This Is not a thread against people Who are into the AOE Council (nothing aginst you, Andy) but i really wanna understand how Developers thought that a few players (10, 20, 50?) Would had rapresent the whole Age of Empires Community.
Developers started to share Official Polls for some right purpose (what people wanna see from the next installment) and those Polls were pretty clears about players’s preferences and One of them It was related to the graphic’s preferences: 85% of players would had wanted a “brillant and realistic graphic”: something between Aoe1-Aoe3 and Total War.
So, Developers was considering also a graphic style similar to Total war (with flags, i suppose).
You can clearly chek it here:
So what’s happened from X019? I clearly see a graphic downgrade and this is related to what AOE’s Council said about. I can’t speaking about specific people but Viper said in its videos that many feedbacks were related to Building sizes, unit sizes, colours, readability. So many changes happened due AOE Council feebacks
And than
Than i seen this on Reddit, about the naval warfare video, and some discussions with a memeber of council (TheRevMrGreen)
user Tams82
“I don’t know what to think on the matter.There are a very vocal minority who say water isn’t a liked part of the competitive game… but I have my doubts that those people even play competitively. I haven’t heard of any top players wanting no water gameplay, even if they do vastly prefer land maps. Obviously, enough people complained that there was no water to help change Relic’s mind.
That’s too little too late for me though. I don’t believe their hearts are in the right place to be custodians for this franchise”.
"Water is a hugely important piece of the game. Even if you don’t always use it, just the options of incorporating fishing ships and merchant transport ships (in age games with them) is a hugely necessary piece of strategy to create an more interesting game. I don’t care what the stupid metrics say — Age needs docks on day one.
user Tams82
“I don’t think 4 is going to do well. Unfortunately, I think they are going to hide how it does behind Games Pass (which I have concerns about existing, but that’s another issue)”
user Temistocles1984
“Are you in Council, right? I’m asking if Council ever gave good suggestions to developers. From what we’ve seen this game received a lot of negative reactions everywhere. Do you know that the First impressions are the most important for the game? This game seems really poor for a 2021 game and It’s not a polisihing matter or artstyle but the lack of textures, Building sizes, terrains, effects, Plastic weapons etc. After playing the CoH3 pre-alpha my question Is: what f…g happened with Aoe4? Same developers, same engine but COH3 seems a lot Better. Readability Is very important only for competitive games and this mode Is A very Little percent of AOE’s fanbase. Most of people play only campaigns, scenarios and skirmish vs AI so you could have a Great Graphic and possibility to zoom in on the Battlefield whenever you want because the rythm of gameplay Is a bit slower.The Competitive games Will not save this game because AOE Is not a competitive or E-sport game. The developers’s approach to community for CoH3 Will decrete the success of this game. Unfortunately Aoe4 have been developed hearing only few people of a Council and half of them were pro-players. Developers shared Official polls for AOE4 some Years ago for what? Nothing, i suppose. 85% of people asked for Brillant and realistic graphic but we’ve giant soldiers, plastic weapons, orribile water and effects and Little Buildings. But from waht i read in some interviews developers said that many aspects have been changed After the Council’s feedbacks. So mate, i really Hope this game Will be a success, but i doubt. Unfortunately in this case the AOE Council Will probably face very negative reactions”
“I’m unable to say what my impressions have been, what my feedback was, and what conversations we’ve had, let alone those of anyone else. My job is give them my most honest assessment of the game and represent the community as best as I can. Their job is to do with that feedback as they wish.You will have to speak to each of those players on the council and ask them yourself if the game as designed brings them joy”.
From what this guy says it seems they (Council) thought that their feebacks would have represente what community think about the different feautures of the game (readability, graphic, bulding, units and weapons sizes etc) but the reality seems to be a bit difference.
So i ask" Why World’s Edge and Relic didn’t make “development platform” shared with all community in the similar way choosed by Sega for the Humankind and COh3? It would been better anyway.
Sorry for the long Thread.