DLC Lord of the West - 2 New Civs

And will i be able to play with new civs? Can i pick them?

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No, not unless you buy the DLC, otherwise no one would buy it.

You will not be able to play the DLC civs or campaigns, unless you own the DLC.
But you will be able to play against those civs in MP, perhaps even play as them in limited days as a way to incentivize you to buy the DLC.

HD did this all already, and it worked. Most people just bought the DLCs.


The civ you use clearly has an effect on a competitive game, as they are not purely cosmetic skins, they behave differently. It’s simply not acceptable to have such a difference. If you look at very successful competitive games such as CSGO and Rocket League, they appear to understand this, and until now, I thought the devs of AoE II DE did too.


League of Legends has hundreds of champions which you cannot play right off the bat. I probably don’t need to say it but it works really fine, even with having Champion DLCs.

You can’t expect them to work forever for free.


My friend, I do not object to the payment or the price in general, I mean, it just seems ridiculous every time to add even one new civilization then you have to buy the new, the matter just does not seem logical, if these things should happen then they shouldn’t add new civa until 3 years from the last one, we already have 4 new civs


We need this:

After 50:


You cannot expect them to add new stuff for free, forever. You already got a hole lot of new Scenario elements, and even a game mode for free.

Civs and campaigns you just have to pay for, which I find fair, to be honest.
AoE2 DE at realease was already dirt cheap for all the content that it offers, and was priced as an expansion, which it also delivered.

Want more like I do?
Be willing to pay for it.


Bruh, you are skipping Tibetans.

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I am on the same page as you @JonOli12 and @Szaladon and I have been going and back and forth since this discussion started. I just don’t see how paying for all the new civs benefits the community.


Not anymore haha… How could I forget them?


This is a business, the more it sells, the more the product gets developed.

If you want new civs and campaigns, you have to be willing to pay for them, since they do cost quite a bit to make, specially recording lines from fluent medieval experts.


@JonOli12 I am not saying it doesn’t cost money, but with being a product manager of a software company, I know there are better ways to build adoption, gain revenue and still develop a great game. Paying $10 for every two new civs is just dumb and will cause a lot of churn


Financing MP servers and generally speaking long-term support of the game while simultaneously pleasing the casual crowd (which I’m part of considering that I’m not very interested in the competitive aspect of this game).


They’ll probably test with this DLC how much they can ask and how the feedback is towards new civs from the community.

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It seems you didn’t understand what i said. I said i don’t mind to pay, but if the devs want just to add 1 then we should just buy it every time just for 1 or 2 new civs and we already have 4 new ones, in everytime they want to add even 1 then we will just buy the new one just to get this 1 new civ, ok you will say it is fine to play without it online and without campaigns but this will not be balanced ofcourse that someone have civs that you don’t have! As i said it is not about cost or paying at all, it is just seems ridiculous for adding like 1 or 2 new civs then change the list to buy new one for new 1 civ especially we already have 4 new ones


But those powerspikes will occur at the lategame

Those two civs seem lategamefocused.

Trust me I deal with this everyday… I am just saying that there are other ways and to maintain the competitive side of this game and maintain revenue, making these business decisions may have long term affects.

still an awful design decision.

just will make the game lineal, rigid and predictable.


Nah everyone will be fine with new civs. DauT wants new civs every weak. Dogao has no problem with adding new civs according to aoezone.


Just focusing on MP will have some negative effects on the community too.

I honestly expected new civs in November when they said that this was the biggest patch so far. When they revealed Battle Royale, I was dissappointed to say the least, considering that I spent most of my playtime in Singleplayer.

New civs is exactly what I wanted and I’m happy to get that.

New casual players leads to potential new MP players and generally speaking more interest in the game.

The benefits outweigh the downsides in my opinion.

The fact that SC2 dropped support outside of occasional patches wasn’t received well either.