You will get crushed all the same once the general skill level of the playerbase surpasses yours. That’s how every multiplayer game works out.

The real goal for the dev’s would’ve been to create a game that offers something for every skill level and type of player. For example a much more fleshed out coop aspect, improved AI to play against, handicap options so you can play better against a higher skill friend. More game modes. Options to make your own content (map editor, custom AI scripts, mods). Those are all features that were there in some form in previous games, and they are all missing in AOE4.

Now you play SP (campaigns) which gives you the absolute basics with a ton of handholding, then SP/coop with or against bots for 3-4 matches before you realize how dumb they are. Then all that’s left is the MP without a proper ranking system. Wow, what a step forward for the casual player…

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They did increase the zoom level and the game is played in a worse looking zoomed out state now.

Not if matchmaking works correctly.

To a point. When I first started playing AOE 2, it took me maybe 40 hours before I was able to win a single ranked game. But that is a function of everyone having already played a ton before and a lack of new players, not a function of the game design. I hear there is no ranked anyhow, so not much point in playing AOE4 until there is ranked. Regardless I really wish I could get past the unit graphics and restricted zoom level, which some people love but I consider much worse than any of the prior age games, I would happily use any mod that swaps the graphics and zoom level for any of the previous Age or Aom games. Based upon the 85% approval rating on steam I guess I am in the minority.

?? what.

This is silly and in no way applies to everyone. I haven’t heard a logical statement that explains this. In what way does rank influence the amount of fun the game has?

If the game is terribly boring-- but has rank, does that mean that game has a point? – The point of playing video games is literally to have fun. Ranked or no ranked. I find this a silly reason.


Because it is not fun at all to play versus people who you have no chance of beating or who have no chance of beating you. It is boring. I agree that no one in the world likely cares what ‘rank’ you are, just that accurate skill matching is critical to enjoyment of any online game, IMO. It is one of the reason I don’t play Halo, its no fun to just constantly get blasted and have no chance to do anything. If I were able to be matched with other people who suck at Halo, it would be fun.

Do you mean matchmaking? There is matchmaking. You have an ELO in AoE4. There is no Formal Ranking system.


I don’t have a comment on the other stuff-- just the ranked bit.

Yeah, elo dictates your overall mmr if there was a ranked mode. Its just elo is a lot harder to change, whereas mmr is in a constant state of moving. Its just mmr will change faster depending on how far it is from your initial elo. Hence the term for “elo hell” meaning even if you win your matches, your elo is so low, you only get a very little increase in ranked mmr. Hopefully the devs will track each faction and gamemode separately as well as put into consideration on a quick elo raise or decrease depending on your win/loss streaks.

Mark my words though when ranked is introduced, the cry against smurfs will flood the forums.

Smurfing in this game will be as easy as making a new Xbox account, no?

But will people do that.

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This is the single best post I have ever read on this site.

You Sir, have hit the nail squarely on the head.

Well then good news. Matchmaking is already in the game. Has been since the closed beta. There are even rankings, but their on the website for now instead of in game.

after playing the campaigns in less than 15 hours far less challenging than AOE II, and less fun than AOM.

do you know who made all age games uptill and including aoe3…
ensemble studios
after microsoft disbanded ensemble studios they made aoeo which was still alright, but microsoft decided to take all the players money and shut the game down so nobody could even play single player.
after aoeo microsoft has released aoe4 and if you look at relic entertainment track record you will know how exponentially they will mess this up like they did to their previous games.
relic is fully focussed on making CoH3 a success, aoe4 is just a side project for them.

Except for fixed weapons, such as those used by the Maltese civilization or those that appear in campaigns or historical maps.

Fixed Gun (Scenario Editor) | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom
But this unit is also cataloged as built.

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