Devs respond to zoom request from beta

Yeah. I assume they are positioned better to attract new players. Once you’ve found your way to posting on the forum you obviously know what AoE is.


You know what to do then boys. Grab your pitchforks and head off to reddit!!!

(I joke)


(Surely my fellow AOE II fans know this cheat)


Another Age of Empires 4 beta is something devs are “interested in doing”
“I think the big thing that we walked away with… there’s some things on the technical side,” Isgreen tells us. “We’re really covering a wide range of PCs with this game.

When a game is built and designed around lowest-spec hardware, things like the zoom issue can become a necessity. I know a 2004 PC game that was co-platform developed for both PC and the original Xbox (Thief: Deadly Shadows). The limited tech capabilities of Xbox led to questionable design decisions, I’ve heard.

So, to me, I wonder if the zoom level decision for AoE4 is based off of wanting the game to work on every PC/graphics card released the past, say, 10 years, or so? It’d be a bit like trying to make AoE4 for Playstation 5, but limiting certain key designs to Playstation 3 specs… and not letting PS5 users zoom out farther than PS3 users because of PS3’s outdated tech


I would not be surprised if AOE4 releases for the Xbox Series down the road… Using Gamepass and requiring keyboard & mouse.


That’d be alright at this point, imo. I’d be more concerned if it was the plan early on or mid-way through development

A past discussion on the thought:

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Oops I got confused, but got it now.

For the sake of clarification (maybe I inspire some CM)…

I assumed your first post of this interaction, which I replied, was a reply to my post. But the UI doesn’t show that. The original mistake is mine for assuming and not asking clearly. Sorry about that, my bad.


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nah, age 3 is still too close for my taste. it has to be age 2 style.

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well to be fair, tehre is windowed mode which would technically allow you to make the screen smaller :wink: but I know thats bs :smiley:


You know what? Thats no problem at all. The zoom in the picture is “far”. You can still select “very far”. And since the recent update for Aoe3 DE, you can even play with “ludicrous” zoom. See this link for a screenshot:

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well, now its too late for me to replay the game, but its great to know

Yes, but a small window in the center of a big screen is also something bad, for sure it is better than full screen with huge graphics…, yes, this might be a solution… still terrible, but still a solution :smiley:

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Its possible, but I still wouldnt like to play that way :smiley:

Well, you use your home computer and stream the game on your phone. ( clearely doing it )

You also use your phone tuch screen has keyboatd and mice. ( something a litle complex, each phone is unique, but i’m clearely doing it whit mine)

You can define your phone sensibility so that a litle presure is needed to replace the mouse long click.

It play well on phone, since it is my computer, at home, that do all the work, but data transfert to my phone cost alot of data. XD

How to play on phone, step by step.

1- Instal a “legal” windows emulator.

2-Instal a “legal” distance computer control programme on the “legal” windows emulator.

3-Use your legal distance computer control programme, working on your legal windows emulator, installed on phone, to take control of your computer and play the game.

Be advised:

Some phone tower corporation use low data transfert between towers, it coud cause latence, depending on your internet servive and your phone service.

You can’t play when you are full zoom out, on you phone, since you fingers tuch every thing.

But a father zoom out allow to plan bether your base.

It is maybe my fault, if i zoom way in, to be sure to select well my units in game.

Any way, let players play their way?

That looks like a copy paste of ancestors legacy. UI, zoom level, unit styles.

Anyway right now I will only buy AOE4 IF it gets zoom feature enabled. It is more than simple feature now. It shows how Dev looks at us gamers and customers. It is clear that they don’t think us as customers but rather as a cow ready to be milked for money. I would rather be treated as a proper customer than a cow thank you very much.


…for the record, nobody gave a handful of mookie sticks about older hardware when my 200mhz p3 was tryin to choke down aoe3 4v4’s…


Are we Spanish villagers or what?

yep, thats true :smiley:
However it seems they really want everyone to be able to play. but if the cost is that zoom level, its not worth it.


Supreme commander was released in 2007 and it can zoom all the way out. Rusted Warfare is an Android and PC rts that can also zoom all the way out. On an android phone! So its not like its impossible to figure out how to do or anything. When you zoom out you don’t need as many graphical details either. That might be part of the problem, they want everyone to see their graphics. Allowing a massive zoom level could actually be the true answer to the issue many have with the graphics. They can just zoom out enough so they can’t see the details that are annoying them and then can focus on gameplay. Personally if I could zoom out enough I wouldn’t be bothered by the cartoony graphics much at all most likely. IF the zoom was at least as far out as max zoom on AOE2 DE, preferably farther.