ha then again some games seem to have a plethora of bugs after every patch they do.

Agree with almost every point. Especially graphics, game interaction, gameplay dumbed down (and about the friendly fire I want to add AoE I catapults, they also had friendly fire), and fake civ assymetry (I would call it “too light” instead of fake, but well).

Also, pricing doesn’t seem on point to me (in Europe it’s 60€, which is 70$ at change, just for the standard edition). I mean, the game is fun and I can’t wait to play it fully released in a couple days
 but it still feels kinda barebones in some aspects, aspects that have been largely discussed in the forums and now feel like have been just ignored. And with only 8 civs on release it doesn’t grant a lot of content either, so it’s kinda overpriced imo.

Normally I would have pre-ordered it since the first day available, but I decided to not do it this time. I’m gonna play it on GamePass a few weeks and see if it’s really worth that price, because at the moment I don’t think so.


what would you normally have pre-ordered? iron harvest with its 3 (practically clone) civs and garbage AI/campaign? what other RTS was even released in the last few years
 that you could have normally pre-ordered?

i agree with the OP on many points and i know there’s things they can (and likely will improve on) but this silliness of people saying the game is over priced is simply entitlement
 the game has enough content to justify its cost, just because you dont like it, doesnt make it true

for example paradox (especially) releases much more bare bones games and requires numerous paid DLCs to get the complete game, costing a fortune if you actually buy them on full price


Makes sense my friend, the game is promising but lacks work to be completed and the fact that they are completely quiet worries me, what you said for example, could easily be said by any staff member. Just hope they are actually working at the lacking features instead of ignoring them.