Disconnect after few minutes playing multiplayer (Problem persists after update)

After the update, a new problem appeared, the game does not connect with multiplayer. Great.

My multiplayer is dead after last nights update. 34699

my multiplayer is dead as well

Januar Patch, same DC problems as mentioned above. Sucks balls.

This isn’t working Devs, try something new here plz before roits break, plz, love the game to much, plz. for the love of the Viking Lords. :thinking:

I can also confirm after last patch - Many of my friends that bought network cards to get “arround” the issue of disconnects now have problems just even logging into the services. What the actual heck is going on? This last patch, whatever got implemented further made the issue even worse.

Found a solution. Just click "Sign out of XboxLive in the game menu on top right corner. It will fix it instantly. Please try. Thanks

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So any ETA on fixing ?
Feels like they don’t give a ■■■■ tbh.
Its been 2 months since the problem and no fix yet.
I legit can’t play a game without getting disconnected.

I find it almost comical how each update tends to break more than it fixes.

I can play after installing a VPN, but now the game freezes with the transparent blank screen, and then it tells me you don’t respond and I have to close the game,
Is it because of the temperature?
I put the option of high energy efficiency but it is still happening

Januar hotfix: still disconnects as described above. Sucks balls big time.

Since nov 2019, and no news about it??? And this problem is not listed next update. It’s a shame!

Guys, I have the same problem. After a few minutes of play, my connection is lost. This problem happened after the 21st update.
I am playing, after 4-5min of game the connection is lost. I live in Brazil and my internet is from NET.

does anyone have any solution for this problem?
I play through Steam and Game Pass. Both places are giving the same problem.
On steam I disconnected XboxLive but the problem continues.

Same here, it has happened to me on multiplayer games, normally 3vs3, i have been able to finish 2vs2 matches though.

Same here after the latest update.

Some form of Dev feedback regarding these disconnects would be appreciated. Today already 3 or 4 disconnects in multiplay games. This is not tolerable. No one need things like mods for the berries when basic functions dont work. Get your priorities in order please.


no one from support responds to this forum? does microsoft say anything about this problem? Does anyone know any way to get support response?

I tried to do that but I still have the same problem. I play on steam and gamepass.

…67 days I have not been able to play this game.

…Bought this game 67 days ago.

Just in case devs don’t read past posts from early December, I’ll post again:

  1. “You have been disconnected from the network. Please check your connection and try again”
  2. Intel® Ethernet Connection I217-V / TAP-Windows Adapter V9 / and 8 different kinds of WAN Miniports (what I see in 'Device Manager - Network Adapters). Using an XTREAM modem provided by Mediacom.
  3. Mediacom
  4. USEast (I think) whatever US options are available. It doesn’t matter, tried them all.
  5. VPN? No
  6. Ethernet connected. This is the only game I have problems with. It happens EVERY time i try and play online. Usually within the first 10 minutes. I’ll be on Discord with buddies chatting (not everytime), and I don’t actually lose connection at all. Not with them, not with my Steam, not in the ‘Internet access’ icon in my bottom right desktop tray. BUT when I check my computers ‘Ethernet Status’, the DURATION time will have been reset back to 00:00:00 and start again after this happens. Also, I won’t be able to reconnect to the multiplayer after. It will sit there with a pop up screen that I can’t remember from memory what it says (“Trying to reconnect…” or something generic like that)…But it will just sit there at the generic “reconnecting…” screen and not actually reconnect. I won’t be able to get back in to the multiplayer lobby at all until I restart the game.

Refund window has been shut for a long time now. My faith in having the opportunity to enjoy this game solo now, (I origianlly bought this game to play with friends. But they have all burnt themselves out on the game and don’t play it anymore, or at least won’t be playing for a long while.)

Anybody just now showing up to this forum:

We got 1 — maybe 2 posts from what I think was a dev, asking for the information i stated above. But that was in like November, and we haven’t heard anything since… lol

I know, right

It’s a known issue: https://www.ageofempires.com/support/aoe2/aoe2-issues/

But we haven’t heard anything official in a while now. Do they still need more info? Do they know the cause but don’t know how to fix it? Do they have a fix in the works?

I find it hard to believe that more people posting the internet connection details will really help. If they added additional logging, or asked us to send in logs or configuration details … but nothing. The last official reply to this it weeks ago. Could we get some sort of status update please?