That’s how real archers archer, bro
wow… I thought they would at least make them more expensive than handcannons and a bit worse until their stance effect builds up and they start owning…
Mate, what if you calm down a bit? I didn’t preorder Iron Harvest exactly because of its little content, too, so I don’t know what are you trying to say. I would have pre-ordered AoE IV because AoE is one of my favorite franchises ever, and normally it would have been an automatic act. That’s the only thing I said, what in the world are you saying bringing on other games?
And the fact you say the game has “enough content” when it still has not been fully released says a lot. You literally don’t know how much that content delivers. Plus we know it has not editor or mod tools on release, and we will see about balance, because this is probably going to be a 4 campaigns game with skirmish/multiplayer still in a bit of an early-access because of balance issues… so what can I say, 60€(70$) seems a bit overpriced to me. It’s simple: if they ask for that price, we are in our right to ask for a full release with all features and a lot of content.
And I say that absolutely convinced that AoE IV is a great game and will be a blast. But exactly because I love this franchise (since the very first game) I think there are things that could, and should have been done better or more consequently.
And Paradox can go eat ***, their absolutely terrific DLC politics are basically insulting. But still I don’t see your point on bringing on other games to the discussion… especially when we know nothing about how many DLCs will AoE IV get.
11 Legolas the Legend
The number of missions is irrelevant, what matters is the total play time and quality of them.
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil only had 6 levels but they all took about 2 hours to complete, they’re also well designed.
You are lucky if it take 30 minuts to pas a scenario.
It tke bout 10 hour to pass the game.
Ok… Then the number of campaigns is also irrelevant.
The person I was responding to was talking about there not being enough campaigns. They were comparing it to aoe2, which launched with an additional campaign, but way less campaign missions.
No idea yet how much play time the campaigns give or if the missions are good though.
Are you still on with the same old game of comparing vanilla AOK with AOE4. Thats such a hard coping attempt.
Games, as every other product, can be expected to learn from what was achieved before.
For AOE4, they had everything laid out infront of them…still playable games, developed and formed by the community over 20 years. AOE4 was not developed in a blackbox.
You don’t start over every time. You don’t develop the wheel again when making a new car. Tested practices have to be taken into account.
vvv [Spoiler Warning] vvv
Check out Ornlu’s playthrough of the Norman campaign (3 missions in so far).
Thats glorified tutorial material. No quality over quantity seen so far. I hope it picks up at some point…
I am firmly of the opinion that this games animations and general look is way worse than previous games when taking into account the technical restrictions of previous games. Like legit even AOE2 looks like a better game maybe not in a direct comparison necessarily but it was way more impressive for its time than this is. The worse thing in this game is the bizzare homing arrows that follow units and change direction in mid air. I don’t think I have seen this in ANY medieval game. How did this ever pass the QC test?
I have been watching lots of gameplay videos. and I still can’t remember a single UI icon. Also disappointed to see the problems we complained six months ago still exist. I liked the campaigns cinematics but I can see that so much money went into filming these real life locations and these hands on history videos. They were not necessary. We can watch documentaries on medieval era. These videos didn’t need to be in the game increasing its size. That time and money could have been spent on improving some basic things. We all know and accept AOE series are not historically accurate (no game ever is) then why bring it in every ad/promo?
I would have preferred videos like this. 2002’s Warcraft 3’s cinematics still gives me chills.
They had a chance to visit ancient or post colonial era and make it perfect, to introduce new game mechanics new campaigns or pop limit. I mean we can do most of AOE4 stuff in AOE 2 DE and its even prettier. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that bringing nothing new to the table, the entire goal of AOE4 was to grab cash. not to bring franchise forward or revolutionize the rts genre. As IGN said, there is nothing we couldn’t do 10 years ago. I just can’t help but think AOM DE/2 would have been better idea. It’s just sad to see a great opportunity wasted.
I wouldn’t say that, but there are some animation issues. Some missing ones like infantry building, some that seem a bit out of sync, and some that don’t seem to connect well with their targets. Also melee attack animations feel very slow for some reason, this is very obvious when attacking a fleeing unit with cavalry. The cavalry will catch up and start the attack animation, by the time they reach the point where their weapon should connect with the enemy the enemy is already several steps away.
What’s extra weird about some of these issues is that AoE3 seems to solve them just fine. It’s like the AoE4 devs didn’t know the other age games existed when they made this.
Have you considered the possibility that it’s intended, and thus not a bug that needs to be reported?
Have you considered that it’s freaking stupid?
There is soooo much more… I think if I sit down and actually look into it I’ll be able to find issue with all the units. Some of the archers don’t even have proper bow drawing, and releasing animation. Its atrocious! And I am not ust talking about the fact that the arros fire before they even raise their bows, or the fact that the horse archer’s arrows come from the horse’s forehead… I mean there is literally no draw and release animation for some archer units. Like they just raise their arrow, hold it up in the air, and then POOF magic, an arrow apears lol It just looks terrible.
You can call it what you want. I’m talking about the difference between a bug and a feature.
A bug isn’t intended. A feature is. Calling it stupid has nothing to do with either, really.
If only the arrows could miss their targets as easily as you miss the point then half of this game’s problems would be fixed.
The point is you want it changed, right?
I don’t. Cheers!
All fine, but i am clearely not liking the homming arrow in aoe 4, just like in aoe3. XD
I want arrow be balistic.
In other word, i want arrow to be lunch from point “A” to point “B”, and that arrow do not folow enemy or ally movement.
A enemy can move away of the landing point, just like a other unit, that is not yhe target, can move in the landing point and be damaged, insted of the original target.
Is it? After about 25 hours, I think I understand it pretty well-- and I know the hotkeys well enough, too.
This is where we could use video game logic, like we tend to do with every other game.
I mean. What kind of PC from 4 years ago? I built my PC back in 2012 and upgraded it to a 1080ti in April of 2017-- Everything else is pretty much original spec from 2012 aside from my hard drive I replaced and I get good frames. So I have a 9-year-old PC with a 4-year-old GPU. So this is incorrect.
Its a new AAA title in 2021. Dunno- Go buy game pass.
Something something-- Rome not being built in a day-- esp not with a single vill.
Which is good for me, because I am a filthy casual. While I loved AoE2, I could not play online, at all. I would get crushed. And I am a casual on SC2, and I feel more cozy playing multiplayer on that than I did with AoE2.
Since the micro has been dumbed down-- you could move to microing the pathing. shrug
It seems a lot of people are expecting some type of perfection. God forbid Valve ever even attempts to make Halflife 3… it will be a disaster, no matter how well they do.
I would say AoE2 made some big shoes-- and that can be hard to fill. I know Starcraft 2 had some issues day one-- now its revered. Id say give it time. I think most of the issues you speak of are valid… But if they increase the micro-- lol Ill be back in the same boat I was with AoE2.