Does AOE Def. being exclusively on Windows 10 upset you?

@Fetandrey said:
Windows 10 was a free upgrade for 1 year.

Just because it was a free upgrade doesn’t mean it was a good idea. Those that upgraded and chose the option of building on top of their existing OS had far more bugs to deal with just for keeping the option of reverting back. However if you install it wiping the old OS away completely there’s no guarantee the old devices would have even been able to support it which would cost a lot of money to fix or buy a new device. Especially if your device isn’t able to cope with Win 10 long enough to find the settings to revert back to the previous OS.

There’s nothing wrong with Win 10 in itself, but not only are the older OS’s less internet reliant, but unless you have it built into the device you buy then you could end up being stuck later down the track. According to their terms and conditions the free upgrade has to be deleted ASAP from any device that so much as gets a single component replaced (because then it’s no longer considered the same computer). So good luck if you need to repair your computer and you’ve got the “free” upgrade.

I’ve got Win 10 now on the device I just got. Which for me is better then the free upgrade because then I don’t have to deal with the constant daily (or sooner) updates I wanted to avoid when they first released it. At least now the amount of times they send out updates would have slowed down. One of my friends got the free upgrade. It ruined their work for Uni by doing an update with no warning in the middle of what they were doing.

While I can see why some people are upset about this being only on W10, I have a few things to point out. As many before me have stated, Windows ten was offered free to W7 and 8 users. Even if this game is going to be available on Windows 10 exclusively, it’s Microsoft’s way of promoting their store. Valve and Sony do the same promotion of their games and store through making Steam and Playstation exclusives.

Without exclusives, there would be no way to promote the Windows store and as a result, they could end up losing money to Valve. Money that they could have used to develop great games such as the Age of Empires franchise.

Just a few thoughts…

I understand peoples opinions on why they want it on the other platforms.
however you dont complain that a game made for the XboxOne/PS4 isn’t available on older gens (Xbox/Xbox360/PS2/PS3 so on…)
and before someone says that point is invalid due to how powerful the systems are, its really not the point. It’s about moving forward not going backwards.

While it doesn’t upset me or bother me much, I do wish it was more widely available :o

@Emberguard said:

@Fetandrey said:
Windows 10 was a free upgrade for 1 year.

Just because it was a free upgrade doesn’t mean it was a good idea. Those that upgraded and chose the option of building on top of their existing OS had far more bugs to deal with just for keeping the option of reverting back. However if you install it wiping the old OS away completely there’s no guarantee the old devices would have even been able to support it which would cost a lot of money to fix or buy a new device. Especially if your device isn’t able to cope with Win 10 long enough to find the settings to revert back to the previous OS.

I’ve never had any serious issues with Windows 10. Even Insider builds are pretty stable and I only had 1 serious issue on an Insider build (Fast Ring) that required me to clean install a previous build from an ISO. Also, the upgrade was available for an entire year. I’m sure that’s more than enough for serious companies to update their drivers and also enough time to fix all serious bugs.

There’s nothing wrong with Win 10 in itself, but not only are the older OS’s less internet reliant, but unless you have it built into the device you buy then you could end up being stuck later down the track. According to their terms and conditions the free upgrade has to be deleted ASAP from any device that so much as gets a single component replaced (because then it’s no longer considered the same computer). So good luck if you need to repair your computer and you’ve got the “free” upgrade.

I’m not sure about this but as far as I know the license is associated with your Microsoft account.

I’ve got Win 10 now on the device I just got. Which for me is better then the free upgrade because then I don’t have to deal with the constant daily (or sooner) updates I wanted to avoid when they first released it. At least now the amount of times they send out updates would have slowed down. One of my friends got the free upgrade. It ruined their work for Uni by doing an update with no warning in the middle of what they were doing.
I have no idea what happened to your friend but when an update is ready to install WU always sends a notification that will ask you to choose one of these options: either restart your PC now or choose a convenient time or just ask you later. And of course you should never install an update especially as serious as a full OS upgrade when you have an important work that needs to be done.

@“Sky Maniac” said:
I understand peoples opinions on why they want it on the other platforms.
however you dont complain that a game made for the XboxOne/PS4 isn’t available on older gens (Xbox/Xbox360/PS2/PS3 so on…)
and before someone says that point is invalid due to how powerful the systems are, its really not the point. It’s about moving forward not going backwards.
I’m sorry, your argument is invalid. Systems get better, technology improves. With video game systems, whose only purpose is playing games, it makes sense to create a game to run optimally on a specific system. A game that runs well on a PS4 may not run well on an Xbox, or a Switch. You need different versions, sometimes released separately from each other. That may be what happens here to have a Win 7 friendly version. As for the gaming system argument for computers, you’re asking people to buy a new $1,000 system to be able to play one new video game that in the past has had no problem being programmed on older equipment. Let’s be realistic here. That’s not realistic. For Microsoft to treat a computer like any regular old video game device and demand the latest version of Windows to play a game, thus requiring - for reasons stated in a post right before yours - a brand new computer is a complete and utter joke.

Yes, because many of my friends will not be able to play. The fact that it requires Windows 10 AND that it can only be purchased from the 10 store is a double-whammy that ensures none of my friends will play it. Many people still don’t have Windows 10 so requiring it seems insulting.

@Fetandrey said:
I have no idea what happened to your friend but when an update is ready to install WU always sends a notification that will ask you to choose one of these options: either restart your PC now or choose a convenient time or just ask you later. And of course you should never install an update especially as serious as a full OS upgrade when you have an important work that needs to be done.

Something that’s happened to me recently is that I’d disable Windows Update only to have it turned back on by some ghost system process, thereby forcing updates down my throat when Microsoft wanted to - and this happened on a daily basis. It was so bad that my drivers were being updated, causing me to blackscreen in the middle of an activity, then within an hour I’d be blue screened to death and anything I’m doing is lost. I was forced to turn on metered connections to stop this from happening, something I have never had to do before (and also forces other apps, like virus scanners, to also operate in a more compact form). Right now, without metered connection, my computer would be unusable from day to day because the updates never stop and they cause me to blue screen whenever the drivers update. Ever since turning on metered connection, I’ve had no issues, and things like Twitch streams also operate much more smoothly. Windows Update forcing to allow updates is a very hated feature that needs to be changed, or the ability given to automatically update over certain periods of time at best, not whenever the system chooses in the middle of whatever you’re doing forcing all your RAM to the process (which can also make games unplayable while it’s happening).

@Fetandrey said:
I’m not sure about this but as far as I know the license is associated with your Microsoft account.
If you buy it now it probably is. But the FREE upgrade version had terms and conditions different from the bought version

@Fetandrey said:
And of course you should never install an update especially as serious as a full OS upgrade when you have an important work that needs to be done.

That’s the whole point though. They didn’t install an update, windows did without warning. If I hadn’t turned off updates completely in Win 8 it would have automatically updated to Win 10 because they included it under the “recommended updates only” setting

Not to mention Win 10 didn’t even have a turn off updates button when it was first released. Haven’t checked now but I wouldn’t be surprised if updates are still mandatory. Pretty sure I’ve got it on metered (aka recommended) at the moment

@Emberguard said:
That’s the whole point though. They didn’t install an update, windows did without warning. If I hadn’t turned off updates completely in Win 8 it would have automatically updated to Win 10 because they included it under the “recommended updates only” setting

Not to mention Win 10 didn’t even have a turn off updates button when it was first released. Haven’t checked now but I wouldn’t be surprised if updates are still mandatory. Pretty sure I’ve got it on metered (aka recommended) at the moment

See my post above yours. I can not only confirm that you are still forced to have updates shoved down your throat - which is annoying enough - but I can now also confirm that disabling Windows Update via the services pane no longer works. I used to do this, then the Anniversary Update came along when I eventually ran updates again. Ever since then, any attempt to disable the Windows Update service stays in place for a while, but eventually and without my request, it’s restored to a “manual” trigger by the following morning and allowed to run in the background, slowing down everything I’m doing and doing weird things while it updates stuff. My only cure was to turn on metered connection. Works like a charm. Can leave Windows Update running since it doesn’t do a thing that way.

If Microsoft ever decides it has the right to bypass that, I will be a very angry storm cloud. I’m already a bit disgruntled.

I think that it would be better to release on steam. There is a established community already that would improve the experience of the players.

I use windows 10 right now, but I think it is slightly dissappointing. I mean, this game doesn’t look like has too many requirements (maybe im wrong?) so why not build it on a more friendly platform/framework and have tons more compatibility?

Well I wish it worked on MSDOS 1.0, but oh well.

Seriously though, why would anyone want to run anything else than Windows 10 anyway? The past might be good and all but why still live in it? Sure I wouldn’t have minded if it had worked on Linux and Mac OS, but historically DOS/Windows has been the OS for PC gamers anway.

@Progvo said:
Well I wish it worked on MSDOS 1.0, but oh well.

Seriously though, why would anyone want to run anything else than Windows 10 anyway? The past might be good and all but why still live in it? Sure I wouldn’t have minded if it had worked on Linux and Mac OS, but historically DOS/Windows has been the OS for PC gamers anway. And the fact that that will also make it run on Xbox One I guess is a plus as well.

Though I have Windows 10, I can comment that there are other games and things that I cannot run on Windows 10 that I still would use. And don’t tell me about the Microsoft .NET framework; that has helped get some things running, but it’s still not ideal.

@CycloneGU said:
I’m sorry, your argument is invalid. Systems get better, technology improves. With video game systems, whose only purpose is playing games, it makes sense to create a game to run optimally on a specific system. A game that runs well on a PS4 may not run well on an Xbox, or a Switch. You need different versions, sometimes released separately from each other. That may be what happens here to have a Win 7 friendly version. As for the gaming system argument for computers, you’re asking people to buy a new $1,000 system to be able to play one new video game that in the past has had no problem being programmed on older equipment. Let’s be realistic here. That’s not realistic. For Microsoft to treat a computer like any regular old video game device and demand the latest version of Windows to play a game, thus requiring - for reasons stated in a post right before yours - a brand new computer is a complete and utter joke.

if you read the post I stated that that’s not the point.
The point is we’re suppose to be moving forward, old software is old software - upgrade or lose out. It’s quite simple really.
For people who refuse to upgrade or cant for what ever reason, there still is the AoE available - just not AoE:DE
also, people who play games reguarly on PC generally have a powerful enough PC to run windows 10…
as for being unable to due to work - well either stop using your PC computer for games or your company should have supplied you a PC to do your work on.

@CycloneGU said:

@“Sky Maniac” said:
I understand peoples opinions on why they want it on the other platforms.
however you dont complain that a game made for the XboxOne/PS4 isn’t available on older gens (Xbox/Xbox360/PS2/PS3 so on…)
and before someone says that point is invalid due to how powerful the systems are, its really not the point. It’s about moving forward not going backwards.
I’m sorry, your argument is invalid. Systems get better, technology improves. With video game systems, whose only purpose is playing games, it makes sense to create a game to run optimally on a specific system. A game that runs well on a PS4 may not run well on an Xbox, or a Switch. You need different versions, sometimes released separately from each other. That may be what happens here to have a Win 7 friendly version. As for the gaming system argument for computers, you’re asking people to buy a new $1,000 system to be able to play one new video game that in the past has had no problem being programmed on older equipment. Let’s be realistic here. That’s not realistic. For Microsoft to treat a computer like any regular old video game device and demand the latest version of Windows to play a game, thus requiring - for reasons stated in a post right before yours - a brand new computer is a complete and utter joke.

as I said, thats not the point.
The point is: We’re suppose to be moving forward - Old software is Old software. Upgrade or lose out. It’s actually very simple.
I used that as an example as it’s very similar. A new gaming console is pretty similar to a new Operating system - it’s been improved, is more secure and is updated regulary.
of course it comes with a cost - luckily MS offered everyone with W7/8 a free upgrade to W10 - otherwise it’s a £120 purchase.

If you refuse to upgrade or can’t for what ever reason then AoE is still available - just not AoE:DE
and to be honest people who play games on a PC generally have a PC that can run W10.

you can’t just expect or want every new thing to be available on everything. It just doesn’t work that way

@CycloneGU said:

@“Sky Maniac” said:
I understand peoples opinions on why they want it on the other platforms.
however you dont complain that a game made for the XboxOne/PS4 isn’t available on older gens (Xbox/Xbox360/PS2/PS3 so on…)
and before someone says that point is invalid due to how powerful the systems are, its really not the point. It’s about moving forward not going backwards.
I’m sorry, your argument is invalid. Systems get better, technology improves. With video game systems, whose only purpose is playing games, it makes sense to create a game to run optimally on a specific system. A game that runs well on a PS4 may not run well on an Xbox, or a Switch. You need different versions, sometimes released separately from each other. That may be what happens here to have a Win 7 friendly version. As for the gaming system argument for computers, you’re asking people to buy a new $1,000 system to be able to play one new video game that in the past has had no problem being programmed on older equipment. Let’s be realistic here. That’s not realistic. For Microsoft to treat a computer like any regular old video game device and demand the latest version of Windows to play a game, thus requiring - for reasons stated in a post right before yours - a brand new computer is a complete and utter joke.

3rd time lucky… seems everytime you edit a post it puts it under moderation… - so ignore the other 2 if they one day appear

as I said, thats not the point.
The point is: We’re suppose to be moving forward - Old software is Old software. Upgrade or lose out. It’s actually very simple.
I used that as an example as it’s similar. A new gaming console is pretty similar to a new Operating system - it’s been improved, is more secure and is updated regulary.
of course it comes with a cost - luckily MS offered everyone with W7/8 a free upgrade to W10 - otherwise it’s a £120 purchase.

If you refuse to upgrade or can’t for what ever reason then AoE is still available - just not AoE:DE
and to be honest people who play games on a PC generally have a PC that can run W10.

you can’t just expect everything new (a remake of an original or a brand new concept) to be available on every platform/system - how are you suppose to get people to upgrade if you do?

@“Sky Maniac” said:

@CycloneGU said:

@“Sky Maniac” said:
I understand peoples opinions on why they want it on the other platforms.
however you dont complain that a game made for the XboxOne/PS4 isn’t available on older gens (Xbox/Xbox360/PS2/PS3 so on…)
and before someone says that point is invalid due to how powerful the systems are, its really not the point. It’s about moving forward not going backwards.
I’m sorry, your argument is invalid. Systems get better, technology improves. With video game systems, whose only purpose is playing games, it makes sense to create a game to run optimally on a specific system. A game that runs well on a PS4 may not run well on an Xbox, or a Switch. You need different versions, sometimes released separately from each other. That may be what happens here to have a Win 7 friendly version. As for the gaming system argument for computers, you’re asking people to buy a new $1,000 system to be able to play one new video game that in the past has had no problem being programmed on older equipment. Let’s be realistic here. That’s not realistic. For Microsoft to treat a computer like any regular old video game device and demand the latest version of Windows to play a game, thus requiring - for reasons stated in a post right before yours - a brand new computer is a complete and utter joke.

3rd time lucky… seems everytime you edit a post it puts it under moderation… - so ignore the other 2 if they one day appear

as I said, thats not the point.
The point is: We’re suppose to be moving forward - Old software is Old software. Upgrade or lose out. It’s actually very simple.
I used that as an example as it’s similar. A new gaming console is pretty similar to a new Operating system - it’s been improved, is more secure and is updated regulary.
of course it comes with a cost - luckily MS offered everyone with W7/8 a free upgrade to W10 - otherwise it’s a £120 purchase.

If you refuse to upgrade or can’t for what ever reason then AoE is still available - just not AoE:DE
and to be honest people who play games on a PC generally have a PC that can run W10.

you can’t just expect everything new (a remake of an original or a brand new concept) to be available on every platform/system - how are you suppose to get people to upgrade if you do?

And there’s the problem. “We have to find a way to make people upgrade to the OS we want them to use…I know! Let’s stop supporting the other OS!” That’s a good way to alienate a very large part of a potential player-base. For PC gaming, it’s a great way to make a game fail. Microsoft is going to learn this the hard way, and sooner or later, they’ll come crawling to Steam where the majority of players are and offer Windows 7 support so more can play. It’s inevitable.

Dang, not so, But the worst case for me is that I can’t find any retailer who sells Microsoft Gift card anywhere in my country :’( Thus I can’t buy AOE DE :’(

Easy, have two computers one for testing and another for work and playing.
One is Win8/Linux the other Win10