Once you’ve gone to the effort of herding a hunt to the town centre, it should stay closeby. The game would be significantly more enjoyable if you didn’t have to constantly be keeping track of wandering animals lol.
Nah, this is the penalty for having more hunts
So you want the game on super easy mode ?
That’s the game, you need to micro it ^^
Want it more like it was on the old AOE3. Still had to micro the herds but not so much
old aoe was even more tedious, hunts were even more random due to spawning in a huge radius, causing huge back herding
Something like the africans granary should be available for other civs to at least keep them in a certain area. The granarys aren’t perfect but usually after shooting an animal the others just return to the granary which makes things a lot easier.
They could give that function to the corrals, in this way they would gain early use in the game and encourage the use of livestock.
yes, but.
7 Sheep + 1 Homestead Wagon: Ships 7 Sheep and 1 Homestead Wagon
The Naturalist: Ships 2 Settlers and 2 semi-fattened Cows.
The wood cost could also be lowered to 100 or 150, but that’s left to the discretion of the developers.
Probably too expensive though if you were just using them for herding at 200 wood each. Granarys are free.
No, cause this makes rush civs less practicable and would make every game about booming
Strategy games are no focused in micro. And if they would be, the micro would be focused in combat, not focused in herding the hunt.
Sure, because the fun part of Age of Empires is the hunt and herding.
I kindly ask you to respect the fact that herding is a hassle for some people, if you like to micromanage hunting that’s fine, but for many herding is extremely tedious and boring, especially when stuck on buildings or against the edge of the map, I think that we must try to be responsible and propose constructive solutions so that the developers can help improve the game and facilitate the entry of new players.
Not really because most people can and do herd, certainly well enough for the early game. Rushes can still idle the vills in the tc. This is more a quality of life change.
I think that what could be changed as a QoL feature is to have villagers automatically position themselves in a way that herds animals towards the nearest TC instead of away from it.I’m not sure if the game pathfinding AI could handle it though. As for the animals behaviour, I think it’s fine the way it is.
I agree with this. There have been so many times where I send a villager to herd in some animals closer to my base/outpost, only for all the animals to run the other way because at the last second the animal went the opposite way and thus my villager shot it and the herd went away from safety.
You know that herding is just a meta thing, right?? I mean vills go from one animal to the next one automatically. Herding rewards players who do it.
Its like saying that TC should auto spawn villagers not stop as that shouldnt to be microed neither.
I’m not saying herding shouldn’t be a thing. It’s an important part of the game. I’m saying in DE the animals wander too much that even after you’ve gone to the effort of herding a hunt close to the TC, you then have to constantly keep herding that same hunt. That’s tedious and requires too much attention on herding.
Personally, I love hunts the way they are atm. It just makes sense that they wander off. It also brings raids and early aggression into the picture which is highly welcome in a FF/FI meta since DE.
Herd well, or see the blood of your settlers on the swords of my Hussars.
Exactly. Sure, rushes can still idle villies if they’re garrisoned. But if you take more away from the risk of raiding, you’re certain to encourage more FF/FI playstyles. This would discourage certain rush strategies, therefore reducing the diversity and complexity on how people would approach the game.
The game is FF-heavy right now. The fact that people are making more FF and FI strategies nowadays should indicate that getting rushed or raided in Age 2 isn’t a big deal.
I think it gives realism to the game that the animals move. Animals usually flee from danger and migrate to other places. In all AOE the animals have a similar behavior (except in AOE-4, I think).
What I would do is add a new enhancement to the market, for example:
Salt the meat (For Europeans): Fishing (not whales and the like), cattle and hunting yield 20% more, hunted animals will not decompose when they die. (It would be unlocked with the advanced market card). I think it would also work for Asians and Africans.
Meat smoked (For pre-Columbian civilizations): Basically the same.
In the case of cattle, the limit of what can gain weight is increased, but the time it takes to gain weight is not extended.
In this way you can kill animals if you want them not to move far.
This could be mitigated by an ability similar to the Professional Scouts tech from Aoe4.
If you had the ability to use a few villagers to haul carcasses to a different location, you wouldn’t have to worry so much if a herd ended up running the wrong way. It could look similar to the existing “Two Guys with a Deer”.