DLC Release Estimates

Well, the Chinese still using the Chu Ko Nu until the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894…for other part, the Chu Ko Nu it’s a classic UU of the Chinese in the saga (they appear in AoE 2, AoE 3 and AoE 4 and it feel weird don’t have them in Retold)…

Sure, we need to wait to see the Chinese in Retold for clear doubts about these two UU…

AoE3: Seems like a good guess with RBW happening the same month.
China DLC: I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets delayed. There has already been a few delays with AoMR: RBW made AOM invite only, Arena of the Gods was delayed and now removed from the steam page, early news suggested China could be part of the base game. My guess is it will release early next year, maybe end of January to coincide with the Chinese New Year.

I hope we get two new fractions a expansion.

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Lunar New Year happens on January 29th, 2025. But according to the Retold information, the first expansion will be released in 2024. So its probably going to be in December if I had to guess.

That would be awesome if they can pull that off.

I will be elated if they can pull off the asymmetrical design and add these in:

Expansion 1: Chinese
Expansion 2: ???
Expansion 3: Aztecs and Babylonians
Expansion 4: Celts and Japanese
Expansion 5: Maori and Slavs
Expansion 6: Lakota or Iroquois and Hindus
Expansion 7: Persians and Romans
Expansion 8: Yorubas and ???

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Yes, if they want to take advantage of Christmas, they will launch it at the beginning of December, otherwise they will do it in January to take advantage of the Chinese New Year… but they are not going to move away from there…

I don’t think they will release two cultures/pantheons per dlc…usually each culture/pantheon comes with 3 gods (which would act as civs)…

This is very optimistic thinking that we are going to get these many expansion packs. We have to wait and see, but I would recommend keeping low expectations for what the future will bring. It all depends on how well AoM Retold does.

I want nothing more than continued support for this game for years, but until we know for sure, my expectation is that AoM Retold with the two expansion packs is all we get.

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I agree… (20 characters)

They are now adding a 4th major god to the Norse so I wonder if they will generally move away from the 3 gods per pantheon rule.
Maybe they mix things up by making pantheons with 2 major gods so they can have 2 different pantheons (4 gods over all) in one DLC.

Some cultures share the same or partially the same gods so maybe there could be 2 civilisations under 1 pantheon where choosing different major gods gives you some more diversity in human units.
Currently only the Greeks have god specific unique human units.
Babylonians and Assyrians could be the same pantheon but then have some more differences in the selection of human units.

But we’ll see.
It’ll likely just be big DLC with 1 pantheon 3 gods and then small DLC with 1 god for an existing pantheon.

I don’t know why you would think that?
AoE2DE and AoE3DE are still getting DLC many years after release.
AoE3DE is even getting one after a 2 year brake now.
Why should AoMR get less support?

Because despite AoM having a loyal fan base and community, it is nowhere near as popular as AoE2 and 3, and AoM is usually not recognized as one of the main games in this franchise.

Therefore, I have low expectations so that I don’t get disappointed if it ends up with less support, but I will be gladly surprised if it does well. I want AoM Retold to do well and have a long future, but right now I’m just trying to see this from a logical perspective.

I don’t think that the current AoE2DE or AoE3DE are carried by the old fan bases of when the games where new.
Many people discovered both games recently (or though AoE2HD).

I think the same will be the case for AoMR.
Also AoM was never that playable for technical reasons. The early 3D graphics of the original aged worse then AoE2 and AoMEE was way way worse then AoE2HD.
AoE2HD allowed AoE2 to slowly grow a new fanbase while AoMEE just disappointed people.

I’m pretty confident that AoMR will overtake AoE3DE in popularity if nothing major goes wrong (like massive performance problems, too many bugs or huge balance issues).

Also AoMR is sold at a higher base price of 30€ instead of 20€, but on top of that it has a Premium Edition for 50€. The Premium Edition has so much content that it makes it appear as it the Standard Edition is a bad choice.
Basically the game costs 50€ but there is a cut down version for 30€ so it doesn’t look like a 150% price increase compared to AoE1/2/3DE.

I want this to be true because Age of Mythology is one of my favorite RTS games alongside AoE 1 and 4. It deserves the same love other titles get and has enormous potential to breathe new life into this amazing game.

And the fact that they are charging this much for the Premium Edition has to show that the developers are willing to (hopefully) do the extra work to make something special happen, so hopefully they manage to do that and people support it if they do.

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I personally prefer religiose units like Priests and Monks as heroes over military units like a General.
Military leaders are good at fighting humans.
Religious leaders fight mythical beings instead.

If a was in charge of an AoM2 I would make sure that every faction had a priest unit. It seems like the most obvious standard unit that isn’t in Age of Mythology already. And obviously they would function as a form of hero so would be more effective against myth units

I think there is still a lot of potential for more priest units for future pantheons.
They just need to get some unique names and different traits.
For example:

  • Aztecs: Warrior Priest
  • Celts: Druids
  • Romans: Vestals
  • Mesopotamians: Asipu
  • Persians: Magi
  • Chinese: Monks (like in the EE)
  • Japanese: Miko

They all could have different traits and features.
Mikos use bow and arrow, Warrior Priests generate favour though sacrifices and so on.

I do hope we get some epic heroes like Gilgamesh too though.

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I still personally support the idea of adding unique heroes to every civ and get rid of any in-mass-producable ordinary unit. So neither priests (which should only heal or buff favour generation or protect or debuff) and no generals (which really just should buff military units).
That’s my opinion personally.

My idea was like yours, actually.
I’m suggesting that each Immortal should have different names, visuals, stats, and possibly special abilities too in order to make them more unique and different from each other (mythologically speaking they were really different from each other).

Regarding the other hero unit I do think that Generals would still be the best option.
Hero Generals will retain their Arkantos-like ability (attack boost to nearby ally units), but they won’t be massable either because my suggestion is to set a limit on how many Generals you can produce at once (ideally 2-3).

General should’ve been a hero in the expansion because one of the game’s cores is that myth units and heroes get access to special abilities while human units don’t (aside from passive abilities like regeneration, or generic bonuses against units/buildings), but suddenly a random Skybox (or FE?) person decided to completely change that in Tale of Dragon giving human unit an Arkantos-like special ability for no reason.
Luckily Tale of the dragon was just a cash grab so what they did on that ‘expansion’ has literally no importance at this point.

In the end it’s also possible that devs will come up with completely different units and ideas regarding the chinese hero-system in Retold.
We just have to wait.

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When is Immortal Pillars releasing? I hope soon or…

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If they announce the release date of Immortal Pillars during the Game Awards, it will come in 2025. If it were to still be released in 2024, as previously said, the announcement of the release date would have to happen within the next couple days. Either we know the release date by monday, or it’s not gonna be this year anymore.

I think the release is pretty soon. they released the teaser a month ago. usually a complete reveal happens a month after release and 2 months after them release.

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The Teaser dropped on the 26th of September. Tuesday next week, it’s gonna be two months since the teaser dropped.

The latest something AoE-related was released the last couple of years was the Mexican civ for AoE 3. It was announced on 22nd November 2021 and released a week later on the 30th.

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