The idea behind turning off unique cosmetics is more about offering players choice, rather than forcing a complete removal of those features. It’s not necessarily about making the game more generic across the board but giving players who prefer the classical visuals the option to opt out of specific aesthetics like unique castles or monasteries or monks.
For example, if someone doesn’t enjoy the specific look of a unique monastery or monk but still enjoys the civ’s mechanics and gameplay, having the option to revert to a more neutral, classic design allows them to tailor the experience. This wouldn’t necessarily mean all civs should lose their unique castles, but rather that players could choose if they want to see those unique visuals or stick with a more generic look that fits with the original architecture.
The “concern” about removing all architecture sets post-AoK or AoC is a complete strawman and an exaggeration of the original suggestion. Nobody is asking for that, and you know it, what was proposed is simply an option to toggle certain cosmetics off, not a mandate to go back to the older architecture sets or completely remove newer ones.
Nobody says we should revert back to AoK or AoC, except people who want cosmetics but for some reason God cannot explain are upset that other people don’t want cosmetics. Please explain me the process of why a small change that will not affect you in any way offends you so much that you had to make a strawman out of it? I have a hard time grasping why you are so upset with an option that would influence your experience by 0%.
This is the equivalent of being mad at people who like chocolate because you want vanilla and telling them “maybe we should all eat from the trees like monkeys right? why stop there? eat the root of the cacao tree”. I don’t think words are needed to explain how stupid that is.
You just make stuff up so you won’t engage with the real argument, because you have nothing to say when it comes to the real argument since you know you’re wrong.
So, please, help me understand: why does this minor option, which doesn’t affect your experience in the slightest, cause such a strong negative reaction? Why get upset at people who just want to play the game in a way that suits their taste?
Why did you took personally other people just wanting to play the game the way they want to?